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Item Open Access ANALYTICAL COMPARISON OF AMYLASE ACTIVITIES AND REDUCING SUGARS IN VARIETIES OF SOYBEANS AND COWPEA: IMPLICATION ON INFESTATION BY STORAGE INSECT PESTS(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Okunade, S. O; Dike, M. C; Onu, I.; Ogunlana, M. OThe amount of amylase activities and reducing sugars in seven varieties of soybean (four improved: TGx 1485- 1D, TGx 1440- 1E, TGx 1448-2E and TGx 1740-2F) and three local: Landrace 1, Landrace 2 and Landrace 3 varieties and six cowpea (three moderately resistant; (1T 89KD-288, IT 90K-277-2 and IT 95K-207-15) plus three susceptible: (Danborno, Danmisira and Danila) varieties were compared in the laboratory. Amylase activities began earlier (2 hours) in soybean and 4-5 hours later in cowpea hence soybean would respond faster to distortion (e.g. insect infestations) than cowpea. Moreso mean values of amylase activities for cowpea were scattered and not well defined. Reducing sugars in cowpea could be distorted earlier (Day 1) while that of soybean took up to Day 3 indicating that soybean is more stable than cowpea. These two factors may have contributed to making soybean more resistant to insect attack compared to cowpea.Item Open Access ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY OF SOME SALMONELLA SPECIES ISOLATED FROM DIARRHOEAL STOOLS OF HIV PATIENTS IN KADUNA, NIGERIA(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Ibrahim, T.; Olonitola, O. SAntibiotic resistance is a growing phenomenom in contemporary medicine and has emerged as a serious public health concern of the 21st century in particular as it pertains to pathogenic organisms. A total of three hundred and ninety (390) stool samples of HIV seropositive individuals were screened for the presence of Salmonella using enrichment (selenite F broth) and selective (MCA,SSA and XLD) media. Biochemical identification tests were carried out using both the conventional and the Microgen Bioproduct identification system. Polyclonal antisera were employed for the slide agglutination tests. The standardized Kirby-Bauer technique was used for the antibiotic susceptibility testing where thirteen antibiotics were used. Three (3) Salmonella typhi and eleven (11) Salmonella typhimurium were isolated. Furthermore, 73% of Salmonella typhimurium isolated were resistant to ampicillin and Tetracycline respectively whereas all of the Salmonella Typhi were resistant to the antibiotics. Reduced susceptibility was observed with ciprofloxacin, pefloxacin, septrin and streptomycin for Salmonella typhimurium while no resistance was encountered for Salmonella typhi. An increased susceptibility of Salmonella typhimurium to chloramphenicol was observed but Salmonella typhi was completely susceptible. Ceftriaxone, Ofloxacin, Sparfloxacin and Amoxicillin showed effective antimicrobial activity against the Salmonella serovars and are therefore suggested as the drugs of choice for the treatment of Salmonellosis infections.Item Open Access Antimicrobial(Department of Science Labaratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-02-02) Ibrahim, Taibat; Ibrahim, A.R.Item Open Access APPLICATION OF VERTICAL ELECTRICAL SOUNDING FOR GROUND WATER EXPLORATION AROUND BASEMENT COMPLEX TERRAIN. SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA.(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Abubakar, H. O.; Bayode, S.; Ajayi, C. A.; Badmos, A.; Yusuf, M. AVertical Electrical Sounding was used for identification of potential groundwater zones in Akure, Ondo state and measurements were taken using Schlumberger Configuration along the four profiles at station intervals of 10 m. A total of 53 VES were conducted with half electrode spacing (AB/2) varying from 1-150 m. This geophysical work was carried out at around Federal housing estate Akure, South-western Nigeria known to be associated with the problems of groundwater aquifer. Many of the boreholes drilled in this area are either perched or later dried-up during the dry seasons including hand-dug wells. The geoelectric sections delineated a maximum of four subsurface geological layers consisting of the top soil, weathered layer, fractured basement and fresh basement. The top soil resistivity values vary from 30.9-257 Ωm with thickness ranging from 0.3-5.1 m. The weathered layer resistivity values range from 20.2-2832.3 Ωm. Its thickness varies from 1.1 and 10.5 m. The fractured basement resistivity range from 23.9 to 570 Ωm, the thickness varies from 2.6-65.6 m. The weathered and the fractured basement constitute the main aquifer units in the study area. The fresh basement resistivity values ranges from 582-64167 Ωm. The groundwater map generated was used to classify the study area into high, medium and low groundwater potential zones. VES methods have been successfully used to evaluate the groundwater potential of the Federal Housing Estate Akure.