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Item Open Access REVIEWING ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND ORGANIZATIONAL VISION, MISSION AND PHILOSOPHY(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2019-12-06) Katuka, Yaki; Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yaro, Safiya Ismaila; Anzaku, ZainabResearch spanning several decades has consistently ranked communication as the guarantee for possible transmission of meanings, experiences, feelings, intentions and wisdom among people. This study sets out to examine the form of administrative1 channels of communication, effectiveness, principles and guidelines in promoting cordial relationship in organizations. Content analysis approach was adopted analysis. The study relied on secondary sources of information including extant records, literature and previous empirical studies. Key among the findings is the strong potency of effective administrative communication system in realistion of organizational vision, mission and philosophy. The study therefore concludes that the effectiveness and efficiency of a bureaucratic organizational system depends on the rapidity and effectiveness of communication flow across the organization; flowing from the analysis and findings, it is recommended that the channel of administrative communication at all levels I bureaucratic organization should be clear of barriers, for efficient, functioning and goals attainment should be unhindered in order to engender information \ flow and feedbacks.Item Open Access AGRICULTURAL INTERVENTION POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT ■ OF NIGERIAN RURAL AREA: A STUDY OF EDO STATE(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2020-12-03) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi Ogwuzebe; Bege, Yahaya AhmedThe wealth which built modern Nigeria whether in the era of dominance of agricultural commodities, or petroleum, was derived from the rural areas. Given the relative importance of rural areas in Nigeria, as the major economic base, this study examines theof agricultural intervention policies/programmes on rural development in Edo State. The study adoptedmixed method using questionnaire andoral interviews. The data were analyzed using simple percentage statistical tools. Thefinding reveals that the exclusion of the rural farmers from participating in the agricultural intervention programmes is among other factors that contributed to the failure of the policy/programmes vis-a-vis underdevelopment of rural areas. Consequently, the study recommended that Government should leapfrog rural development philosophy from the present abyss to a front burner position, by constitutionalizing an extra-ministerial agency, such as the National Population Commission and Federal Civil Service Commission, among others, with specific responsibility of rural development in Nigeria.Item Open Access Alternative Economic Development Strategies in the Third World: Chile under Salvador Allende Gossens(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2019-07-08) Akinsanya, Adeoye A.; Umar, Elems MahmoudThe Chilean experiments of formulating and implementing capitalist and socialist economic development strategies in the late 50s through early 70s form the core of this study. Because of the - commitment of the United States Government to the development and protection of private property interests and mutatis mutandis, direct foreign investments in the Third World, Dr. Salvador Allcnde’s comprehensive programme of socialising the means of .production in Chile from 1970-1973 engendered United States Government's hostile reactions, contributing to Chile's “invisible economic blockade”, and eventually, a violent overthrow'of the Allende - Presidency * through a bloody coup de'tat on September 11, 1973. The study highlighted the lessons learnt-from the Allende socialist experiment by any Third World country.Item Open Access LOCAL GOVERNMENT AS THIRD TIER GOVERNMENT;ROLES, FUNCTIONS AND CHALLENGES.(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2019-07-06) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Adokwe, Comfort AyineIf one asserts that just as the basic tissues are important to the human body so also is local government important to a democratic political system, one will be staling a fact that cannot be disputed. Local government in every democratic setting is established to satisfy the needs of local populace through effective service delivery and, efficient and effective mobilization of the local human and material resources. The indispensability of local government in democratic setting, manifest in its ability to bring about democracy at the grassroots , serve as a base for political participation and education as well as provide services and serve as an agent of development. This paper therefore assesses the concept of local government as third tier government, its roles, functions, and challenges. At the end recommendation would be made to ensure effective and efficient local government in Nigeria.Item Open Access ENTREPRENEURIAL GOVERNMENT, FISCAL CAPACITY AND SERVICE DELIVERY IN EDO STATE, NIGERIA(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2019-07-08) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi OgwuzebeGiven the disproportionate relationship between fiscal responsibility and taxing