DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY EVALUATION OF SOY-SORGHUM, SESAME-SORGHUM AND SORGHUM BASED WEANING FOODS | Fabian, Ugwuona | | | Abigail, Abe B. | | | 2023-12-11T13:53:32Z | | | 2023-12-11T13:53:32Z | | | 2011-10-10 | |
dc.description | Article | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | This study evaluated the nutrient composition, sensory and functional properties of weaning foods developed f soy-sorghum, sesame-sorghum and sorghum (negative control) as the base ingredients. Cooked (95-107 fermented (18 h) soybean seeds (2 kg) were processed into flour. Parboiled (90-98 ^ sorghum grains (4 kg) processed into sorghum flour. Sesame seeds (2 kg) fermented (18 h) and toasted (100-12ffC) for 20 min t processed into flour. Weaning foods were developed with-sorghum (23% :45%;36% : 33%), sesame-sorghum (2i 45%; 35% : 32%) and sorghum (63%) as the base ingredients, with other ingredients in approximately cs proportions in the 5 samples. The processed flours and weaning foods were analysed for nutrient composition ur the weaning foods only were further analysed for sensory and functional properties. Soy and sesame seed ftesubstitution for sorghum improved nutrient composition of weaning samples. Protein content (4.6%) increasedtr increasing seame seed flour addition (13.1% protein maximum) and with increasing soy flour addition (17-1 protein maximum). Crude fibre, fat and ash contents increased with increasing sesame and soy flours additions, * minerals calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus increased in contents with soy and sesame flours addi t- Soy flour improved nutrient contents higher than sesame flour in the food samples. The legume-sorghum zvean. foods were very soluble in water and formed good consistent gruels. The soy-sorghum, sesame-sorghum and sorgkbasedfood samples had acceptable colour, flavour, texture and mouth-feel among the assessors | en_US |
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dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.publisher | Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension,Nasarawa State University, Keffi | en_US |
dc.subject | Quality, soy-sorghum, sesame-sorghum, weaning foods | en_US |
dc.type | Article | en_US |