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Item Open Access Sexism in English Language(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2018-06-12) Tanimu, YusufThis paper explores sexism or gender bias in the English language usage. The paper the issue to be either a myth or reality. Questionnaire was used to collect relevant data for the study; in total, about seventeen were responded to and analysed in the study from an initial twenty administered to a cross section of respondents. Also, there was the dependence on existing materials, such as the review of some literatures, to gather data for the paper. There was also the application of the theory of feminism and also being mindful of the Sapir-Whorf theory as guiding principles in the way the analysis was focused and presented. The findings of the paper show that the issue is largely a myth even though there are cases of the incidence based on socio-historical antecedent. assumesItem Open Access SOCIOLINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGIES USED BY TRICYCLE OPERATORS IN LAFIA METROPOLIS(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-12-12) Tanimu, Yusuf; Chidimma, Esther NwaobasiThe paper is an analysis of the sociolinguistic terminologies used by tricycle operators in the Lafia metropolis in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The ethnography of communication theo/y was applied as a frame of analysis with the use of primary method based on participatoiy observation by using recording and informal interview to acquire data. The data were primarily sourced within Lafia metropolis, the main area of the focus of the paper. The analysis was basically by qualitative explanation and description of the data used and the findings reveal the nexus between language and the environment in which it is used. Keke operators in Lafia have developed unique linguistic nuances that are sociolinguistically tied to their occupational environment, social environment and, equally, their educational background.Item Open Access CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF NOUN AND VERB PHRASES OF GBAGYI LANGUAGE AND ENGLISH(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-03-06) Tanimu, Yusuf; Elias, Kpenze SasetuThis paper is a contrastive description of noun and verb phrases in both Gbagyi and English languages. The paper uses eclectic approaches ofcontrastive theory, structural grammar and the phrase structure rules in anchoring the analyse of the data. The data for the paper were gathered through the methods of observatory unstructured interview and use of secondary materials. The findings showed the incidence of the occurrence of contrasts in terms of similarities and dissimilarities in both languages. That is, noun and verb phrases occur in both languages, but with divergent grammatical orderings. Finally, the paper reveals that noun and verb phrases are aspects that quite universal to these two languages and others.Item Open Access NAMING SYSTEMS IN RINDRE: A SEMANTIC VIEW(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2016-12-12) Tanimu, YusufThe account of name is a wide area that has unique but multifaceted appeal across different languages. In this wise, name can be said to have, from a linguistic point of view, ethno/inguistic base. However in this study, the attempt is being made to explore the meaning of names in the Rindre language. Although such a study may not be divorced from the actual sociocultural background of the language, based on the data gathered the researcher tries to show how names in Rindre relate their meaning, in whatever form of how they imply to what they mean. Thus, to carry out the study, the researcher uses a direct primary method based on the tools of interview, discussion and relying on introspective competence of the researcher to collect vital data for the study. Following this is the use of the framework of semantic based on referential theory in which the analysis is made. The conclusion of the study shows how the study of name in Rindre is unique and useful to the sociocultural views of the speakers of the language.Item Open Access Contrastive Study of Connected Speech Processes in Koro Ashe and English(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-03-03) Jatau, Stephen; Tanimu, YusufThis paper examines the contrastive processes of connected speech in Koro Ashe and English with the view of helping the Koro Ashe learners of English to improve in their speaking, listening and reading skills. Contrastive Analysis (CA) is the model employed to carry out this investigation. It helps in contrasting the phonological features of two different languages (Koro Ashe and English)with the practical objectives of pointing the differences and similarities that exist in the two languages for improved pedagogy. This paper uses qualitative method to analyze the sampled data collected for this investigation. Oral Production Test (OPT) in form of oral composition was administered to ten (10) randomly selected Koro Ashe speakers.. Each of the respondents was asked to speak for 2 to 3 minutes on topics such as education, religion, politics, culture, etc., while their oral speeches were recorded, transcribed, listened and analyzed. The findings of this investigation show that; there is frequent elision of vowels [a], [i], [e], [o] and [u] in Koro Ashe, however, in English the schwa [o] that occurs in unstressed syllables is often elided in fast connected speech; assimilation of the vowels [a], [e], [i], [o] and [u] are common in Koro Ashe, while assimilation of consonants arc more common in English connected speech; the [k] intrusive is common in Koro Ashe but uncommon in