Increasing The Vocabulary Of English With The Names Of Some Personalities In Nigeria

dc.contributor.authorDavid, Stephen O.
dc.description.abstractThe vocabulary of English is cosmopolitan. It contains words from other European, African, Asian, Arab and African languages. This was brought about by such simple linguistic processes as borrowing, compounding, coinages, blending, grafting or clipping of words. The above has actually helped the language on its quick ascendary as a world language. Apart . from the linguistic processes involved in the acceptance of words into English, there is no other political consideration as is found in the Academic Francais through which new words must pass through before being accepted into French. It is on this premise that this paper proposes the inclusion of names of some personalities in Nigeria into the English lexicon. The names the writer wishes to propose are the names of people who v/ithin the last two decades or more have caused some sensations in the historical development of Nigeria to such an extent that the International community was aware of. The paper also proposes the lexico-semantic properties of the proposed names and how they should be used.en_US
dc.identifier.citationBalogun, U. 1995, November 28. Tears for Assassins". The Guardian pp 21. Baugh, A.C. 1951 .A History of the English Language. London: Routledge and kegan Paul. Crystal, David. 1987. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language. London: Cambridge University Press. Cruse, Alan. 2004. Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. Great Britain: Oxford University Press. Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 1981. The New Britannica-Webster Dictionary and Reference Guide Chicago: Author. From, B.S. et al. 2002. Use of English for Nigerian students. Jos: covevant press Ltd. From klin, Victoria., Rodman, Robert., Hymas Nina. 2003. An Introduction to Language (Seventh edition) US: Thomson Wadswoth. Narmelu, Ozomekum; Semantics and the frontiers of Communication. Okafor, J. 1999, January 11. "Omenka's New song" Tell. No. 2, pp. 12 -17. Olorunfewa, A. 1998, October 5. "Abach's murder Incorporated". Tell. No. 40 pp 10 -15. Palmer, F.R. Semantics. Second edition. Quirk, Randolph, Greenbrae, Sydney. Leech, Geoffrey, and Svartvick, January. 1972. A Grammar of contemporary English. London: Longman. Robins, R.H. 1980. General Linguistics: An Introduction Survey. London: Longman. Wrenn, C.L. 1977. The English Language. London: Methuen. Yule, George. 1985. The study of Language. Cambridge: CUP. Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatics. London: oxford University press. IND. J. MULTI. RES. Volume -5 (No.2). 2009en_US
dc.publisherDepartment Of English, Faculty Of Arts, Nasarawa State University, Keffien_US
dc.subjectVocabulary, lexico-semantic properties, Nigeriaen_US
dc.titleIncreasing The Vocabulary Of English With The Names Of Some Personalities In Nigeriaen_US


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