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Item Open Access EXPLORING ISSUES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF TRAUMA COUNSELLING NEEDS OF VICTIMS OF ETHNO-RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE IN NIGERIA(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2010-10-11) Abubakar, Musa Tafida; Ojiji, Ochinya O.In view of the recurrent episodes of ethno-religious violence in Nigeria, the paper examines some issues in the management of trauma and counselling needs of victims of ethno-religious violence in Nigeria. First, ١ve discuss the nature of trauma and the specific traumatic experiences of victims of ethno-religious violence in parts of Nigeria. Secondly, ١ve highlight the psychological strategies for managing trauma as well as challenges for effective management of victims of ethno-religious violence in Nigeria. Finally, we make a proposal towards the active involvement of psychological prevention of ethno-religious and other sources of violence in Nigeria.Item Open Access SEX DIFFERENCES ON SPOT-THE-WORD-TEST (STWT)(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University, 2012-04-11) Adeyemo, Sunday Aderemi; Abubakar, Musa TafidaThis study examines sex differences on SPOT-THE-WORD TEST, (STWT) onfee recall. Thirty boys (males) and30girls (females) were given 30 pairs ofwords. The first sets ofwords were written in correct English while the second sets were nonsense syllables. The students studied the pairs of words for five minutes after which they were to recall the words they have learnt. The hypothesis was that girls (females) will recall more words than boys (males). The results which were analysed by independent t test did not show any significant difference between the two sexes. These findings may be due to the fact that the same educational level (all subjects were drawn from level three psychology students) may have affected the performances of subjects on this test. The conclusion was that despite the fact that there was no statistical difference between the two sexes, this technique offers strong hope for use in education, commerce and clinical settings.Item Open Access EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES AND THE MANIFESTATION OF ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY AMONG PRISON INMATES(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2013-04-01) Abubakar, Musa TafidaThis study is purposed to establish the relationship between early negative childhood experiences and the manifestation of antisocial personality. An antisocial personality scale and early childhood experience scale were used to obtain information from eighty (80) prison inmates, who participated in the study. The Pearson Moment Correlation analysis of the data showed that negative experience in the early childhood development has a strong positive relationship with antisocial personality, thereby confirming the hypothesis that early childhood experiences contributed to the manifestation of antisocial personality among prison inmates. It was recommended that parents should not expose children to aggressive acts, especially in their formative years so that they do not learn those acts to be used in later periods of their development.Item Open Access COLOUR VISION TEST AMONG SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNOLOGISTS IN NASARA WA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2013-07-10) Umaru, I.; Ayanninuola, O.S.; Hamza, M.A.; Abubakar, Musa Tafida; Ikani, C.; Umar, S.A.Color -blindness is the inability to differentiate between some colors that other people can do. Using lshihara test, the results indicate the prevalence of color vision deficiency in the technological profession. This research aimed to study color blindness prevalence among technologists in the laboratories of Nasarawa State University, Keffi. A cross- sectional descriptive and analytical study wos conducted among 45 staff of the laboratories in the school to detect color vision problems using lshihara Test. The result of the research shows that 10 in 28 men and 1 in 17 women suffer from various forms of defective colour vision. The research revealed that the degree of colour vision disability varies widely with age; it also revealed that the colour vision defects are prevalent in men than in women. But the results showed that there is no significant correlation between color blindness defect and exposure to chemical agents, type ofjob, history of familial defect and race. We suggest that color blindness as medical conditions should restrict employment choices for laboratory technicians and technologist's job in Nasarawa State University, Keffi.Item Open Access PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILING OF CRIMINAL MIND: THE CASE OF FRAUD AND CORRUPTION IN NIGERIA.(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2014-05-08) Nweze, Amechi; Abubakar, Musa TafidaPsychological profiling has recently become one of the psychological techniques of crime investigation. It developed by FBI is concerned with application of psychological knowledge and principles in the analysis of the facts of crime, the crime scene story as 'written' by the criminal or criminals at the crime scene, otherwise known as the “modus operandum ” It is the analysis of the totality of the facts of crime and the crime scene that provides the profiler with the psychological inkling in terms of the demographic and personality characteristics of who the criminals are likely to be. It is when the result of that analysis, exercise matches with the crime modus Operandu that credence is given to possible prediction the properties of the mind-set of the criminal. The greater the agreement between and among the various sources of crime evidence, the greater