capacity, local councils' inability to generate sufficient internal revenue to augment receipts from the central allocation is exacerbated. The situation has placed councils in a perpetual “infant industry ” situation. Previous studies on the intractable challenges of local government financing focus on the unfavourable skewness of the existing revenue allocation formula against councils, with minimalfocus on the strategic imperative of exploring contemporary entrepreneurial approach by governments in boosting internally generated revenues, to propel service delivery. In departure, this study attempts to examine the efficacy of “managerialism” in public service delivery, with Edo States 2017 “reforms” as case. Adopting a primary survey design, the study relied on data gatheredfrom stakeholders and adopted structural functionalism in explaining the success or failure of governmental institutions in their assignedfiscal functions. In line with the objective to examine the trend in revenue accretion, simple percentage analysis is conducted. The summary of thefindings indicated that Edo State Government increased internally generated revenue by all local government councils from average monthly N30million in 2016 to N220million in 2017, due to the entrepreneurial approach to revenue management initiated in 2017. Consequently, it is recommended that other states in Nigeria should embark on institutional reforms for the needed revolution in internally generated revenue, for service^ delivery.Item Open Access EXPECTANCY AND DIALECTICS OF WANING PUBLIC SERVICE ETHICS IN KOKONA LOCAL GOVERNMENT,NIGERIA(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2020-12-09) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi Ogwuzebe; Bege, Yahaya AhmedPublic organizations and members are required to be guided by established ethics in the discharge of their official responsibilities, to ensure credible service delivery to the citizens. The objective of this study is to examine the extent of observance of established public service ethics by employees of Kokona Local Government Council, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study adopts mixed method with asample of 282 employees drawn from the total staff strength of 352. The study used purposive technique, because of the homogeneity and relatively small size of the target population; while a questionnaire was employed in data collection, in the primary survey research design. Oral interviews were also conducted with respondents, to clarify ambiguities. Vroom (1964)'s Expectancy Theory was adopted in the theoretical framework, in view of the Theory's potency in providing insight into the relationship between employees'effort and the outcome of the effort, in the form of reward. Data were analyzed with simple percentage tools, as is widely applicable in Management and Social Science researches. Salient among the findings were that Kokona Council employees were aware of the service ethical codes; but they were however largely deficient in fully observing the code, due to the deplorable service conditions, including poor remunerations and incentives. Consequently, if was recommended, among others, that Council should improve the service conditions of employees; diversity the revenue base, to support the anticipated higher expenditure profile; and embark on ethical re-orientation of the staff, to regularize the psyche.Item Open Access SECURITY GOVERNANCE AND .POLITICAL THUGGERY IN NIGERIA: AN ANALYSIS OF STATE’S RESPONSE TO KALARE ACTIVITIES IN GOMBE(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2019-07-04) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Isa, Abdullahi MuhammadOver the years, North-Eastern Nigeria has witnessed worst cases of violence and conflicts ranging from religious, political to economic violence. As a result, there was proliferation of small arms and light weapons, huge presence of assault weapons and daggers by different groups. Other violent activities included political thuggery orchestrated by armed youths operating in different names in the different states of the North-East sub region. This scenario poses serious threat to effective security governance in Gombe State in particular and the entire region as a whole. It is in view, of this that this paper examines the level of State's response to the nefarious activities of the Kalare boys in Gombe State. The paper also examines the extent to which the security architecture ■. in the State is positioned to meet up with the security challenges posed by the Kalare boys. The - paper uses content analysis as a methodological basis of conducting the research. The findings indicate that it is true that activities of the kalare boys are posing serious threat to security and peaceful co-existence among people; that the government and security operatives are reluctant to curtail the activities of the kalare boys given that most of the power elites in the state use them. The study recommends, among others, improvement in the security infrastructure to meet up with modern crime sophistication and also to empower the youth socially, educationally and economically with a view to making them more resourceful citizens to the society.Item Open Access WOMEN’S AFFIRMATIVE DEMAND IN NIGERIA: ASSESSMENT OF POLICY IMPLEMENTATION BY KOKONA LOCAL GOVERNMENT, NASARAWA