Almajirci As a Challenge in Katsina Metropolis, Nigeria
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The research was conducted in Katsina metropolis on Almajirci as a challenge in Katsina metropolis, Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to understand the nature of Almajiranci system, study the socio-economic causes of Almajiranci system, assess the relationship between poverty and Almajirci, find out the impact of Almajiranci on child education and find ways to improve the system. The study adopted Anomie or Strain Theory theoretical framework is used to explain the Almajirci and phenomenon of Almajiranci in Katsina metropolis. For the methodology, the study adopted a cross sectional study design and methodological triangulation to elicit data from the respondents and participants. Therefore, a total of 386 questionnaires were administered for the quantitative data and for the qualitative data. Three (3) adolescents Almijrai were purposively selected for In-Depth interview (IDI) and two with their teachers making a total of five (5) IDIs. The study found among others that there is no significant change between how the Almajiri system of education was operated in the past and present. The schools still maintain the old system of teaching students to sit in a circle where there is available space at the house of the teacher (Malam). The study recommends that there is the need for the religious leaders and other stakeholders to change the orientation of the owners or proprietors (Malam) of the Almajiri schools to standardize the system for better