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Item Open Access EFFECTS OF DIVORCE ON THE MUSLIMS OF ILORIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, KWARA SATE.(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2018-07-06) Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman; Maisuna, Mustapha YahayaDivorce actually occurs when the sanctity of marriage shackles and the centre can no longer hold. Marriage under normal circumstance supposes to bring peace, love and unity; but unfortunately, divorce is very rampant nowadays and its bell rings without bordering on its harmful consequences; or its devastating effects on the wife, husband, children, parents and friends. As an accident doesn't just happen without a cause, so is divorce. The causes of divorce as explained in this paper includes: impatience by the couples, lack of respect for in laws and co-wives (by the wife), acceptance of misleading pieces of advice from fiends, getting conceived before solemnization of marriage, impotency, being diabolical, lack of religious knowledge or following of a sect leadership’s dictates. The researchers use the Glorious Qur’an and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the first source of information and other related literature works which include the llorin Shari’ah Court of Appeal’s annual reports on divorce rulings as the secondary source. Empirical oral interview was conducted with five divorcees whose ages ranged between 23 and 24 years. The findings revealed that the victims of devastating effects of divorce include: the divorced woman, the children, the husband, friends, neigbours, and the society. The paper then draws conclusion and recommendationsItem Open Access Islamic Perspective of Internal Party Democracy in Nigeria Context(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-03-03) Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanInternal party democracy in politics is a very broad term describing a wide range of methods for including party members in internal party deliberation and decision-making. The importance of party democracy for the overall democratic processes in a country is a debated issue. The fundamental problem appears to be “whether competition among parties, the inclusive participation of party members in all party activities including selection or nomination processes, and the aggregate representativeness of elected officials are sufficient for effective so-called democracy, or whether competition, morality, justice, fairness, transparency, consultation, widespread participation and inclusive representation within the individual parties are required as well. The paper adopts historical and descriptive methodology in conducting the research. It discusses the Islamic concept of democracy and the position of internal party democracy in Nigeria and also recommends how morality and consultation can properly entrench internal party activities for the benefit of all and sundry and for peace, reconciliation, fair representation, freedom of choice and transparency in the activities ofall political parties in Nigeria.Item Open Access ISLAMIC APPRAISAL OF THE IMPACTS OF HADCON PROGRAMMES ON MUSLIM YOUTH EMPOWERMENT IN BORNO STATE(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-07-06) Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman; Musa, Muhammad ImamIt is glaring that the efforts, contributions, role and impacts of this HADCON Centre in Bomo State was not investigated by scholars. The dearth in the records of the activities of the Centre was the motivating factor that lead to undertaken a study on the Centre with a view of appraising their impacts and contributions Islamically. The aim of the study is to examine their activities, their roles, contributions and impacts on the Muslim youths of Bomo State. This is in addition to identifying their problems and challenges with a view of proposing a workable recommendation to improve their activities and performances. Method of data collection was via on oral interview with trainers and beneficiaries. The result of the study revealed that they have a lot of achievements on the area of Muslim youth empowerment in Bomo State. The findings of the research shows that the Centre is committed to providing empowerment through Education, Agriculture, Health care, religious training, skill acquisition, capacity building and so on. The study recommends that the Centre should work more on the provision of adequate trained personnel, provision of good leadership, increase in public participation and provision of more modern facilities for the purpose of empowering the Muslim youths in Borno State.Item Open Access ISLAMIC, POLYGYNY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: A PERSPECTIVE(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2022-03-03) Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman; Fadilu, Bakare; Sulaiman, ZainabPolygyny has been a long existing form of marriage among the nations of the world before it was popularised by Islam. Islam introduced it with limitation in the number of wives. This work aims at explaining Islamic views on polygynous system of marriage and domestic violence. It employs the qualitative research design, depending on secondary sources in gathering data. The study finds that Islamic polygynous system emanated from Allah’s injunction as enshrined in the Qur’an. It puts it that polygynous system in Islam is not resorted to without reasons; some