the credibility of prediction of who the suspects is likely to be.Item Open Access ROLE OF SHIFT WORK, MARITAL STATUS AND AGE ON WORK STRESS AMONG NURSES IN PUBLIC HOSPITAL(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2014-06-09) Ezeh, Michael A.; Ineme, Mfon E.; Abubakar, Musa TafidaThis study investigated role of shift work, marital status and age on work stress among Nurses in the public hospital. One hundred and eighty eight (188) nurses drawn from the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Enugu participated in the study. Participants were within the age range of 20-60 with the mean age of 40 years. It was hypothesized that the nurses on shift work would not differ significantly from nurses on non shift work in experiencing work stress. Secondly, that married nurses would not differ significantly from unmarried nurses in experiencing work stress. Thirdly, that the older nurses would also not differ significantly from the younger nurses in experiencing work stress. The Nursing Stress Scale (NSS) was used for data collection. A three-way ANOVA results indicated no significant main effects of shift work, marital status and age on work stress. There was also no significant interaction effect of shift work, marital status and age on work stress. The results were discussed in terms of their relevance to hospital work and attendance, and suggestions for further studies were made.Item Open Access SEX DIFFERENCES ON MOBILIZING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE ON FREE RECALL(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2015-05-07) Adebayo, Sunday A.; Abubakar, Musa TafidaThis study examined sex differences on mobilizing prior knowledge on free recall Sixty subjects aged between 19 and 26 years (30 boys and 30 girls) participated in the study. The testing session lasted for 30 minutes and subjects were tested individually. Subjects in the experimental group (the president group) were told to generate as many names of Nigerian presidents as they could remember. The names of 15 Nigerian presidents were later given to them. They were given a distraction test for 20 minutes after which they were told to recall the names they generated themselves and the president names given to them. The control group was told to name musicians after which they received the names of 15 Nigerian presidents and the distraction test given to the experimental group. This was followed by recall test. The results showed that the main effect of group (experimental group performed better than control). There was a significant effect of sex (Boys performed better than girls); and subjects were able to recall the lists they generated themselves better than the list given to them. The research therefore suggests that mobilizing prior knowledge on free recall have effect on groups (experimental and control group) and sex. (Boys performed better than boys).Item Open Access INFLUENCE OF WORK MOTIVATION AND JOB SATISFACTION ON ORGANIZATIONAL(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2015-10-14) Ezeh, Arize M.; Abubakar, Musa Tafida; Ifenna, Ezeanya D.; Okonkwo, Victor C.This study investigated the influence of work motivation and job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behaviour of employees in a public hospital in Enugu. A total of 125 participants participated in the study, of which 46 (36.8%) were male and 79 (63.2%) were female. Two sampling methods were used: simple random sampling for various departments, and convenience sample for the individual participants. The participants were aged between 18-69 years, with different working experiences. Three instruments were used to measure the variables - a 21-item organizational citizenship behaviour scale, a 20- item job satisfaction scale, and a 6-item work motivation scale. The research design was cross-sectional survey. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis of the scores obtained from the study revealed that both work motivation and job satisfaction had significant but low positive influence on organizational citizenship behaviour.Item Open Access WOMEN AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN NIGERIA’S FOURTH REPUBLIC: A CRITIC(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2016-05-06) Ogah, Musa Ari; Abubakar, Musa TafidaIt is without doubt that participation of women in Nigerian's politics is not easy. This is so because Women often do not receive the support and mentoring they need to compete favorably with their male counterparts. In turn, many voters do not fully appreciate the benefits of having a mix of men and women in government. As a result, there is currently a low representation of women at all levels of government in Nigeria. In the country's general election in 2011, female candidates fared poorly, with only 32 women elected to the national parliament out of 469 members, which is barely 8% representation. In view of this, therefore the paper suggests providing potential female politicians with training and support, complemented by community enlightenment campaigns. Through this medium, Nigerian women, will now be better equipped to favorably participate in elections of all sought be it local, state or national and thereafter the issues of masculinity and marginalization will have no place in the Nigeria political terrain.Item Open Access EXPLORING THE ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PRISON INMATES AND NON PRISON SAMPLE IN NORTH CENTRAL NIGERIA.