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Item Open Access THE SEMIOTICS OF FRONT COVER DESIGNS IN LITERARY TEXTS: A STUDY OF ZAYNAB ALKALI'S TEXTS(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2005-12-13) David, Stephen O.The concept of semiotics according to Halliday and Hassan (1985: 3) derives initially from the concept of the signs and the modern words that back the term are semianon, semainomenon, which means signifier, signified, used in ancient Greek linguistics by the stoic philosophers. The stoics were the first to evolve a theory of the sign in the 3rd - 2nd century B.C. and the conception they had of the linguistic sign was already well advanced along the lines in which it was developed two thousand years later in the word of Ferdinand de SaussureItem Open Access AN INDIGENOUS NATIONAL LANGUAGE: A MYTH OR A REALITY(Department of English, Faculty Of Arts, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2006-04-01) David, Stephen O.The (indigenous) national language question has generated so much heat and bitter conflicts in the past that it became a divisive factor. From every indication, scholars have allowed the issue to lie low because for now, no one seems to be really interested in the discussion and English still remains our official and 'national’ language. This is indeed an unfortunate situation after 45 years of our independence. This paper critically looks at the various arguments and contends that the 'dream' about an indigenous national language can still be realized for the country if our policy makers can be more decisive over some of the policy statements that have been made some of our national documents like the National Policy on Education (NPE) and the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.Item Open Access A CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF NGUGFS DEVIL ON THE CROSS FROM THE MARXIST PREVIEW(Department Of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2006-09-09) Daniel, Philip MolesThe paper examines Ngugi's Devil on the cross from the marxistPerspective. It looks at the opposing forces conflicting with each other *within the world of the text what Marxist school refers to as "dialectical materialism ". In other words, human history is viewed as a struggle between two forces, ideals or world views, which may be described as 'thesis' and 'anti-thesis' whose resolution brings about a "synthesis". The paper brings out elements of class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. It shows how whereas the class of the haves set up structures (repressive or ideological) to continually subject the have-nots to the base, the latter, is bent on destroying the existing order through revolutionary within the capitalist world of Devil on the cross. This is achieved means though the author's use of parables and symbolism.Item Open Access THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE POLICY IN NIGERIA: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF IMPLEMENTATION(Department of English, Faculty Of Arts, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2006-11-09) David, Stephen O.Nigeria is one of Africa’s fledgling Multilingual Federations that has in quick successions experimented with parliamentary and presidential forms of democracy, which has been disrupted by prolonged military intervention. It has toyed with an inarticulate discernible language policy because both past military dictators and present democratic government have refused to take decisions to resolve the problems that have emanated from the policy. The paper therefore looks at what the policy is, how it evolved, what problems have bedeviled the policy and what are the possible ways forward?Item Open Access QUESTION TYPES IN THE PRESIDENTIAL MEDIA CHATS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE NIGERIAN TELEVISION AUTHORITY(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2006-12-12) David, Stephen O.This study analyzed in ter view and in ter viewing techniques in the Presidential Media Chat where selected journalists interview the President of the nation, General Olusegun Obasanjo. The study is inspired by the need to determine the nature of the questions interviewers (journalists) do ask in the course of interviewing the President and to see why there is a preponderant use of a type (some types) of question(s) over others. The data were collected from the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Abuja, where only two of the video recorded tapes were randomly selected, and faithfully transcribed for critical analysisItem Open Access A Semiological Analysis of Wale Okediran’s Dreams Die at Twilight(Department of English, Faculty Of Arts, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2007-06-02) David, Stephen O.This study has attempted a semiological interpretation of Wale Okediran’s Dreams Die at Twilight. Though a textual analysis, the study has demonstrated that the non-verbal siqnalling systems in the text are communicative. Through them the author has thematized and illuminated the central issues of the text. Character delineation and the detailed description of settings, actions and conflicts are equally achieved through