Hybrid Wenner-Schlumberger Electrical Resistivity Investigation for Groundwater at Nasarawa State University Keffi, Keffi Sheet 208 NE, North-Central Nigeria.



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Department of Geology and Minning, Nasarawa State University Keffi


Geological traversing at Nasarawa State University Keffi, part of Keffi Sheet 208NE, North-central Nigeria, revealed that the area is underlain by the Basement Complex rocks consisting of biotite gneiss, granitic gneiss and schist. The structural trends are mostly in NNW-SSE and NE-SW directions and foliation in the NE-SW direction. Surface geophysical investigation was conducted using the new hybrid Wenner-Schlumberger array, where fifty (50) stations were investigated along seven established profiles to determine the groundwater potential of the area. Six curve types were observed; HA, KA, QH, HAK and KHA; QHA-types has the highest frequency of occurrence while KA and HAK-types has the least. Results revealed that the top soil being the 1st layer with resistivity (62- 5800 Ωm) and thickness (1-2 m). Laterite is the 2nd layer with resistivity (20-5550 Ωm), and thickness (2-7 m). The weathered basement is the 3rd layer with resistivity (43-2080 Ωm) and thickness (5-20 m). The fractured basement is the 4thlayer in the five (5) geoelectric layer case with resistivity (115-1700 Ωm) and thickness (25-50 m); while the partially weathered/fractured basement forms the 4thlayer in the six (6) geoelectric layer case with resistivity (66-2059 Ωm) and thickness (10-30 m). The fresh basement forms the 5thlayer in the five (5) geoelectric layer case with resistivity (312-2170 Ωm), while the fractured basement forms the 5thlayer in the six (6) geoelectric layer case with resistivity (139-2800 Ωm), and thickness (10-50 m). The fresh basement forms the 6thlayer in the six (6) geoelectric layer case with resistivity (310-3800 Ωm). The depth to fresh basement or overburden thickness range from 29-79.5 m, which implies that the area is generally good for groundwater development, especially places with distinctive weathered and/or fractured layers thicknesses. Groundwater potentials were zoned into low, medium and high potentials for groundwater development. Wenner data extracted and interpreted have a good degree of correlation with the Schlumberger results, the structural trends observed on the geological structures and with existing geology



Geological, geophysical, groundwater, geoelectrical section and Borehole


Baba, A.O. et al. (2019) Hybrid Wenner-Schlumberger Electrical Resistivity Investigation for Groundwater at Nasarawa State University Keffi, Keffi Sheet 208 NE, North-Central Nigeria.