situations necessarily make a man marry more wives. Also revealed in the study are the principles of justice that are expected from the part of husband towards his wives. The study further reveals the act of domestic violence and its forms which include physical, emotional, forced marriage and economic. It provides Islamic solutions to these problems as to ensure a peaceful society. The study recommends that Muslim men should consider polygynous system in Islam as a problem-solving and not as a fashion. It further recommends that every member of the Muslim family including husband and wife should avoid domestic violence through adhering to what Islam dictates. It concludes that polygyny is an acceptable institution in Islam with laid down principles about how husband and wives should treat each other fairly.Item Open Access Corruption and Corruption Control from Islamic Discourse: Nigeria in Focus(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2018-11-11) Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanCorruption is a universal problem for all societies and all governments, the magnitude seems to be at its peak in African Countries generally and specifically Nigeria. Unfortunately, the menace affects both the leadership and the led. This is rooted from the moral and religious laxity of majority of the adherents of Islam, Christianity and Traditional Religion. Every leadership in the country; be it democratic or religious has often been seen to comprise of corrupt individuals who do not see their positions as a trust from Allah (SWT) and a sendee to humanity but avenues for personal aggrandizement. This attitude of the citizens has caused a lot of damages to Nigeria as a nation. It is divinely imperative to eradicate corruption in view of it evils on both human life and spiritual development. Islam has played a crucial role in the fight against this unfortunate evil. It is against this background, that this paper surveys the historical assessment of corruption in Nigeria, examines the Islamic position on corruption and recommends possible Islamic solution as illustrated in the Qur'an and the sayings of the Prophet (pbuh). The paper concludes that the Islamic approach to corruption is holistic in nature as the general foundation of the entire human existence and success in this world and the hereafter is structured under the fear of God and the belief in accountability which should be a pillar in controlling the menace of corruption in Nigeria.Item Open Access WOMEN EDUCATION AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 1998-06-07) Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman; Aliyu, UmarA society whose women are sufficiently and intellectually develop, morally and spiritually sound is bound to develop rapidly. But the deplorable state of women education in Nigeria society which manifests itself in moral decadence, spiritual ignorance, excessive love for materialism, political blindness and aimlessness has strongly chained and shackled women to certain customs and traditions that are apparently oppressive and destructive to the national development and the general welfare of the society. This paper aims at examining the background of women education islamically and analyze how educated women can assist in national development by playing the divine roles and responsibilities assigned to them by God, as well as present some recommendations as to the importance of women literacy.Item Open Access STATUS AND RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN ISLAM: A REFLECTION(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2011-09-09) Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman; Aliyu, UmarThe issue of Women in Islam has been the subject of all kinds of controversies, misunderstandings and especially misinformation. This work will discuss and explain this subject according to the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). At the time of the dawn of Islam, women all over the world were degraded, disrespected and dominated, devoid of any legal, social, economic, political or educational rights or privileges and were totally considered as non-entities. Various calls for women's freedom, liberation and equal rights have been heard all over the world, and many slogans have been coined for the marches. In some societies, women have indeed lived under oppression, cruelty and injustice, and have been denied basic rights of humanity. It is also a fact that some Muslims have deviated from the Islamic principles and teachings.Item Open Access RE-EXAMINATION OF THE PRACTICE OF SYNCRETISM AND THE PRINCIPLES OF MONOTHEISM (TAWHlD) AMONG THE HAUSA-MUSLIMS IN NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2020-09-09) Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanMany academic disciplines have diagnosed the history of Islam in many communities in Nigeria but the concept of monotheism (Tawhid) and the practice of syncretism among the Hausa-Muslims in Nasarawa State particularly have not been given much academic touch. It is on this premise that, this paper examines the extent of involvement of Hausa-Muslims in the belief and practice of syncretism in Nasarawa State, Nigeria with a view to bringing out the uniqueness of Tawhid to them. In supporting previous researches, this paper argues that there is a prevalence of religious’syncretism among many Hausa-Muslims communities in Nasarawa State, but it principally observes that the practice