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF THE RATES OF ADOPTION OF IMPROVED CROP PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SUDAN SAVANNAH AGROECOLOGICAL ZONE OF NIGERIA (2008-2011)(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Ugbabe, O. O; Ahmed, B.; Abdoulaye, T.; Kamara, A. Y.Some improved crop production technologies were promoted in Kano and Katsina States of Nigeria since 2008 in a series of farmer-managed field trials in four Innovation Platforms (IPs) in the Sudan Savannah Task Force (SSTF) of Kano-Katsina- Maradi Pilot Learning Site (KKM -PLS) of the Sub Saharan African Challenge Programme (SSA-CP). The objective of this paper was to determine the rates and intensities of adoption of these technologies. To achieve this, primary data were collected in 2011 cropping season using questionnaires administered on 300 farming households, consisting of ten households each selected randomly from 30 villages each in the clean, conventional and treatment site. The data were analyzed using adoption level and index. The results showed that, out of the 231 crop farmers that participated or has access to the SSTF improved crop technologies, 59.31% adopted them, while the estimated mean adoption rates for the introduced crop varieties of maize, sorghum, cowpea, millet and groundnut were: 67%, 46%, 54%, 46% and 52%, respectively. The study concludes that the adoption rates for the introduced technologies were satisfactory. It is still necessary to form a strong linkage between farmers and input sources, particularly seed and fertilizer suppliers to improve their timely availability and enhance productivity.Item Open Access CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, PHYSICAL AND SENSORY ROPERTIESOF BISCUITS SUPPLEMENTED WITH CASHEW POMACE FLOUR(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Akubor, P. IThe cashew pomace flour was used to substitute 5, 10,15,20,30 and 50% wheat flour in biscuits which were evaluated for the chemical, physical and sensory properties. The 100% cashew pomace flour biscuits occupied more volume but had less density and spread ratio than the 100% wheat flour biscuit. The wheat/cashew pomace flour biscuits were not significantly different (P>0.05) in weight, length, width, height, density and spread ratio. Biscuits containing up to 10% cashew pomace flour were not significantly different (P>0.05) from the 100% wheat flour biscuit in all the sensory attributes assessed. The biscuit containing 10 % cashew pomace had lower moisture (10%) and crude protein (4.5 %) but higher ash (1.7%), crude fat (17%), crude fibre (3.1%) and carbohydrate contents than the 100% wheat flour biscuit. The 100% wheat flour biscuit contained 7, 12 and 62.67% moisture, crude protein and carbohydrate, respectively.Item Open Access COLOUR VISION TEST AMONG SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNOLOGISTS IN NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI(Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2011-02-01) Umaru, I.; Ayanninuola, O. S.; Hamza, M. A.; Musa, T.A.; Ikani, C.; Umar, S. A.Color -blindness is the inability to differentiate between some colors that other people can do. Using Ishihara test, the results indicate the prevalence of color vision deficiency in the technological profession. This research aimed to study color blindness prevalence among technologists in the laboratories of Nasarawa State University, Keffi. A cross- sectional descriptive and analytical study was conducted among 45 staff of the laboratories in the school to detect color vision problems using Ishihara Test. The result of the research shows that 10 in 28 men and 1 in 17 women suffer from various forms of defective colour vision. The research revealed that the degree of colour vision disability varies widely with age; it also revealed that the colour vision defects are prevalent in men than in women. But the results showed that there is no significant correlation between color blindness defect and exposure to chemical agents, type of job, history of familial defect and race. We suggest that color blindness as medical conditions should restrict employment choices for laboratory technicians and technologist s job in Nasarawa State University, Keffi.Item Open Access COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES AMONG PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN TUDUN-FULANI MODEL SCHOOL AND HASHA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MINNA, NIGER STATE(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Eke, S. S; Omalu, I. C. J; Ochayi, Q.; Pam, V. A; Otuu, C. A.; Ibeh, E. O.; Hassan, S. C.; GarbaIntestinal parasitic infections remain an important public health