(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2017-04-01) Abubakar, Musa Tafida; Ojiji, Ochinya O.This study compared the antisocial personality characteristics of prison inmates and an equivalent non-prison sample in North Central Nigeria. An independent t-test of the responses to an Antisocial Personality Scale of forty (40) prison inmates and forty (40) non-prison sample showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the antisocial personality of prison and the non prison sample as hypothesised. This result may be due to the economic reality of Nigeria which has resulted in widespread impoverishment of large segment of the population in a manner that has pushed many to engage in antisocial behaviours. Based on this, it was recommended that government should pay proper attention to the economic well being of the citizens to ensure healthy and prosocial development.Item Open Access INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS (IDPS) AND ITS IMPLICATIONS ON NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT; THE NIGERIAN EXPERIENCE.(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2017-06-10) Musa, Ogah Ari; Abubakar, Musa Tafida; Kana, Ebini A.A.The paper reiterate that the plights of displaced persons have gained the attention of global community and have become a formidable problem of global significance and implications. The researchers used content analysis as a source of data to examine the causal factors of internally displacement of persons in Nigeria has been linked to many unfortunate developments over unfounded arguments on religious beliefs, under-development, poverty, unequal distribution of wealth, ethnic tensions, unemployment, political and economic subjugation of minorities, absence of democratic procedures, intolerance, and many other factors. The paper recommends that; unless and until governments at all levels ensure a proper administration of justice by providing the basic needs of humans (food, shelter, employment, and so forth) human race will not see better day until justice becomes the ultimate.Item Open Access PERSONALITY TRAITS AS PREDICTORS OF PRISON ADJUSTMENT AMONG INMATES OF KEFFI PRISON, NASARAWA STATE(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2018-03-11) Abubakar, Musa Tafida; Nweze, Amechi; Udegbe, Bola I.This study investigated the influence of personality on prison adjustment among inmates of Keffi prison, Nasarawa State. Of the total population of 600 inmates, the study used survey method to elicit information from 125 prison inmates who were selected through prison records. Participants consisted of 100 male and 25 female inmates with age bracket ranging from 18 years and above. The participants responded to two sets of research instruments (Big Five Personality and Prisoner Adjustment Scales). Institutional approval was obtained from the authorities of the prison. Hypothesis was stated and tested. The study employed the used of Pearson Product Moment Correlation and regression analysis to analyze the data. The results showed that (a) personality variables jointly predicted general adjustment (R2 = .25; F = 7.81, P< 0.01), social adjustment (R2 = .16; F = 4.61, P < 0.01) and emotional adjustment (R2 = .23; F = 8.39, P< 0.01); (b) Extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience significant predictors of general and emotional adjustment of the inmates; (b) Only extroversion and openness to experience were significant predictors social adjustment of the inmates; Neuroticism did not predict any adjustment measure in the study. The findings were discussed in line with the existing literature. In conclusion, this study reveals that the more favourable personality qualities possessed by the prisoners the more their adjustment to the prison environment. Consequently, it was recommended among others that, prison environment should be made more friendly and conducive for better adjustment of inmates especially for those with neurotic personalities.Item Open Access INFLUENCE OF GENDER AND LENGTH OF SERVICE ON THE LIFE SATISFACTION OF POLICE OFFICERS AT THE FORCE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT (FCID) ABUJA, NIGERIA(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State Universty Keffi, 2018-04-07) Abubakar, Musa Tafida; Alhassan, Emmanuel Onu; Gwarzo, Shehu Sani; Umar, Shuaibu ShituThe study investigated the influence of gender and length of service on life satisfaction of Nigerian Police Officers at the Force Criminal Investigation Department (FCID), Abuja, Nigeria. A sample of 102 officers (75 males and 27 females) were randomly selected to participate in the study. For length of service, 31 of the participants were within the range of 1–10 years, 49 within the range of 11–20 years while 22 officers were those in the service for a period of 21–40 years. The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) was administered to the participants. Two hypotheses were stated and tested. Hypothesis one was tested using the t- test for an independent sample and, the result showed a statistically significant difference between male and female officers on life satisfaction: t(100) = -2.135, P < .05. The second hypothesis was tested using the one- way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and the result indicates a statistically significant difference between police officers according to their duration or length of service. The study concluded that both gender and length of service play a significant role in the lives of police officers. On the basis of the findings, the s t u d y r e c o m m e n d s t h a t p o s i t i v e psychological measures be introduced so as to have a greater impact more on the life satisfaction profiles of the police officers.