affects many of the adherents negatively. The paper also observed that if intensive Da'awah activities are carried out, the phenomenon will certainly be reduced or perhaps eradicated. The methodology adopted in this paper is analytical and interview methods of data collection. The findings of this paper indicated that the practice of syncretism is on the increase especially in the rural areas while in the urban areas, it is more or less getting modernized consistently. While this study appreciates the attempts of some scholars to reduce or eradicate this endemic problem, it reveals that Tawhid is not yet Hilly inculcated into heart of many Hausa-Muslims within the Hausa religio-cultural communities of Nasarawa State. The paper recommends that a concerted effort should be taken by scholars and other stakeholders in the task of promoting the effective inculcation of Tawhid. among Hausa-Muslims of Nasarawa State, Nigeria.Item Open Access A SURVEY OF EFFECTIVE LEARNING OF ISLAMIC STUDIES AMONG N.C.E. STUDENTS IN FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION PANKSHIN, PLATEAU STATE(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2012-09-09) Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman; Muhammad, Alhassan YunusThis study focused on factors militating against effective learning of Islamic studies among students in Federal College of Education Pankshin, Plateau State especially with regard to challenges of conceptualization, institutionalization, material and human resource development. To carry out the study, a total of ninety seven (97) students were used. The data collected were analyzed using Percentages. The result showed that poor conceptualization of the discipline and teachers' poor teaching methods tended to hinder the interest of students in learning the subject. However they are still proud to belong to the department even in future. It has therefore been suggested that NCCE curriculum planners should fight for the inclusion of Religious studies in the senior secondary schools to give the students the moral focus in their life which will in turn change the moral status of our nationItem Open Access ISLAM AND DEMOCRACY IN THE 21ST CENTURY: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS(2009-09-09) Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanDemocracy is a commonly known word all over the world. Most of the political movements in the world have made it their goal to establish this system in their respective countries. Democracy is the most popular and accepted political system in the modem world. Yet, there exists some difference of opinions among the Islamic groups on democracy. Democracy and human rights have occupied very' important position in the political agenda of many of Muslim countries. However, some of countries and people do not accept it, since democracy speaks of sovereignty of the people while Islam speaks of the sovereignty of Allah. This paper will attempt to presents the concept of democracy in the Islamic perspective vis-J-vis the modem concept of democracy and also offers some recommendations as regards the concept and practice of democracy.Item Open Access IDEAL FAMILY SETTING AND VALUE REORIENTATION IN ISLAM(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2019-05-08) Liman, Sa'adatu HassanThe family in Islam (either nuclear or extended) is definitely a breeding ground where the Islamic identity is infused on the Muslim children and thus through the period of their growth, they are being moulded into individuals that have the necessary qualities to safeguard any nation (Islamic or not). Consequently, the family in an Islamic society is governed by Shari‟ah principles which regulates and patterns individual values, beliefs and behaviour. When individuals misbehave, the tendency is to blame it on the parental mismanagement or family disintegration. We are witnessing so much of these misbehaviours today as such the need for value reorientation in the Muslim societies. Using Qualitative method the work analyses, based on Islamic ideals, the role of the family in the instillation of moral values on the individual members of the society. The work lastly proffers solutions and recommendations.Item Open Access ISLAM AND THE MENACE OF CHILD AND WOMEN TRAFFICKING IN NIGERIA: AN OVERVIEW(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2011-01-01) Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanThis paper highlights the concept and challenge of child and women trafficking in Nigeria. It gives an overview of the entire trends and also provides the Islamic position and solution to the menace of the child and women trafficking in this Country. It provides recommendations for effective control of these prevailing social ill/vices called child and women trafficking.Item Open Access A SURVEY ON STUDENTS’ ENROLMENT AND THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN ISLAMIC STUDIES DEPARTMENT, FEDERAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, PANKSHIN, PLATEAU STATE.