Cohesive Devices in Zaynab Alkali’s The Descendants



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Department of English, Faculty Of Arts, Nasarawa State University, Keffi


Many scholars have criticized the language of Alkali’s literary texts as simple and straight'forward. But the question is what makes the language to be so? It is partly because of certain cohesive devices. In Discourse Analysis, there are various segments that are brought together to make a text unified and whole. These devices are encapsulated in literary texts particularly Alkali's The Descendants being analysed. When a text is properly held together as a unit, it is said to be cohesive. 'Cohesion' therefore, is one of the devices used by authors to hold a text together. It is therefore our intention in this presentation to study the cohesive devices that have made Alkali's texts to be widely acclaimed as cohesive using her latest novel, The Descendants as a case study.




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