those non-verbal signally systems. The study has thus supported the view that while the desire to promote a better appreciation of the text is the primary objective of this study it is hoped that this present enquire would simulate the semiological interpretation of other literary works. The study has supported the view that language, written or spoken is not the only way people communicate. People communicate using other devices like the non-verbal codes such as facial expression (gaze), touch, laughter, silence, glancing, appearance (dressing), mannerisms etc. These features are very prominent in Wale Okediran's Dreams Die at Twilight and they carry lots of meanings in the society in which the text is situated.Item Open Access National Language Policy in Nigeria: The Myth, the Reality(Department of English language, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2007-07-01) Salisu, Muhammad RajThis paper looks closely at the issue of the National Language Policy with a view to articulating the myth and the reality that surround the illusiveness of this important linguistic benchmark for the nation. The place and importance of such a policy is enumerated. The Nigerian nation, more than at any time in her history need such a linguistic benchmark through a properly articulated policy. Such a policy, it is observed has eluded the nation sue to some, linguistic as well as extra-linguistic factors. For this reason, it is concluded that the English Language will for unforeseen future continue to occupy and dominate Nigerians linguistic scene for a time to come.Item Open Access Cohesive Devices in Zaynab Alkali’s The Descendants(Department of English, Faculty Of Arts, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2007-07-03) David, Stephen O.Many scholars have criticized the language of Alkali’s literary texts as simple and straight'forward. But the question is what makes the language to be so? It is partly because of certain cohesive devices. In Discourse Analysis, there are various segments that are brought together to make a text unified and whole. These devices are encapsulated in literary texts particularly Alkali's The Descendants being analysed. When a text is properly held together as a unit, it is said to be cohesive. 'Cohesion' therefore, is one of the devices used by authors to hold a text together. It is therefore our intention in this presentation to study the cohesive devices that have made Alkali's texts to be widely acclaimed as cohesive using her latest novel, The Descendants as a case study.Item Open Access A Stylostatistical Analysis Of Some Lexemes In Umelo Ojinmah's:(Department of English, Faculty Of Arts, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2007-09-01) David, Stephen O.Item Open Access ICODE- SWITCHING AS A SHARED LINGUISTIC PHENOMENON BETWEEN BILINGUAL AND MONOLINGUAL SPEAKER(Department of English language, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2008-03-01) Salisu, Muhammad RajThis is primarily concerned with the experiences of both the monolingual and the bilingual speakers in the phenomenon of code-switching. The incidence of code-switching is therefore examined critically amongst both the monolingual and the bilingual speakers in given contexts with an over view to ascertain their experiences shared or unshared. The paper also tries to establish the synergy between understanding the phenomenon of codes witching in usage and the communicative function of existing language or languages.Item Open Access Public Awareness and Sensitization Campaigns on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria(Department of English language, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2008-06-01) Salisu, Muhammad RajThe communicative effectiveness of language use is examined in this paper. This is done with particular reference to the texts of public awareness/sensitization campaigns on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Hence texts primarily meant to create awareness and sensitize the general public on the dangers of the HIV/AIDS pandemic are tested in a survey using questionnaires to determine if perceived messages of the texts are understood, as intended. Using the statistics of mean as the common indicator of central tendency, findings show that majority of the respondents do not feel influenced by the awareness and sensitization campaign texts on HIV/AIDS, [editor note: tables provided by the author related to this study were excluded, hence, contact the author for expensive findings regarding the tables: the full written content is present].Item Open Access APPROACHES, GOALS AND THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE SENTENCIAL MEANING IN SEMANTIC DISCOURSE(Department of English language, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2008-06-01) Salisu, Muhammad RajThis paper discusses the problem of determining the 'sentence-meaning' in semantic discourse using some approaches used for such, by examining their thematic frameworks to arrive at a conclusion. Language is considered as a symbolic value of a linguistic unit used either alone or with other linguistic units, i.e in context. Meaning is also considered as that which an