STATE(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2019-10-06) Abdullahi, Mohammed; Umar, Elems MahmoudThe metamorphosis of the traditional child-bearing role of women during the medieval era to one of corporate, administrative and political guru in contemporary era has been phenomenal In response to modernism, and the resentment by women against unfavourable gender discrimination, many countries of the world: USA (1961), Malaysia (1970), Sri Lanka (1981), Taiwan (2004) and UK (2010), etc, have adopted various policies aimed at increasing women’s participation in public and private sectors, by closing the inherent systemic gender-discriminatory gaps. In Nigeria, similar agitations for capacitating women have been mounted through Women’s Affirmative Charter of Demand, which received Federal Government’s impetus through the National Gender Policy in 2006, with practical provision to reserve atleast 35 per cent of available public offices for women in order to lay the foundation for mainstreaming women into higher public participation. Notwithstanding, the imperative of Affirmative Policy in promoting the role of women in national development in Nigeria, it had been alleged by analysts that Policy implementation remained shambolic across the various tiers of government, with progressive deficit at the munical level. The objective of this study is to examine the status of Affirmative Policy implementation in Kokona Local Governmnet. Given that Affirmative Policy is intandem with contemporary global adjustments, this study is principally underpinned by modernization theory. Data on the discrepancies between the actual and expected female employment levels in Kokona Local Government during the study period 2010-2019 were analysed using Chi-square statistical method. Evidence from the findings show a discrepancy between the actual and expected levels of women employment during the period. Consequently, it was recommended that, among others, implementation of Affirmative Policy should be constitutionalized, to compel compliance in NigeriaItem Open Access Democritising the Process of Recruitment into Key Academic Offices in Selected Nigerian Universities(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2018-12-07) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi OgwuzebeBecause of its enormous attributes (i.e popular participation, guarantee of freedom, accountability and good governance), many undemocratic governments have collapsed. In contemporary practice, recruitment into key positions in most organizations, whether private or public, therefore follows a democratic procedure. Curiously, the existence of a deviation from the modern norm by tertiary institutions in Nigeria, which enjoy the accolade of monopolistic trusteeship of intellectual endowment, remains confounding. This study is instituted to examine the factors in the observed duality in recruitment practices adopted by selected universities. In the survey design, data collected from top ranking employees were analysed using percentages, while Chi-square analysis was performed to examine the discrepancy between the observed and expected recruitment practices. Theoretically, the study is underpinned by a hybrid of Democratic Participation Hypothesis and Democratic Participation Management Theory. The study revealed that, away from any legal or statutory dictates, preference for the appointive alternative adopted in recruitment into the offices of Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Head of Department is cultural, and had resulted in apathetic reaction by academic staff to exclusion and governance issues in universities. Accordingly, it is recommended that recruitment into all key offices in Nigerian universities should Tbe democratized, for wider participation and improved governanceItem Open Access IMPACT OF FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION ON MONETARY POLICY EFFECTIVENESS IN NIGERIA(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2018-12-09) Itodo, S. M.; Umar, Elems MahmoudThe need to be able to assess properly the extent of the relationship between financial intermediation and monetary policies of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) gave rise to the study on 'impact of Financial Intermediation on Monetary Policy Effectiveness in Nigeria': It is evidently clear that financial systems world over are heavily regulated in order to achieve the macroeconomic objectives of the government. Nigeria is not an exception. For this reason, the 'Researcher carried out an in-depth study of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables of the study in an attempt to verify that financial systems are not only heavily regulated but also that monetary policy effectiveness is achieved. The source of data is from the CBN's statistical bulletin and therefore secondary in nature. The data collected wcs&r£. analysed using regression analysis. The results of the analysis showed that cash reserved ratio and interest rate have statistical and significant influence on demand deposit and loans and advance, respectively. Consequently, it was concluded and recommended that the Central Bank (CBN) and the Financial Intermediaries are not only to ensure that the effectiveness of monetary policies is maintained at all times but also that the issue of Financial Intermediation should be accorded priority in the agenda during