problem in Nigeria causing diarrhoea and other health conditions. The method involved in collecting and processing of stool samples in agreement with standard parasitological technique. Stool samples collected were analyzed using formal ether concentration techniques (FECT). Two hundred and forty (240) stool samples from pupils age 6-14 years were examined from two schools, located in Bosso local Government area. Overall prevalence rate of 178(74.2%) were observed for various intestinal parasitic infection which included Ascaris lumbricoides 83(34.6%), which has the highest prevalence, Necator americanus 49(20.4%), Taenia saginata 22(9.2%), Entamoeba hystolytica 11(4.6%), Schizostoma mansoni 7(2.9%) and Fasciola gigantica 6(2.5%) with the least occurrence. Rate of infection was high among children of 6-8 and 9-11years of age. Overall infection rate was high among female children having higher prevalence than the males. Statistically, the result of the research showed a significant difference (P<0.05) based on sex of the pupils while based on age, the results showed no significant difference (P>0.05). The prevalence rate of infection recorded in this study could become higher in years to come and consequently become more threatening due to boost in birth rate and other socio-economic factors. The results of this study showed that pupils in both schools carry heavy intestinal parasitic infection burden which suggest prevailing unhygienic environment.Item Open Access CULTURED FISH FARMERS’ PERCEPTION OF GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION AND CONSTRAINTS IN CULTURED FISH PRODUCTION IN KWARA STATE, NIGERIA(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Akanbi, S. O; Muhammed, Lawal. AThis study examined the perception of government intervention by cultured fish farmers, and as well, the constraints faced by cultured fish farmers in Kwara State where there is an upsurge in the number of new entrants into the cultured fish business. Data used for this study were collected over one production cycle in 2012. A total of total 63 respondents were drawn through random sampling technique from a sampling frame of 121 registered cultured fish farmers. Analytical tools used for the study were descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, Likert-type scale. The results from the State’s government’s support showed that 32.8% and 23.8% of the sampled fish farmers were assisted with provision of fingerlings and formal credit respectively; subsidized feed-inputs and extension services were received by 46% and 68.3% of respondents respectively. The study further revealed that there was a significant relationship between fish output and government intervention strategies (p<0.05). Consequently, the production of cultured fish can considerably be improved in the study area if the government can substantially increase the fish farmers’ access to formal credit to a new level which should be comparatively close to that currently being enjoyed by crop farmers under the Kwara State demand-driven off-takers crop farming scheme. Government should create a support system by establishing of a number of one-stop shops at convenient locations, so that farmers can easily access fish inputs and the services of more efficient extension workers in the study area.Item Open Access DISTRIBUTION AND GROWTH CONDITIONS OF NIGERIA LEECH (Aliolimnatis michaelseni) FOUND IN MINNA, NORTH CENTRAL NIGERIA.(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Omalu, I. C. J; Egwim, E. C.; Mbemena, C. C.; Ossai, P. C.; Eke, S. S; Ubanwa, D.; Ibeh, E. O.; Busari, M. B.Leeches have been used extensively for commercial purposes and in different medical fields for the treatment of various disorders. Aliolimnatis michaelseni distribution was examined using two trapping devices, a metal funnel trap and burlap sacks and the effect of different culture conditions on the growth and mortality rates using 2 aquaria. Results showed that leeches were found in sites S112 (1.04%), S3 484(41.87%), S5 456(39.47%), S7 7(0.61%), S8 7(0.61 %), S9 185(16.00%) and S10 5(0.43%) out of 1156 sampled. All sites with leeches have both submerged vegetation and littoral rock cover. There was a positive correlation between the number of leeches and mean pH, while a negative correlation exists among leeches number and mean conductivity, turbidity and temperature. Also, culture condition C1with 15 cm depth of non-chlorinated water showed a combined growth rate of 40.78% while C2with five 5cm of sand from the leeches habitat and 10 cm of non-chlorinated water was 59.29%for the 3 months respectively. There was a significant difference in the growth rate at p<0.05 between the two conditions. C2 showed a better growth condition than C1. Mortality rate for C1 was 76.74% and C2 18.25%. There was a significant difference in the mortality rates at p< 0.05 of the two culture methods. Physicochemical parameters were constant throughout the study period. Therefore, this study revealed that leeches are available in our environment and can be cultured artificially in aquaria for commercial purposes.Item Open Access EFFECT OF BOILING AND TOASTING ON THE PASTING AND FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF AFRICAN OAK (Afzelia africana) SEEDS FLOURS.