English; the English linking [r] is common in English but absent in Koro Ashe connected speech; There is multiple processes i.e., elision, catenation and assimilation occurring simultaneously in Koro Ashe but it is rare in English.. The above results demonstrate that Koro Ashe connected speech differs remarkably from that of English and understanding connected speech of native speakers of English constitutes a great challenge to Koro Ashe and other L2 learners of English and this has posed serious communication challenges resulting to intelligibility problem.Item Open Access Degree Adverbs as Intensifies in English and Agidi Dialect of the lgbo Language(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-01-01) Tanimu, Yusuf; Noble, Uzodinma NwobiThis paper is a study of degree adverbs as intensifiers in the Agidi dialect of the lgbo language. Essentially, the study is anchored on the approach of contrast in which the dialect is compared with English in the aspects of degree adverbs. Data for the paper were collected through audio recording of the elderly native speakers of the dialect and during church services within the community. The findings revealed the occurrence of the incidence of degree as intensifiers in the Agidi dialect as it were in the English language. Data analysed showed marked similarities and areas of dissimilarities as evident in the fact that Agidi dialect is of the lgbo language as unique language of it kind, while English is quite unique too in its right.Item Open Access A Morphological Analysis of Compounds in Rindre(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2015-01-01) Tanimu, YusufThe study is focused on the morphological analysis of compounds in Rindre. Doing so has been with the use of methods hinged on both primary and secondary means acquiring useful resources for the study. There is also the platform of theoretical framework which makes use of the principle propounded by Nida (1946) contained in Tomori (1977). The study goes on to demonstrate the morphological analysis of compound words in Rindre by showing both their meaning and structural components. And, the study concludes with a call for intensification zeal in studies such as this in all linguistic sense to guarantee the survival of a language like thisItem Open Access A Morphological Analysis of Reduplication in Rindre(Department of English Language, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2016-06-06) Tanimu, YusufIn Nigeria, morphological studies of many languages usually indicate the presence of reduplication as a means employed by these languages. In this undertaking, the attempt is the examination of the morphology of reduplication in the Rindre language. The study is through the use of a primary method with the application of an unstructured observation in which data were obtained from speakers of the language. Also, there is the use of the framework which is based on Eugene Nida’s sixth principle as contained in Tomori (1977). The findings of the study show that reduplication is a rich source of word formation in Rindre and is divided into full and partial reduplications. In the conclusion, the paper makes the appeal for further studies of this kind across many languages.Item Open Access LANGUAGE, FEMINISM AND THE QUEST FOR FEMALE IDENTITY(Department of English Language, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2016-06-06) Tanimu, YusufLanguage, Feminism and the Quest for Female Identity is a paper which looks at the issues of gender differentiation in language at both the linguistic and socio-political levels. It also explores the impact of such movement as feminism in the pursuit of any form of exploit of gender that has denied viable identity for the woman. The attempt uses the method of questionnaire to collect from a wide range of subjects the issues tackled in the paper. The study also uses a framework drawn largely from sociolinguistics. Finally, the conclusion of the paper stems from the outcome of the findings which shows whether the issue treated in the paper is one of reality or myth.Item Open Access Portrait of Lacanian Hero in Terhemba The Siege, The Saga(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-01-01) Azan, Baba James; Adokwe, GraceAbstract This paper uses Jacques Lacan's concepts of the imaginary, the symbolic and the real order to explore the rise of the hero as a defining portrait in this novel. This work aims at helping the readers understand the state of mind of Shija's hero- Targema and factors that influences him in his heroic quest. Lacanian theory makes literary study a thing of interest because it provides the opportunity of dissecting a text and bringing out important aspects of the work. As a theory and practice, it is an aspect that provides therapeutic treatment and then also coordinates for thinking about the relationship the exists between illusion and social reality towards an illustrationItem Open Access AMBIGUITY RESULTING FROM MISPRONOUNCED ENGLISH MINIMAL PAIRS AMONG GWANDARA SPEAKERS OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE(Department of English language Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2019-01-01) Muhammad, MustaphaThis research work explored the features of Gwandara pronunciation of the English minimal pairs, thereby analyzing the influence that a first language may have on the learning or use of a second language at the phonological level, particularly in the area of minimal pair. The work, having compared the minimal pairs in English and in Gwandara in order to identify areas of similarity and dissimilarity, displayed the mispronounced English minimal pairs by the Gwandara speakers of English as a second