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF RADIATION EXPOSURE LEVELS IN SOME SELECTED BUILDINGS IN BAGAJI VILLAGE, KEFFI, NIGERIA(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2019-01-10) Ibrahim, U.; Anzaku, L.A.; Ayanninoula, A.O.S.; Bello, A.A.; Abubakar, Musa TafidaIt is observed by both United Nation Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UN SC EAR, 2000) and International Cormnission on Radiation Protection (ICRP, 1991) that there could be some exposure in some homes which would require regulatory control but is not really considered. This study is therefore, to assess the ambient outdoor radiation levels of some selected buildings (new and old) in Bagaji village Keffi, Nasarawa State. The inspector alert nuclear radiation meter was used for these assessments, where it was held at the abdominal level and readings were taken in different houses in mR/hr and in count per minute. The exposure levels at ten different houses (new and old) were measured and it was found that the annual dose rate ranges from (1.98±J.09 mSv/yr) to (I.27±J.04 mSv/yr).The exposure rate were converted to annual equivalent dose and annual effective dose rate in order to compare it with the public exposure limits by ICRP, it was found that the annual effect dose rate is between 0.58 mSv/yr - 0.66 mSv/yr for new houses and 0.76 mSv/yr - 0.98 mSv/yr for the old houses which is below the public exposure limits and may not necessarily result to any hazardItem Open Access ATTITUDES TOWARDS BREASTFEEDING AND WEANING AMONG NURSING WOMEN(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2019-05-07) Ashigabu, Justina T.; Shafa A. Yunus; Abubakar, Musa TafidaThe study investigated the attitudes of women on feeding and weaning In Primary Health Care Keffi Local Government of Nasarawa State, The purpose is to find out how the women practice breastfeeding and weaning in order to r suggest solutions where they will have problems: The review of literature shows that working class women in other places also of aced problems like women "m Keffi.- A descriptive survey research was used where a questionnaire was structure to collect information in the opinions of 120 women in the three centres under study. Mean statistics was employed to analyse the data. It was discovered that the women are not breastfeeding exclusively for six months and most weaned their babies abruptly before two ears. Some of the problems faced are resentment by employers and colleagues; workload is much, lack of family and societal support to encourage nursing mothers are hindrance to exclusive breastfeeding. Based on the findings, recommendation is made that nursing mothers should be given breaks for two hours logo and breastfeed, maternity leave should be extended from three months to six months in order to allow more time to breastfeed their babies before weaning for the children’s good health.Item Open Access FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY: NEED FOR EXPERT SERVICES IN CRIME DETECTION, PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT IN NIGERIA(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2019-05-10) Dahiru, Hadiza Ibrahim; Oshishepo, Sani A.; Abubakar, Musa TafidaForensic Psychology is a relatively new field within psychology and it is still having growing pains in Nigeria as a nation. The Nigerian Psychologists have been limited mostly to health care services and delivery, just as they are experts who have sufficient training in describing, predicting, understanding and influencing behaviour, criminal behaviour is not exceptional as it forms part of the behavioural disposition of humans. This paper therefore, tries to explore the roles and subfields of forensic psychology such as, psychology of crime and delinquency, victimology, legal psychology, correctional psychology and police psychology. Relevant areas which forensic psychologists have a role to play in criminal justice system include: forensic evaluation and expert witness in the court, assessment and evaluation of risk of offenders, classification of inmates, and provision of mental health care to inmates and staff of the prison/correction homes, fitness for duty evaluation of law enforcement officers and profiling of offenders. The paper concludes that the involvement of forensic psychologists in the criminal justice system of Nigeria will enhance and improve services provided by all three arms of the system.Item Open Access SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC CORRELATES OF PRISONERS’ PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING IN WAMBA CORRECTIONAL SERVICE CENTRE NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA.(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2020-12-11) Samson, Tita; Abubakar, Musa Tafida; Zamani, Andrew E.The study investigated the influence of sociodemographic variables such as marital status and length of stay or duration of imprisonment on imnates psychological wellbeing in Wamba Correctional Services Centre, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The participants consisted of 98 male prison inmates (never married 32; Married 66) from the Correctional Service Centre, Wamba which is the area for this study. The 98 participants responded to the Ryff s psychological wellbeing scale. Institutional approval was obtained from the correctional institution authorities. Two hypotheses were proposed and tested by means of simple statistical techniques (t-test) using mean and standard deviation and one-way ANOVA for the data analysis. Result of the t-test showed a non-statistically significant difference between the single and married inmates within the correctional centre environment in term of psychological wellbeing. This implied that single inmates do not have a better psychological wellbeing when compared to married inmates. The result from the one-way ANOVA revealed a non-statistically significant difference between the psychological wellbeing of inmates serving long sentence and other inmates (short sentence and awaiting trial). Hence, the two hypotheses were rejected. The study concluded