Studies on Dermestes Maculatus Infestation of Smoked - Dried Fish at Uke Fish Market, Nasarawa State, Nigeria



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Department of Zoology, Nasarawa State University Keffi


Three smoke-dried fish, Clariasgariepinus, Oreochromisniloticus and Protopterusannectens were procured from Uke fish market to assess the effects of insect infestation. The fish samples were taken to the Department of Zoology Laboratory of Nasarawa State University Keffi. Percentage weights of the fishes were determined before and after insect pest infestations. The samples were stored in three different cartoons for a period of four weeks. Proximate analysis of the samples was carried out at the Animal Feed Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory Nyanya. The protein, moisture and fat contents for Clarias gariepinus before infestation were (73.40%, 9.70% and 15.70%), forOreochromisniloticus(72.30%, 10.40%, and 11.60%), for Protopterusannectens (63.50%, 12.60%,and 8.30%). After infestation, the protein, moisture and fat contents for Clarias gariepinus were (72.50%, 6.00%, and 12.80%). for Oreochromisniloticus(71.90%, 5.80%,and 11.60%), for Protopterusannectens(60.80%,10.30% and 7.70%). Itwas observed that insect pest infestation causes great loss and reduces the economic and market value of smoke -dried fish because it degrades and damaged the fish thereby reducing it protein, fat and moisture contents. The result of the study showed that Dermestesmaculatus infestation was higher in Clarias gariepinus compared to Oreochromis niloticus and Protopterusannectens with the highest infestation rate of 35%, 30% and 30% respectively in the three species. However, there was no significant difference between the number of insect pests found in the fish samples at (p>0.05), the proximate analysis shows that the data collected after insect infestation was significance at p=0.05 with p value 0.00005.



Dermestes Maculatus, Clarias Gariepinus, Oreochromis Niloticus, Protein And Protopterusannecten


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