expression conveys. It is within the framework of these definitions that this paper attempts at university the best approach considered adequate in the determination of and analysis of the concept of sentence meaning, various approaches are canvassed and discussed. It is the contention here that, of the various approaches presented and discussed, the "predicate calculus" has proved to be the most viable one in determining and understanding the concept of sentence meaning' in semantic discourse.Item Open Access Sentential Meaning In Linguistic Discourse(Department of English language, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2008-12-01) Salisu, Muhammad RajThe study of ‘meaning’ especially those of sentences has been found to be the most challenging aspect of language for linguists and even philosophers. This paper discusses the issue of how to determine the sentimental meaning in linguistic discourse. The paper briefly reviews' different approaches traditionally used as theories of such discourse. The theoretical frameworks of such theories are discussed with a view to ascertaining their usefulness in the discourse of the kind under our study. It is the contention here that of the various approaches presented and discussed, the predicate calculus has proved to be the most viable one in understanding and arriving at the sentimental meaning in linguistic discourse.Item Open Access A Cognitivist Perspective on Language Development: The Nigerian Child(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2009-02-02) David, Stephen O.Many theories have been put forward to explain or account for how children acquire their first language. Each of the theories had been received enthusiastically in its own time. However, as new ideas are introduced, the old approaches and theories are set aside while the new ones become fashionable, making the debate concerning a child's first language acquisition to be produced. Prominent among the theories are behaviorism or nativism, cognitivism. interactionism, connectivism, emergentism etc. This paper is principally concerned with the cognitivism theory. The paper, therefore, uses this theory of cognitivism to account for how a Nigerian child acquires his first language in an e home using one of the research paradigms in psycholinguistics. This paper also highlights some of the problems encountered in Nasarawa and the prospects. to account for how a Nigerian child acquires his first home, using one of the research paradigms iItem Open Access Increasing The Vocabulary Of English With The Names Of Some Personalities In Nigeria(Department Of English, Faculty Of Arts, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2009-06-06) David, Stephen O.The vocabulary of English is cosmopolitan. It contains words from other European, African, Asian, Arab and African languages. This was brought about by such simple linguistic processes as borrowing, compounding, coinages, blending, grafting or clipping of words. The above has actually helped the language on its quick ascendary as a world language. Apart . from the linguistic processes involved in the acceptance of words into English, there is no other political consideration as is found in the Academic Francais through which new words must pass through before being accepted into French. It is on this premise that this paper proposes the inclusion of names of some personalities in Nigeria into the English lexicon. The names the writer wishes to propose are the names of people who v/ithin the last two decades or more have caused some sensations in the historical development of Nigeria to such an extent that the International community was aware of. The paper also proposes the lexico-semantic properties of the proposed names and how they should be used.Item Open Access THE LANGUAGE OF ADVERTISING: A POWERFUL COMMUNICATION TOOL(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2009-07-07) Akase, Tiav ThomasAdvertising has become a profession world wide. This is because it has certain rules governing its practice, a body of knowledge and legal framework setting out its ethnical norms. As a profession and specialized discipline, it needs its language just like other professions and specialized disciplines. This paper therefore, examines the language of advertising as a powerful communication force in the business world. This is because the language of advertising creates mass awareness; convey information and education about goods and services towards extending the markets. More so, when ever it is effectively used, it convinces the listener and changes his mind to go for a particular good or service that is being advertised. The paper also explains why the language of advertising is a specialized form and why it is . different from other varieties of language use.Item Open Access Analyzing Discourse Particles in the Text of the 7-Point Agenda(Department of English language, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2011-01-01) Salisu, Muhammad RajThis paper examines how discourse particles have been used as communicative strategy to ensure the effective use of language in the text of the 7-Point Agenda of Nigeria's current administration. By using appropriate