that prisoners’ psychological wellbeing has nothing to do with their socio-demographic variables. Based on the findings, the study recommended that correctional services centres should be more habitable and accommodating so that inmates can continue to have or develop a better psychological wellbeing while serving their terms of imprisonment.Item Open Access CASE DETECTION CAPACITY OF THE HARE PSYCHOPATHY CHECKLIST REVISED (PCL-R) 2nd edition IN A NON-PRISON POPULATION IN KADUNA STATE(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-02-28) Ibrahim, Ignatius Felix Ruwan; Zamani, Andrew E.; Abubakar, Musa TafidaThe study examined the detection capacity index of the Hare psychopathy checklist (PCL-R) 2nd edition in non-Prison population in Kaduna State-Nigeria. A Cross Sectional Survey design was used to obtain data on the participants from the communities. A total number of 115 participants were recruited for the study, 72 (62.6%) were male and 43(37.4%) were females. Their age range was 18-55 years. They were selected through cluster sampling techniques. Analyzing data obtained using simple percentage estimates; result revealed that PCL-R has high detection capacity for Psychopathy in a non-prison population (30.43%). It is therefore recommended that the PCL-R should be adopted as a Psychological assessment tool for Criminality and Psychopathy by Psychologists and other Forensic experts who work in the Nigerian Criminal Justice SystemItem Open Access INFLUENCE OF PERSONALITY TRAITS AS PREDICTORS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING AMONG INMATES OF WAMBA CORRECTIONAL SERVICE CENTRE NASARAWA STATE NIGERIA.(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-07-05) Zamani, Andrew E.; Abubakar, Musa Tafida; Samson, TitaThe study examines personality traits as predictors of psychological wellbeing among ninety-eight (98) prison inmates at Nigerian Correctional Service Centre, Wamba, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The participants responded to two sets of research instrument which are: The Big Five Personality Scale and Ryff's Psychological Wellbeing Scale.The survey research design was used to due to the far that the study seeks information about people's behaviour in their natural settings. One hypothesis was stated and tested. The study employed the used of simple statistical techniques such as Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis, for data analysis of the hypothesis tested in the study and the result also revealed that conscientiousness ((3= .188; t= 2.620, P < .01) and openness to experience ((3= .063; t= 4-414> P < -01) significantly predict general psychological wellbeing while extraversion ((3= .209; t= 1.740, P > .05), agreeableness ((3= .162; t= 1.617, P > .05) and neuroticism (P= .071; t= 1.826, P > .05) this revealed that, personality traits jointly and significantly influence inmates' psychological wellbeing (R= .761; F= 25.256, P < .01) and indicated a proportion of 57.9% variance on psychological wellbeing among prisoners. The study concluded that personality traits had significant influence on the psychological wellbeing of inmates in Wamba Correctional Centre. On the basis of the findings, it was recommended among others that, it is important that government should design modern prisons that will carter for the psychological wellbeing of the inmates. This will help the prisoners to explore their personalities and to serve their terms of imprisonment without any harm to their psychological wellbeing. Furthermore, all prison inmates diagnosed with distorted psychological wellbeing should be offer psychological help from psychological service units.Item Open Access PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS AND COPING STYLE AMONG TERMINALLY-LLL PATIENTS' CAREGIVERS AT THE FEDERAL MEDICAL CENTRE, KEFFI, NIGERIA(Department of Psychology, Nasarawa State University, 2021-07-10) Sule, Peter Y.; Abubakar, Musa TafidaThe study investigated coping style as predictors of psychological distress among eighty-three (83) terminally-ill patients' caregivers at Federal Medical Centre, Keffii, Nigeria They consisted of thirty-five (35) males and forty-eight (48) females with age bracket ranging from 18 years and above. The participants responded to two sets of research instruments which are Psychological Distress Scale and Brief Cope Questionnaire Institutional approval was obtained from the authorities. Two hypotheses were stated and tested. The study employed the used of simple statistical techniques such as Inferential statistics, Pearson Product Moment Correlations and Regression Analysis for data analysis of the two hypotheses postulated in the study and the results shows that coping style has not significantly predicted psychological distress (r(81) = -0.183, P> .05). In addition, Gender; Coping Style has jointly and independently predicted psychological distress among terminally-ill patients' caregivers at Federal Medical Centre, Keffi (r= .183; p< .05). Independently, gender (6= .037; t= .356, p> .05) and coping style (6= -.128; t= -1.234, p> .05 did not predict psychological distress among terminally ill patient caregivers. The findings were discussed in line with the existing literature cited in this research. In conclusion, this study reveals the role of psychological distress and coping style among terminally-ill patients' caregivers in Keffi, Nigeria. On the basis of the findings, it was recommended among others that, to meet the challenges of modern day health care institutions in Nigeria, it is important that government should design modern psychological unit or centre in various hospital to carter for the terminally-ill patients' caregiver who are diagnosed with psychological distress and other psychological issues.