(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Egwujeh, I. D.; Ariahu, C. C.; Orishagbemi, C. O.; Onuh, J. O.The effects of boiling time and toasting on starch gelatinization, pasting and functional properties of African oak seeds flour were evaluated. The seeds were divided into five portions, one portion of 3 samples were heat treated by boiling in water for 1, 2, and 3 hrs respectively, second portion was toasted (at 1050C for 10 minutes) and the untreated sample as control. The samples were then milled into flours and the degree of starch gelatinization, pasting and functional properties determined. All heat treated samples increased in degree of starch gelatinization; (gelatinization increased with boiling time), pasting viscosity. Boiling for 1, 2 and 3 hours resulted in 6.67, 4.58 and 0.59 RVU breakdown viscosity while toasting resulted to 2.08 RVU, indicating that the two treatments could lead to high resistance to staleness as confirmed by low setback value (39.33, 10.58, 50.50) – a resistance to retrogradation. There was slight percentage increase in the gelation concentration from 0.20 to 0.50, emulsion 45.7 to 53.3, water absorption capacity 25-42, oil absorption capacity 11-15 and bulk density 0.63-0.68 of the flours resulting from boiling and toasting. However, the foaming capacity (50–35) and stability (100-93) of the flour samples were reduced by both the heat treatment methods. The results suggests that the seeds of African oak tree could give better flour with a wider industrial applications if they are either toasted for 10minutes or boiled for 3 hrs prior to dehulling and subsequent milling.Item Open Access EFFECT OF DIETARY LEVELS OF TOASTED WATERMELON (CITRULLUS LANATUS, THUMB) SEED MEAL FOR SOYABEAN ON CARCASS AND INTERNAL ORGAN CHARACTERISTICS OF BROILER CHICKENS(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Lakurbe, O. A.; Doma, U. D.A seven-week feeding trial was conducted with two hundred unsexed day-old Anak broilers was carried out to evaluate the effect of graded levels of toasted watermelon seed (WMSF) on carcass and internal organ characteristics of broilers. The proximate composition showed that toasted watermelon seed is rich in crude protein (34.78%) and ether extract (24.90%). Five experimental diets were formulated in which toasted WMSF replaced soyabean at 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40% tagged as diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively for both starter and finisher rations. The day-old chicks were randomly allotted to the dietary treatments with four replications each and 10 birds per replicate in a completely randomized design (CRD). At the end of the experiment two birds per replicate were randomly selected for carcass yield and organ characteristics. Most of carcass parameters measured were not affected except for eviscerated weight (1.18-1.56kg; P<0.05), heart weight, large intestine length and pancreas weight (P<0.01) as well as the weights of lungs, liver, kidney, large intestine and gizzard (P<0.01), though no definite pattern was observed. It can be concluded that inclusion of toasted WMSF in broiler diets at 30% has no adverse effects on the carcass yield and organ characteristics.Item Open Access EFFECT OF DIFFERENT PROCESSING TREATMENTS ON NUTRIENTS AND ANTINUTRIENTCOMPONENTS OF SENNA OCCIDENTALIS SEED MEAL(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Doma, U. D.; Nyako, H. D; Igwebuike, J. U; Augustine, C.; Dazala, I. U; Shuaibu, S.; Linus, S.A laboratory analysis was conducted to evaluate the effects of different processing treatments (boiling, soaking, sprouting and fermention) on the chemical composition of Senna occidentalis seed meals (SOSM). The entire representative processed samples were properly dried and milled. Each sample was analysed in triplicate for proximate composition, amino acid profile and levels of anti-nutritional factors using standard methods of analysis. Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance of the completely randomized design and the treatment means were separated using Duncan multiple range test. The result revealed that the processing treatment significantly (P<0.05) affected the proximate composition of the seed meals. The proximate composition were observed to decrease in the differently processed seeds except for fermentation and sprouting where increase in the crude protein and ash contents of the seeds where observed. Similarly, the amino-acid profile showed significant (P<0.05) reduction except for the fermented seed meal which showed an increase in some of the amino acids content. The processing methods were observed to significantly (P<0.05) reduced the levels of the anti-nutritional factors withfermentation producingthe highest reduction effect. It can be concluded that fermentation was more effective in reducing the level of anti-nutritional factors and also in improving the nutrient content of Senna occidentalis seed meal. Based on the findings of this study, fermentation is therefore recommended for processing of Senna occidentalis seed meal. Further studies on processing the seed meal using integrated processing treatments such as soaking and boiling and two-stage cooking are required. Furthermore, fermented Senna occidentalis seeds should be used in a feeding trial with a view to ascertain the best inclusion level for domestic animals especially monogastric animals.Item Open Access EFFECT OF HYDROTHERMAL PROCESSING DURATION ON NUTRIENTS AND ANTI-NUTRIENTS COMPOSITION OF FLAMBOYANT SEEDS(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Samuel, Emmanuel AluThe experiment was designed to study the effect of hydrothermal processing duration on nutrients and anti-nutrients compositions of Delonix regia seeds (DRS). Raw samples were collected, crushed and tagged T1; at boiling point (100oC), another sample of the cleaned seeds were poured into tower aluminum pot containing 25litres of water; samples were taken after 10, 20, 30 and 40 minutes of cooking and tagged T2, T3, T4 and T5, respectively. Each sample of the treatments was replicated 3 times in a Completely Randomized Design. The results showed thatthere was a significant reduction (P<0.05) in the values of crude fibre with increasing duration of cooking; cooking of DRS for 20, 30 and 40 minutes gave the lowest values of 9.03, 10.05 and 11.91%, respectively. However, all the fibre fractions were not affected (P>0.05) cooking duration. Cooking DRS for 30 minutes (T4) gave better (P<0.05) crude protein (32.33%) and NFE (40.26%) values compared to the rest of the treatments. The metabolizable energy was significantly (P<0.05) reduced with increase in cooking duration, DRS cooked for 10, 20, 30 and 40 minutes had lower ME than the raw group. Cooking DRS for 40 minutes significantly (P<0.05) reduced trypsin inhibitor (19.10%) and saponin (0.26%) while cooking that of 30 and 40 minutes reduced (P<0.05) tannin (0.03 and 0.02%) however, seeds cooked for 30 minutes, T4 produced the least value of 0.08% for sodium. In view of these findings, DRS can serve as a useful feed ingredient for most monogastric animals especially in the semi-arid regions of Nigeria where feed is a very important limiting factor to livestock production during the dry season.Item Open Access EFFECT OF SEASON AND GENOTYPE ON HEMATOLOGICAL PROFILE AND PARASITIC SUSCEPTIBILITY OF TWO NIGERIAN GOAT BREEDS AND THEIR RECIPROCAL CROSSES(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Yusuff, A. T; Fayeye, T. RParasitic susceptibility and hematological profile of 192 goats belonging to four genotypes (RSxRS, WADxWAD, WADxRS and RSxWAD) were assessed during wet and dry seasons of Sudan savannah zone of Nigeria. The goats were produced from the pure-breeding and reciprocal crossing of Red Sokoto (RS) and West African Dwarf (WAD) breeds. Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration and White Blood Cell (WBC) count were analyzed from blood samples taken from the goats. Fecal Egg Count (FEC) and Tick counts were obtained from fecal samples and skin examination (respectively). The data obtained were subjected to Analysis of Variance using 2x4 factorial arrangements in a completely randomized design. There were significant (P<0.05) interactions between genotype and season in all the parameters except FEC. The crossbred goats (i.e. RSxWAD and WADxRS) had significantly higher Hb than the purebreds. RSxRS had the highest WBC (11.76c/mm3x103) in the dry season, and highest ticks infestation (4.80 ticks/head) in the wet season, which were significantly (P<0.05)higher than the WBC and ticks infestation of other genotypes. Significantly (P<0.05) higher level of ticks infestation was observed in the wet season than the dry season among the four genotypes, except WADxWAD. Hb concentration and PCV were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the dry season than the wet season in all the genotypes, except in WADxWAD. It is therefore concluded that hematological indices and parasitic susceptibility of goat are influenced by season and genotype. Crossbreeding and adequate management measures toward reducing parasitic infestations are therefore recommended.Item