discourse mapping of cohesion, the paper investigates the strategy of how language is effectively used to communicate information to Nigerians on the message and import of the 7-Point Agenda. The varied cohesive strategies employed in the construction of the 7-Point Agenda as exemplified in this study include the strategies of reiteration/repetition, exophora, and the twin types of endophoric referencing, namely, anaphora and cataphora. The study investigated these techniques of communication through a discourse perspective in order to explore one of the numerous linguistic resources at the disposal of interlocutors. The picture that emerges shows that discourse strategies like reiteration/repetition and endophora are the various ways used to achieve textual cohesion thereby encoding meaning in the text of the 7-Point Agenda. As effective communication strategies, they are seen to help in determining meaning that are not directly obvious in the vocabulary contents of the texts but rather on the meaning that impinge on social context of the text.Item Open Access Government expenditure, Revenue and Real GDP(Department of English Language, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2011-02-03) Oloruntobu-Oju, OmotayoIn every society that is fraught with antagonistic class relations, which most societies are,there exist two main ideologically defined ancl oppositional grouping: the class of the oppressed and that of the oppressor. Consequently, class struggle or the struggle for emancipation of the oppressed becomes inevitable, and this struggle is normally waged at different levels of society, including the level of theatrical aesthetics. Popular drama has often been realized as a medium for conscientization and mobilization of the popular masses. This perception intersects with the role of art in general and drama in particular as part of the “superstructure ” of society, with tremendous effect on the socio-political ubase ” of the society. In this article we re-examine the dimensions of popular drama in Nigeria and how it has and has been perceived. We also compare the situation with some other established popular theatres of other nations in other to locate the relational status and character of the Nigerian variant of the theatre.Item Open Access Reassessing the Definition and Practice of Popular Theatre in Nigeria(Department of English Language, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2011-02-03) Oloruntoba-Oju, OmotayoIn every society that is fraught with antagonistic class relations, which most societies are,there exist two main ideologically defined ancl oppositional grouping: the class of the oppressed and that of the oppressor. Consequently, class struggle or the struggle for emancipation of the oppressed becomes inevitable, and this struggle is normally waged at different levels of society, including the level of theatrical aesthetics. Popular drama has often been realized as a medium for conscientization and mobilization of the popular masses. This perception intersects with the role of art in general and drama in particular as part of the “superstructure ” of society, with tremendous effect on the socio-political ubase ” of the society. In this article we re-examine the dimensions of popular drama in Nigeria and how it has and has been perceived. We also compare the situation with some other established popular theatres of other nations in other to locate the relational status and character of the Nigerian variant of the theatre.Item Open Access Pragmatic Factors in Ideological Development Strategies of Nigeria(Department of English Language, Nasarawa State University, keffi, 2011-03-01) Raj, Mohammed SalisuThis paper analyses pragmatic factors in ideological development strategies of Nigeria by using the 7-Point Agenda as a case study. It aims at ascertaining how the use of language factor into the norms by which power is exercised and policy is made in Nigeria. Data for the paper is generated from the written text of the 7-point agenda. Five perfomative texts were sampled from each of the seven agenda making a total of thirty-five. The paper proceeded on the analysis of these samples using pragmatic mappings of the speech-act theory. Results from the. analysis show that the main illocutionary force of the language used in the agenda were the 'commissives' and the 'directives' through their act of vowing, pledging, commanding, stating, asserting and promising. The use of the ‘expressives’ and the 'representatives’ carrying the illocutionary force of affirming, declaring, assenting and notifying are relatively fewer. This shows that the language used in the articulation of the 7- point agenda lacked strong commitment to initiate action towards solving the challenges of development in Nigeria. It is therefore the recommendation of this study that appropriate deployment of linguistic resources should factor into Nigeria’s quest for national development. Policy statements of the magnitude of the 7-point agenda that are qualified to be called ideological strategies for national development require the use and activation of stronger, explicit commissive language in order to help actualize their objectives.