the Bankers' committee meetings.Item Open Access BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHARACTERISTICS AND ACCOUNTING CONSERVATISM(Department Of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2013-02-03) Hassan, Ibrahim; Salami, SuleimanThe separation of ownership from management and the existence of creditors results in information asymmetry among stakeholders to the firm. Management may pursue interest different from that of other stakeholders; hence, the demand for conservative reporting. This study examines the effects of board of directors' characteristics On Accounting Conservatism In The Nigerian Food And Beverages Sector.Item Open Access e-GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE DELIVERY IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION IN NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA.(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2018-12-08) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi Ogwuzebe; Omadachi, OklobiaRealizing the implications of the prevailing low education and awareness of information and communication (ICT) in Nigeria for efficient service delivery by government institutions and agencies, or e-governance, the Federal Government of Nigeria embarked on legislative, policy and institutional initiatives to redress the situation. Evidence ascribes the particularly poor e-governance among the local government councils to the disconnect formal institutions responsible for developing and disseminating new ideas and innovations in ICT to affd the councils. In effects, the slack in information flow and weak structures have militated against the realization of objectives of e-governance, particularly by local government areas of Nigeria, as explainable by diffusion theory and structural-functionalism. In the survey research, several findings were made among which poor ICT lagged or lacking information dissemination to local government councils, low level of ICT literacy among employees of local councils and very low budgetary allocation to ICT development by councils, among other. Accordingly, it was recommended among other that the information dissemination apparatus should be strengthened to bridge the gap between the institutions and the councils.Item Open Access FISCAL OPERATIONS, ECONOMIC GROWTH AND WELFARE: INSIGHTS INTO NIGERIA(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2018-12-02) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi OgwuzebeThe cardinal objective of government is to maximise the welfare of fhe citizenry. Success in the achievement of this objective is premised on the ability of government to develop the requisite capacity to provide the needed infrastructure designed to propel increases in the fundamentals ofeconomic growth. In this wise, the employment of sound fiscal policies ensures that the overall macroeconomic objective of rapid growth, among others, is achieved. Interestingly, fiscal operations provide the platform for the dynamics of efficient implementation offiscal policy, without which imbalances leading to crises can develop. Flowing from the plethora of theoretical literature, it has been suggested that a nexus exists between economic growth, proxied by gross domestic product (GDP), and government fiscal operations (typified by taxation, external debt and aggregate capital expenditure). Unfortunately not much had been done empirically to establish the relationship between fiscal policy instrumental variables (tax revenue, external debt and capital expenditure) and GDP, in Nigeria, during the period 200Q-2015. Using time series data on the. variables, regression analysis, Ordinary Least Squares, was performed, to ascertain the aprori relationship. The results of the findings provide evidence of a strong positive relationship between economic growth and the nature of fiscal operations in Nigeria during the study period. Accordingly; it was recommended that government Jiscal operations should focus extensively on tax revenue generation, since revenue was the most significant contributor to economic growth.Item Open Access External Debt Burden: Contextual Analysis of Nigeria and Liberia(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2018-07-07) Umar, Elems MahmoudGiven the poorly developed capital markets, an! low capital formation, the available alternate financing development plans by the emergent!. World countries, including Nigeria and Liberia, was exi borrowing. From the content analysis, based on descif approach, it is arguable that poor debt management vd of the major problems that aggravated the economic crii the emerging economies. Thus, improving the external! management of the referenced countries is central int study. Nigeria and Liberia should therefore embark.1 systemic overhaul of their debt management framed including capital market institutions, among otherj improve debt sustainability, for economic development, fItem Open Access Dependency Theory and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: Insights into Nigeria(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2020-11-09) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi OgwuzebeNigeria is a federal state with delineation of political, economic and administrative powers and responsibilities among the federating national and sub-national governments. In tandem with the above