Open Access THE EFFECT OF WELL DEPTH ON WATER QUALITY IN NEIBOURING VILLAGES OF RIVER NIGER AND BENUE IN LOKOJA KOGI STATE(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Paul, E. D.; Shafiu, S.; Omoniyi, K.I.The effects of well depth on the physicochemical properties of well water of neighboring villages in close proximity to Rivers Niger and Benue were investigated. Wells up to 2.8 m depth and 300 m distance from the River were selected. These parameters were measured according to the standard method. A total of 120 samples of well water from these villages (Shintaku, Ganaja village, Gbobe and Lokoja metropolis) were taken and analyzed. Results showed that Total Suspended Solid, (TSS), Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Turbidity and Total Hardness(TH), shows a range of 13-450 mgL -1, 57-905 mgl-1, 11.5-18 mgl-1 and 202-818 mgl-1 , respectively. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) shows a range of 0.1-0.45mgl-1, 108-3and 0.08-0.75 mgL-1 while Electrical Conductivity (EC) and pH shows a range of 53.5-98.5μscm-1 and 5.9-7.5. Nitrate and Phosphate also show a range of 3.9-43 mgL -1 and 1.5-14.95 mgL-1 in the dry season respectively. Total Suspended Solid,(TSS), Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Turbidity and Total Hardness(TH), shows a range of 13-450 mgL-1, 57-905 mgL-1, 0.611-140 NTU and 130-404 mgL-1 . Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) shows a range of 0.2-31 mgL-1 and 60-818 mgL-1 Electrical Conductivity (EC) and pH shows a range of 0.611-140 NTU, Nitrate and phosphate shows a range of 7.5 - 65mgL-1 and 3.1-13.5 mgL-1, respectively. During the wet season, it was found that the nitrate, turbidity and pH increased with depth of the well and the values of TS and TDS also increases positively with the wells proximity to the river in wet season, which was evident in their R2 Values (correlation coefficient) as they range from 0.7-0.8. Nitrate, turbidity and pH values of the well water were found to increase with depth in the dry season while Zn content increased with proximity of the well to the rivers. Therefore, good water management and geological survey must be employed for constructed wells in flood plains to have acceptable water quality.Item Open Access EFFICIENCY OF COMBINED USE OF CHARCOAL AND ACTIVATED CARBON FROM COCONUT SHELLS IN THE PURIFICATION OF GENERATOR EXHAUST FUMES(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Iji, J.; Ibrahim, F. B; Giwa, A.Studies have shown that exhaust fumes contain many known or suspected carcinogens. This study reports the use and effectiveness of granular activated carbon and charcoal made from agricultural waste (coconut shell) for the removal of contaminants from gasoline powered generator exhaust fumes. In order to treat the exhaust from gasoline powered generator, a reactor referred to as adsorption column was used, with the gas flow being vertical through the adsorbents (charcoal and activated carbon) that were placed inside the reactor. Granulated activated carbon (200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 g) were placed so that the exhaust from the generator could pass through it freely and also prevent the samples from falling out. The gas after the treatment was let into the gas analyzer to analyze the proportions of the gas components. This was done until the optimum quantity of activated which produced the best result of the filtered exhaust was obtained. These procedures were repeated using charcoal. 800 g of charcoal and activated carbon of mass 1000 g gave the best treatment, these were then combined as pre-filter and filter respectively in the adsorption column. Concentrations of the exhaust gas were taken at 5 min interval for a period of 25 min by using a gas analyzer, and the useful life was determined to be 20 min. Charcoal and activated carbon made from coconut shell resulted to percentage pollutant removal by 34.1% HC, 70.4% NOx, 66.1% CO and 52.5% CO2 from a gasoline powered generator exhaust fumes. The renewal of the adsorbent can be done by re-activation.Item Open Access ESTIMATION OF PRECIPITABLE WATER VAPOUR AT SUB-SAHEL REGION OF CENTRAL NIGERIA USING SURFACE METEOROLOGICAL DATA(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Falaiye, O. A; Abimbola, O. J; Sukam, Y. MUsing a ten-year monthly averaged data from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency, for three stations in Nigeria, an empirical model of the form lnW = a +bTd (where W is the precipitable water vapour, Td is the dew-point temperature, a and b are constants) was found to be the best model estimation of precipitable water vapour at the sub-Sahel central region of Nigeria. The model was found to agree with other similar models found elsewhere and the goodness of fit statistic for this model was found to be R2 = 0.998, SSE = 0.049 and RMSE = 0.015. Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test was used to validate the model. Other models using surface relative humidity (RH) and surface ambient temperature (T) were also found with satisfactory statistical performance. The minimum precipitable water vapour for the region was observed to be 24.88±7.82mm in the month of January while two maxima were found in the months of May and October as 46.79±7.82mm and 47.48±7.82mm, respectively. The link between el niňo/la niňa events and the variation of precipitable water vapour in the study area was attempted.Item Open Access EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS AGENCIES ON THE PROPERTIES OF SOME SELECTED COMMERCIAL SOAPS AND DETERGENTS IN LAFIA, NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Oforghor, A.OThe effect of various agencies (pH, lathering, oils/fats and hard water) on the properties of some selected commercial soaps and detergents was evaluated. This is sequel to the problem associated with soap and detergent as a result of false declaration of ingredient formulations and complains by consumers (e.g. irritation of the skin, eye, lack of lathering properties, lack of emulsification of oils/fats) and the continued need to seek out the best ways of minimizing them. In the study, ten (10) samples each of commercial hard soaps, soft soaps, baby soaps and detergents making a total of forty (40) samples were used. 10% stock solution of the different commercial soaps and detergents were used for the evaluation. The properties of the commercial hard soaps in various agencies show that most of the soaps except CHS10 (pH-12.50) fall within the PH range for soaps. However, for the properties of the commercial soft soaps in various agencies, all the samples CSS1-CSS10 falls within the PH range while for the properties of the commercial baby soaps in various agencies show that, CBS1-CBS10 all the samples also fall within the PH range. However, in table 4, CD1-CD10 The samples fall within the PH ranges. From the evaluation all the samples CHS, CSS, and CD Perform satisfactory in terms of lathering properties while in case of emulsification evaluation, samples CHS and CD perform credibility well but samples CSS and CBS were fair in their properties performance. This may be attributed to the fact that soft and baby soaps are milder in terms of chemical composition. From the evaluation also, it was observed in terms of performance of the samples to hard water that all the samples, CHS, CSS, CBS and CD performs appropriately well, but the performance was in the order CD>CHS>CSS>CBS respectively. This is as the result of the builders that are incorporated in the detergent which tends to “lock up” the metals that causes hardness of water. In the evaluation of the effectiveness in cleaning, samples had properties performance in the range CD> CHS>CSS>CBS. This is normal in the sense that emulsification of the oils/fats is higher in detergents and hard soaps which are laundry soaps that in soft and baby which are bathing soaps. It is therefore recommended that the soaps and detergents mentioned above can be used for washing and bathing but in case of dermatitis, sensitive and acne prone skin, due consideration to the pH of the soaps and detergents especially sample CH10 (12.36) should taking into consideration.Item Open Access FARM CHARACTERISTICS, PROFITABILITY AND EFFICIENCY IN RESOURCE USE AMONG COCOA FARMERS IN OSUN STATE, NIGERIA(Department Of Science And Laboratory Technology, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-04-09) Kassali, R.Cocoa is an important cash crop in Nigeria with great potentials both in terms of employment and foreign exchange earnings. This study analysed the profitability and resource use efficiency in cocoa production in Osun State. Sixty (60) cocoa farmers were randomly selected and data were collected on farm characteristics, inputs, output and market prices. Descriptive statistics, budgeting and efficiency analysis were the analytical techniques adopted. Results indicate that the majority of farmers (73%) cultivated farm size of less than 2 ha, with 23% only planted to cocoa. Most cocoa trees had less than 30 years of age, comprising high yielding hybrid varieties only or in combination with old varieties. Cocoa production is profitable with a rate of return of 1.67. The age of cocoa trees had influence on yield, profit and rate of return to cocoa farm, with optimum values achieved between 16 and 30 years. Current farm size, yield and age of trees were below optimum. In terms of resource use, only chemical inputs were utilized efficiently. It is recommended that farmers should increase investment on cocoa farms including size and adopt more of the high yielding varieties of cocoa to improve output.