language and the resultant effect of ambiguity inherent in the mispronunciation by the speakers (especially of words, in isolation of sentimental stretches). For instance, a Gwandara speaker of English who said “I have pen” to mean “I have pain” posed the semantic implication of ambiguity which only the context can disambiguate. Using the recorded field data (as transcribed), the study followed a theoretical model of the weak version of contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH) to present, analyse the sourced data and explain in the research findings as to why the following and many more of the English minimal pairs receive similar pronunciations by the Gwandara speakers of English, which is obviously not appropriate with the original or native pronunciations of the pairs: get and gate; met and mate; sell and sale; let and late; cope, cop and cup, fame and firm; boat, bought and but; advice and advise; fell and fail; heard and had; pot and port; mother and murder; fun and phone; hell and hail; foam and form etc. The major part of the research findings revealed that apart from the consonants /s/ and /z/; /d/ and /ð/ (often misused for one another), most, if not all the problems the Gwandara speakers of English seem to have with English minimal pairs pronunciation are vowel related, and that too is as a result of differences in the two phonemic systems. Furthermore, it revealed that mispronounced English minimal pairs by the Gwandara speakers of English as a second language pose the problem of ambiguity which affects effective communication. It is therefore recommended that the Gwandara natives should endeavor to be aware of their English minimal pair problems as explored here, so as to improve on them and also to avoid making ambiguity explicit in the course of their communicative effortsItem Open Access Symbols and Meaning in Tiv Oral Poetry: Amee Yongo in Performance(Department of English, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-01-05) Azan, Baba James; Kunde, Terver Pius; Adokwe, GraceOral poetry k part of the great heritages of imaginative verbal creative songs of pre-literate societies, which have evolved and passed on from generation to generation. The oral poetry form is used for either the symbolic or realistic representation of human behaviour, thought and beliefs as experienced and shaped by the society and culture that produces it. The oral poetry form therefore constitutes authentic expression of the creative intelligence and world view of the traditional African societies as it provides an invaluable insight into the cultural life, beliefs, customs, values and aspirations of a people. It also represents the strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures and the general perceptions of life and living as viewed by a community. The intention of this paper is to look at the Tiv oral poetry with particular attention on symbols and their meanings as employed by the Tivoral poet in performance. Therefore, two songs, taken from a tape-recorded live performance ofa Tiv oral poet, Mr. Amee Yongo, are transcribed, translated and analysed for this study.Item Open Access Disregard of Civil Rights of Blacks and the African-American Female Identity in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple(Department of English, Nasarawa State Uiversity Keffi, 2023-02-02) Azan, Baba James; Adokwe, Grace; Muhammad, Idris LadanThe work discusses the disregard of the civil rights of blacks exploring the degrading conditions in which African-Americans lived when racism, citizenship identity and segregation went unchallenged in the United States. It also goes further to explore the identity of the African- American women who were mostly never passive and suffered both racism, sexism and sometimes poverty. The writer explores how unity can help a people to overcome their challenges and the joy they get from understanding and embracing their African cultural practices which the white saw as barbaric which were giving meaning to by the missionaries.Item Open Access The Politics of Environmental Degredation in Tanure Ojaide’s TheActivist(Department of English, Nasarawa State University keffi., 2020-02-05) Muhammad, Idris Ladan; Yakubu, Patience Vintse; Garbson, Zephaniah JohnThe Niger-Delta issue has been one of the major concerns of contemporary Nigerian writers and critics for sometimes now, in most of works, both poetry and prose, they reflect the sociopolitical and socio-economic realities of present day society. They also depict the plundering of the land by the leaders as well as the political and economic marginalization of the down trodden. It is these realities that Tanure Ojaide’s The Activist explores. This paper explores environmental issues as well as socio-political agitations as depicted in the novel, using ecocritical literary theory. The paper also draws attention to the effect of politics of of environmental degradation, government and leaders actions and inactions over the affairs of the people in the oil rich region. Keywords: Politics, Environmental degradation and Eco-criticismItem Open Access IKWU G'UMAMA ENE G ONAJE-THE BRUTAL DEATH OF MAMA ONAJE-AGATU, ORAL ARTISTE(Department of English, Nasarawa State University keffi., 2019-12-01) Muhammad, Idris Ladan; Azan, Baba JamesThe study examined "Ikwu g ’umama Ene G 'onaye ” (The brutal death of Mama Onaje). Mama Onaje is one of the renowned Agatu oral artisted in Benue and Nasarawa Stale. The song is composed by one of the famous Agatu oral artistes on the brutalization and death of Mama Onaje in the form of dirge. To this effect, songs in Agatu were composed and interpreted in English. Two songs from the songs