(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2012-01-01) Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanIncrement in student’s enrolment has been considered as partly responsible for the perceived decline in the quality of education in Nigerian tertiary institutions. This research which followed the survey design discovered that increase in enrolment of students in Islamic Studies Department, Federal College of Education, Pankshin, devoid of corresponding increase in teachers, funding, facilities and infrastructure results in decline of quality education in specifically Nigerian Colleges of Education. This study therefore concluded that lecturers, classroom and instructional materials should be considered before any thought is given to increase student’s enrolment.Item Open Access ISLAMIC POSITION ON SOME OF THE PRACTICES OF MUSLIM WOMEN TRADERS IN LAFIA METROPOLIS, NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2020-01-01) Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman; Aliyu, Umar; Dikko, RabiIn Islam, trade is lawful and allowed on the legal commodity, but makes usury unlawful due to its negative effect on the economic and adding hardship on the borrower while increasing the capital of the one that gives the loan. It is observed that the Muslim women in Lafia, though active in business activities but lack the requisites Islamic knowledge that guides them toward transacting their businesses in consonant with the rites of trade and business transaction in Islam. It is therefore the aim of this paper to identify the problems and challenges facing business activities of Muslim women in Lafia and propose workable solution that will assist them in correcting the ills in their business transactions. The paper uses oral interview as method of data collection. The findings of the paper include the inability of the Muslim women to conform to the ethics of Islam in their business transaction. The paper recommends the application of Islamic tenets and principles in transacting business activities by Muslim women in Lafia metropolis of Nasarawa State Nigeria.Item Open Access Study of Some Selected Islamic Model Schools in Nasarawa State(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2019-12-12) Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanThe advent of Islam and Islamic type of education in Nigeria did not altogether condemn the hitherto existing educational system of the people. Rather, it has sought to consolidate those aspects of the beliefs and practices of the people that emphasized such virtues as valour, tolerance, respect for others, dignity of labour and unity of purpose. The study adopts historical and descriptive methodology in conducting the study. This study discusses the establishment and management of some selected Islamic Model Schools in Nasarawa State which comprises their establishment, organizational structure and facilities. The study identifies some achievements and challenges of the Islamic model schools. The findings of the study reveal that these schools have achieved greatly in Nasarawa State and beyond. Some of the achievements includes, provision of Islamic morality, female and adult education, manpower, etc. The study identifies some challenges particularly of distorted records and lack of assistance from particularly the parent of the pupils as well as lack of recognition and assistance by the government which undermines the output of some of these model schools. The paper recommends that Islamic model schools should accorded every possible assistance from the parent as well as be given proper recognition from the government in order to improve the standard and quality of Islamic Model Schools in Nasarawa StateItem Open Access Islamic Solution to the Problems and Challenges Facing HADCON Educational Foundation in the Area of Muslim Youth Empowerment in Borno State, Nigeria(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-03-03) Liman, Sa'adatu Hassan; Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman; Musa, Muhammad ImamQualified human capital reflects the extent to which society give concern for the youth, trained, and educate people and improve the educational standard thereby developing the economy, improving political and religious participation as well as social status of the people. Education has been mechanism for societal building, human development and economic growth. Many s les ave s own t at the level of Human Capital in a country determines the level of economic development and the societal development of that country. HADCON educational center as a non governmental organization is aimed at providing empowerment facilities and capacity building training to the teeming Muslim youth in Borno State. However, the Center is faced with number of problems and challenges which hinders it operation and the actualization of its mission and vision. The aim of this paper is to provide Islamic solution to the problems and challenges facing the Center with the hope that it will achieve it mission and vision to the entire Muslim youth of Borno State particularly in the area of youth empowerment. Oral interview was conducted as the method of data collection and the findings of he paper shows that if Islamic solution is adopted, there is every likelihood the most of the problems affecting the centre will be addressed. The paper thereafter recommended that the management of the Centre should adopt Islamic solution in solving their problems.Item Open Access Examining the Concept of Tolerance in Islamic Perspective(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2017-12-12) Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanNot a day goes by in which newspapers and other media houses both national and international are not fall of horrible stories and gory scenes on TV. What is read or seen is often said to be perpetrated in the name of Islam. Cutting off noses, horrible