framework, Nigeria adopts fiscal federalism, in order to achieve smooth conduct of public revenue and expenditure operations. The constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria 1989, as subsequently amended, allocates all fiscal responsibilities to the respective federating tiers of government. Commentaries by analysts, authors and observers allude to the lopsidedness of the allocation of responsibilities and fiscal capacities, in terms of "quantity" and "economic potentials", in favour of the national government. This unfavourable skewness against the sub-national tiers, noted all critics, remained the fundamental harbinger of fiscal disequilibrium, leading to the incapacity and dependent position of the sub-national governments. This study examined the implications of the dependency in the intergovernmental relations enshrined in the Grundnorm, in the light of the backdrop of Andre Gimder Frank's Dependency Theory.Item Open Access Local Government Autonomy and Fiscal Viability in Nigeria: Evidence from Taraba State(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2020-09-09) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi OgwuzebejAs a tier in the politico-fiscal federalism arrangement of Nigeria, the local government has a jconstitutional mandate to deliver governance at the critical grassroot level, for the attainment of jpolitico-economic development and globalism. The capacity of a local government to deliver on jlhe mandate, however, is dependent on its fiscal pedigree. This study contends that the inadequate jfiscal capacity of the local government in Nigeria is a consequence of the contrived constitutional 'and legal machinations, intended to institutionalise dependency in the inter-governmental fiscal relations. The objective of this study is to examine the viability of the much coveted local government autonomy, in the light of the weak fiscal capacity. Given the level of imbalance in the .existing fiscal relations among the various tiers of government, Equilibrium Theory provided the framework of the study. In the expository analysis, adopting documentary research method, data were gathered from published sources, including local government councils’ records, Nigeria’s Constitutions (as amended), Federation Revenue Act 2002, and academic journals, among others. Oral telephone interviews were also held with some top officials of council managements, to clarify observed ambiguities. It was found that the forces of the constitutional assignment of "dehydrated” revenue sources to local governments, the “inequitable” revenue allocation formula prescribed by the Legislature, and the weak institutional apparatuses, interplayed to clog or wither •the kinetic energy in local government councils, thereby reducing the effort to inert status. In .(conclusion, local government autonomy, without fiscal viability, as the case of Taraba State, may jbe counter-productive. It was therefore recommended, among others, that constitutional and legal jreforms, aimed at adjusting the extant fiscal imbalance, should be undertaken by the Federal Government, and other relevant authorities.Item Open Access Women’s Affirmative Policy Implementation in Kokona Local Government Area, Nasarawa Slate, Nigeria(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2019-07-03) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi Ogwuzebe; Bege, Yahaya AhmedThe metamorphosis of the traditional child-bearing role of women during the medieval era to one of corporate, administrative and political guru in contemporaiy era has been phenomenal. In response to modernism, and the resentment by women against unfavourable gender discrimination, many countries of the world: USA (1961), Malaysia (1970), Sri Lanka (1981), Taiwan (2004) and UK (2010), etc, have adopted various policies aimed at increasing women’s participation in public and private sectors, by closing the inherent systemic gender-discriminatoty gaps. In Nigeria, similar agitations for capacitating women have been mounted through Women’s Affirmative Charter of Demand, which received Federal Government’s impetus through the National Gender Policy in 2006, with practical provision to reserve at least 35 per cent of available public offices for women in order to lay the foundation for mainstreaming women into higher public participation. Notwithstanding, the imperative of Affirmative Policy in promoting the role of women in national development in Nigeria, it had been alleged by analysts that Policy implementation remained shambolic across the various tiers of government, with progressive deficit at the munical level. The objective of this study is to examine the status of Affirmative Policy implementation in Kokona Local Governmnet. Given that Affirmative Policy is intandem with contemporaiy global adjustments, this study is principally underpinned by modernization theory>. * Data on the discrepancies between the actual and expected female employmeijtRevels in Kokona Local Government during the study period 2010-2019 was analysed using Chi-square statistical method. Evidence from the findings show a Women’s Affirmative Policy Implementation in Kokona Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria discrepancy between the actual and expected levels of women employment during the period. Consequently, it *was recommended that, among others, implementation