of the oral artiste, Agaba Echo, were interpreted artistically, bringing out the fact that, truth ' is stranger than fiction, as Mama Onaje died because of her truth. The theory or method for language production is applied for a better understanding of the message.Item Open Access THE VALUES OF ORAL TRADITION IN THE SONGS OF RABIU G’ENE G ONDE: (AN AGATU WORLD VIEW(Department of English, Nasarawa State University keffi., 2019-12-08) Muhammad, Idris Ladan; Azan, Baba JamesIn this article, we analyse the values of oral tradition using the coll ection(s) from the songs of one of the Agatu oral artists named Rabiu G 'qne G ’gnde. We used the theoty of language production generated from the use of the phrases and sentences used by the artiste in question in his oral intellectual display. The theory holds that, the forms of oral and written language are determined by the contexts in which the language is generated. The aim of doing all these is to bring out how important oral tradition is via songs. Oral interview is used as a method or source of information for this discourse. It is discovered in the study that much value are attached to Agatu oral tradition.Item Open Access Reflection of African Leadership Problems in Abubakar Gimba's Sun Set for a Mandarin(Department of English, Nasarawa State University keffi., 2019-06-05) Muhammad, Idris LadanPolitically committed African novelists depict the decadence of the political class, and exhibit a preoccupation with public affairs, leadership and governance problems. Abubakar Gimba's Sun set for a Mandarin reflects leadership problems characterized by abuse of power, greed, tribalism and other forms of vices. Gimba laments hoio a continent like Africa that is blessed zvith abundant human and natural resources suffers from moral decadence and lack of productivity. This negative attitude has greatly affected or caused underdevelopment in the continent. This research explores hozu bad leaders abuse their position of authority considering their selfish interests as primary to the collective interest of the society. A paradigm for good leadership by patriotic and committed citizens that will fight all forms of social vices that are a hindrance to good governance is advocated. Key words: - Leadership, governance, abuse ofpozver, productivity, underdevelopmentItem Open Access The Nigeria Political Class and the Quest For Good Governance in Abubakar Gimba’s Innocent(Department of English, Nasarawa State University keffi., 2019-03-02) Muhammad, Idris LadanEmerging from the experience of colonialism, Nigerians craved for assessable and affordable leadership and governance from the emerging politicians who took over the mantle of leadership. Unfortunately, such hope was dashed as they failed in their promises and responsibilities for entrenching sustainable development in the country. This paper examines Abubakar Gimba’s novel Innocent Victims and explores his idea of the leadership question in Nigeria and the quest for patriotic, dedicated and committed leaders that will transform the nation to the peak of development bearing in mind the abundant human and natural resources the country is blessed with. The paper observes through a Marxist interrogation of the novel that morality is an essential element in good leadership. It also explores the class stratification in Nigerian political system that negates the lower class, such that it affects the leadership and governance demonstration in Nigeria, hence, good governance and development has eluded the nation. It further craves for a shift from the present phenomenon to a more proactive state. Key Words: Colonialism, Leadership, Corruption, Governance and DevelopmentItem Open Access Supremacy of Idealism and the Idea of Leadership in Abubakar Gimba’a Innocent Victims and Footprints(Department of English, Nasarawa State University keffi., 2019-03-04) Muhammad, Idris LadanNigeria's quest for independence is to release itself from the shackles of colonialism and its attendant evils. This paper examines the quest for self rule and its aftermath, the problems that surrounded the new generation of Nigerian leaders (black elite) vide leadership failure characterised by corruption, students demonstrations, misuse of power, retardation, stagnation, lack offocus, etc as orchestrated by visionless leadership that bedevilled the nation. It further explores the role of fictional characters and various institutions in saving the nation. It equally reveals how bad and corrupt leaders overuse their power at the expense of the led to derail any positive measure for good leadership and governance. The paper further advocates the entrenchment of visionary leaders in the country whose sole interest and concern would be to establish an effective leadership and governance structure that can benefit the generality of country's citizens.Item Open Access An Analysis of Differences, Major Themes, Styles and Use of Language in Emecheta, Kincaid, Walker and Ba(Department of English, Nasarawa State University keffi., 2020-12-07) Azan, Baba James; Muhammad, Idris LadanWhen there are similarities, there must be differences, the selected texts share elements of differences to some extent. The selected novels under study were written between 1976 - 1982. For instance, The Joys of Motherhood was written in 1979, The Autobiography of my Mother was written in 1976, The Color purple was written in 1982, and So long a letter was written in 1979. Thus, two of the texts The Joys of Motherhood and So Long a Letter Are African novels written in the same year, while two of the texts The Color Purple and The Autobiography of my Mother are American novels written in different yea