Alternative Economic Development Strategies in the Third World: Chile under Salvador Allende Gossens
Akinsanya, Adeoye A.
Umar, Elems Mahmoud
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Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi.
The Chilean experiments of formulating and implementing capitalist and socialist economic development strategies in the late 50s through early 70s form the core of this study. Because of the - commitment of the United States Government to the development and protection of private property interests and mutatis mutandis, direct foreign investments in the Third World, Dr. Salvador Allcnde’s comprehensive programme of socialising the means of .production in Chile from 1970-1973 engendered United States Government's hostile reactions, contributing to Chile's “invisible economic blockade”, and eventually, a violent overthrow'of the Allende
- Presidency * through a bloody coup de'tat on September 11, 1973. The study highlighted the lessons learnt-from the Allende socialist experiment by any Third World country.
36. Akinsanya, “Indigenisation or Nationalisation of Private Foreign Investments: Alternative Strategies for Dealing with Transnational Corporation in Member-States of ECOWAS,” in Development Planning in the ECOWAS: Priorities and Strategics, edited by R. A. Obogu et al. (Ibadan: Heinemann Educational, 1983), pp. 365-409. 37. O'Brien, p. 223. 38. Moran, “Transnational Strategies of Protection and Defense by Multinational Coiporations,” pp. 273-287. 39. O'Brien, p. 224. 40. See Anthony Sampson, The Sovereign State (London: Hodder and Faweett, 1973), pp. 230-256; United States, Congress, Senate,