Exploring Information Sources by Users of Academic Libraries in Kaduna State, Nigeria




Hussaini, SULEIMAN
Suleiman, SAMBO

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Department of Library and Information Science, Nasarawa State University, Keffi


This article examined information sources of library users in academic libraries, Kaduna State University, Nigeria. The descriptive design was used for the study, which was based on two research objectives: research question and hypothesis. The population of the study comprised of 700 users of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and Kaduna State University (students and faculty members).A multistage cluster random sample was used, and Yameni's formula was used to determine the sampled population. The questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. A preliminary study was conducted at Kano State University of Science and Technology in Wudil to confirm the consistency of the instrument (i.e., Split half). Alpha Cronbach was selected for the test to verify the reliability coefficient, which indicated an average of 0.78, which showed that the tool was consistent. Data were collected using frequency, percentages, and inferential statistics (i.e., ANOVA) statistical analysis of hypothesis testing was done at a confidence level of 0.05 using SPSS version 23.0. Among other things, the results showed that a higher percentage of respondents agreed to 328 (93.7%) seeking information in the library. In comparison, very few respondents (4 (1.1%) confirmed that they were looking for information in information centres and Internet cafes, and 472(67.4%) were the most desired sources of information by respondents who asked for information. In comparison, 672 (96.0%) of CD ROMS were the least preferred sources of information for respondents from both institutions. The study concludes that the sources of information for library users in the university setting should be adequately explored o respond effectively to users' information needs. The results of the tests showed that respondents differed significantly in the use of information sources by their faculties. Finally, it recommended that other sources of information such as OPAC, book catalogue, magazines /online/printed, and the like should be updated from time to time to adapt to up-to-the-minute growth and respond to the general trend.



Academic Libraries, Explore, Information Sources, Kaduna State, Users.


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