killings, murder and assassination, setting structures ablaze, thuggery etc. are horrible events that send chills down the spines of the public. Just in the last few years, thousands of people have been massacred, maimed, slaughtered or burnt alive all over the world specifically in Nigeria by a dreaded group called Boko Haram and in the international scene, we have the ISIS politics of massacre and destruction. These despicable crimes need condemnation. All these horrible acts are said to be carried out by Muslims and in the name of Islam, while in fact, the perpetrators are neither good Muslims, nor should they be considered as such or pardoned. This paper examines the concept and interpretation of tolerance in Islam and how Islam tolerated different categories of people, communities, culture, philosophy and other religions in the world right from the time of the Prophet (SAW) to the present day.Item Open Access Reflection on Makarantun Alio and the Current Challenges Facing the Sector in Nasarawa State, Nigeria(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2018-12-11) Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanIslamic education is as old as the religion of Islam itself The religion of Islam encourages learning right from its advent. The fact that the Glorious Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W) contained instructions on the quest of knowledge is a clear testimony to this fact. Therefore, in every generation right from the time of the Prophet (S.A. W) till dale, there exist Muslims scholars who are very keen in the pursuit of learning and zealous in imparting knowledge to others. It is a well-known fact that Makarantun alio is facing number of challenges in Northern Nigeria particularly in Nasarawa State due to lack of proper coordination, organizational structure and the general lack of government support and encouragement. This paper adopts historical and interview methods of gathering data on Makarantun alio and the currents challenges facing the sector in Nasarawa State. The paper aims at providing workable framework that will assist in improving the status and standard of Makarantun alio in Nasarawa State. The paper finds out that Makarantun alio had faced number of challenges right from the period of colonialism till date as a result of nonchalant attitudes shown towards its progress right from the onset of colonialism to the present democratic dispensation. The paper recommends that Makarantun Alio should be given every possible assistance for to be fully revived to provide maximum benefit to the community.Item Open Access An Assessment of the Muslim Structure and Methodology of Teaching the Qur’an in Slate Schools (Makarantun Alio) in Nasarawa State, Nigeria(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2013-01-10) Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanIslamic education is as old as the religion of Islam itself. The religion of Islam encourages learning right from its advent. The fact that the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A. W.) contained instructions the quest of knowledge is a clear testimony to this fact. Therefore in eveiy generation, from the time of the Prophet (S.A. W.), there exist Muslims scholars who are very much keen in the pursuit of learning and zealous in imparting knowledge to others. It is discovered that Makarantun alio in Nasarawa State is currently losing its relevance virtually due to the priority given to the modern secular school system. This article unveils that the structure of Makarantun alio and its organization is such that morality, social cohesion, solidarity, cooperation, discipline and communal responsibility is infused in the mind of the pupils. Therefore the paper recommend that the system should be strongly upheld and supported so that the essence of Islam could be greatly enhancedItem Open Access ISLAMIC APPROACH TO MORALITY: A PANACEA TO ECONOMIC RECESSION IN NIGERIA(Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2010-01-01) Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman; Bello, AliNigeria suffers from political volatility, unemployment, corruption, undeveloped infrastructure, moral decadence, complete dependence on the oil sector and non-diversification of the economy which has adversely affected the standard of living and increased tension among the citizenry. Consequently, these cause poor management of the economy of the country that subsequently paved way to severe financial crisis, economic imbalance, high rate of poverty and inflation, which constitutes the basis of Nigerian economic recession. Through contextual analysis of the existing literatures on morality and economic recession, the paper examines the Islamic approach to morality as panacea to economic recession in Nigeria. The paper explicates that moral responsibility and accountability based on Islamic approach to morality will help in uprooting the unprecedented menace of corruption, economic imbalance, social and moral decadence pervading the Nigerian economy. Therefore, the areas covered by the paper include; an overview of the meaning of morality and Islamic principles and dimensions of morality as well as the concept, history, causes and challenges of economic recession in Nigeria. Finally, the paper recommends that; the Islamic Socio-economy and political alternative based on Islamic morality is the best panacea for reviving the Nigerian economy and taking it out of recession.