of Affirmative' Policy should be constitutionalized, to compel compliance in Nigeria.Item Open Access AFRICA’S DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE POLITICAL ANTIGEN(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2019-07-04) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Aliegba, Becky AdeThat Africa’s effort at achieving development has yielded very meagre result is not surprising; the truth is that pre- and post-independence development effort has been largely challenged by a myriad of problems, chief of which is elite power politics. By its character, the African state has remained statist, with the major, and indeed only preoccupation of the colonialist and the post-independence nationalist-cum-elite being power ascription. In the deep immersion in power pursuit, development was hardly or scarcely in the agenda of the African state, irrespective of the era: colonial or post-independence. This study contends that although much has been said in the polemics, the role of the elite power struggle in the underdevelopment of Africa remains inexhaustively explored. Given the historical and qualitative nature of the study, much reliance is placed on descriptive research design. Modernization and elite theoretical foundations provide useful insights into the imperative of “transiting” Africa to the modern status of the West. From the plethora of literature and analysis, key among the findings include: first, that colonial administrations focused on self-serving power grabbing activities, to the prejudice of development; second, even the successor-African nationalists retained the statist character of the colonial administration; and third, development was hardly listed in the agenda either by the colonialists or African elite. In conclusion, the discontent and pervasive frustration of the marginalised Africans through the statist oppression of the ruling faction of the elite gave rise to aggravation of the operating centrifugal forces. The end-product was massive resentment and emergence of violent protests, reinforced by military interventions in' politics, in post-independence African countries, from the 1960s, as exemplified by the Nigerian situation. The suggested remedy is for African elite to “restructure” their elite political or power appetite.Item Open Access CHALLENGES OF METHODOLOGY AND VALIDITY IN THE STUDY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2018-09-05) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi OgwuzebeWritings on conceptual and methodological issues in the study of social science subjects, Public Administration inclusive, focus attention on comparing this variant of “science”'with the pure science, placing emphasis on the similarities in the methodological apparatuses and procedures. The central aim is to establish the “scienceness”, and poke the social science in the domain of the natural science. Such views may be perfectly plausible, atleast because they rationalise the award of a science degree to a graduate of social science. Standing on similar arguments, this paper latches onto the unexhausted polemics of the “scienceness” of Public Administration, and promises to explore the alternative view that the strong inclination to the appellation science, with reference to Public Administration, is an expression, with little relevance to the subject matter.Item Open Access RETHINKING THE ‘COMPLICITY’ OF GOVERNMENT IN DECLINING ETHICS AMONG KOKONA LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.(Department of Public Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2020-12-09) Umar, Elems Mahmoud; Yusuf, Abdullahi Ogwuzebe; Bege, Yahaya AhmedPublic organisations and members are required to be guided by established ethics in the discharge of their official responsibilities, to ensure credible service delivery to the citizens. The objective of this study is to examine the extent of observance of established public service ethics by employees of Kokona Local Government Council, Nasaram State, Nigeria, The central research questions were: whether employees fully observed the ethics; and the reasons for default, if any. A sample of 282 employees was drawn from the total staff strength of 352 (2019), with purposive technique, because of the homogeneity and relatively small size of the target population; while a questionnaire was employed in data collection, in the primary survey research design. Oral interviews were also conducted with respondents, to clarify ambiguities. Vroom (1964)’s Expectancy Theory was adopted in the theoretical framework, in view of the Theory’s potency in providing insight into the relationship between employees' effort and the outcome of the effort, in the form of reward. Data were analysed with simple percentage tools, as is widely applicable in Management and Social Science researches. Salieni among the findings were that Kokona Council employees were aware of the service ethical codes; but they were however largely deficient in fully observing the code, due to the deplorable service conditions, including poor remunerations and incentives Consequently, it was recommended, among others, that Council should improve th service conditions of employees; diversity the revenue base, to support the anticipated higher expenditure profile; and embark on ethical re-orientation of the staff, to regularize the psyche.