

Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    (Departmentof of Agricultural Science, 2016-03-03) F.A, OLADIPO; O, BOLARIN; O.W, KAREEM; O.P, POPOOLA
    The study assessed the perceived climate change indicators and mitigation methods on snail farming in Kwara state, Nigeria. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 80 respondents for the study. The findings revealed that most (62.5%) of the respondents were within the age range 41-50 years. Majority (75.0%) of the respondents were male, majority (87.5%) were married with an household size of 5-7 members. 43.75% of the respondents had post secondary education, significant percentage (56.25%) also had long years of snail farming experience with a monthly income of N11,00.00 to N15,000.00. 50% of the respondents had undergone informal training on snail farming and sourced their stocks from local breeders. Most (56.2%) of the respondents had low production pattern, 62.5% constrained by inadequate finance and 18.75% were affected by poor markets. Of the 80 respondents, 37.5% of the respondents perceived too much heat,25% perceived increasing air pollution as the climate change indicators in the study area. And the respondents perceived prevalent mitigation methods was planting of more trees at farm. The t-test analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between socio-economic characteristics of snail farmers and their perceived mitigation methods (t=36.5,P< 0.05). It is therefore recommended that adequate training on snail farming, provision of fund and relevant information on afforestation by the government be made available to snail farmers so as to enhance snail production level
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Departmentof of Agricultural Science, 2016-03-03) Egbewole, Z.T.; Rotowa, O.J.
    Wood quality studies were carried out on the Moringa oleifera collected from Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria to ascertain their suitability for pulp and paper making. Ten (10) sample trees collected from the 3year old Moringa plantation, at the Faculty of Agriculture (Shabu-Lafia Campus), Nasarawa State University Keffi. Sample discs were collected from 5%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 85%, of the whole length of each of the harvested stands (axial positions), while radial samples were collected from the core wood, middle wood, outer wood and bark. Physical properties: growth ring, ring width and fibre morphology such as fibre length, fibre diameter, lumen width, cell wall thickness, Runkel ratio, flexibility ratio and felting coefficient were studied on axial and radial directions on the ten samples. Five slivers were obtained randomly from each of the 4 radial and 5 axial sampled discs replicated on ten (10) randomly selected Moringa trees, totaling 1000 fibres used for this study. The wood splints of 1 x 3cm were obtained from the wood sample with the aid of a knife and placed inside test tubes and macerated with an equal volume (1:1) of 10% glacial acetic acid and 30% Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) at 100±2OC and boiled until soft and bleached white as adopted by Franklin, 1945. The study was laid out in a 5 x 4 x 10 factorial experiment in a completely randomized design (CRD). Pith diameter was 9.29±4.05 mm, it increased significantly from base to top. Bark thickness was 4.75±1.67mm. Significance between-tree variation was observed for ring width with a mean of 5.27±0.68 mm, however, ring width consistently increased along the stem axis. The results of the fibre morphological characteristics showed that the fibre length was 2.28±0.49 mm, 13.77±3.13 μm lumen width, 19.54±1.95 μm fibre diameter while the cell wall thickness was 2.37±2.00μm. Fibre length, lumen width and cell wall thickness varied significantly along the stem axis at (p<0.05). Moringa oleifera fibre characteristics as reported in this study showed that, they are well suited for tissue, corrugating medium, newsprint, and writing paper. It is therefore necessary for researchers to focus more on some agricultural crop alternatives as well as lesser known wood species such as Moringa oleifera, by exploring their pulping potentials and thus prevents overdependence on already depleting scarce forest resources.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Departmentof of Agricultural Science, 2016-03-04) O.J, SALIU; P.E, ADEJOH; L.A, USMAN
    This study examined the adoption of downy mildew resistant maize technology in Guinea Savanna agricultural zone (Kogi State) Nigeria. Primary data were collected using structured interview schedule and personal interview of 120 maize producers. Multistage sampling technique was used to select the respondents. Data analysis was carried out using frequency counts, percentage and logit regression. The results revealed that access to credit facility and farming experience significantly influenced adoption of downy mildew resistant maize variety at 5% and 1% levels. The study further revealed that the adoption of downy mildew resistant maize variety kept on increasing from 2.17 in 2008 to 3.89 in 2013. The constraints to adoption of downy mildew resistant maize variety includes, high cost of tractor hiring for land preparation with a mean score of (2.90), inaccessibility to tractor (2.72), unavailability of tractor (2.36), unavailability of downy mildew resistant maize seed variety (2.33), while inadequate knowledge of planting downy mildew resistant maize variety (2.10), high cost of downy mildew resistant maize variety (2.05) and inadequate extension contact (2.03) were also identified as constraints. Increase in the number of visit to the maize farmers by well trained extension agents for knowledge sharing of downy mildew resistant maize variety practice was recommended to improve the adoption and output of downy mildew resistant maize variety in Nigeria
  • ItemOpen Access
    An Assessment of CountryWomen Association of Nigeria (Cowan) Programmes In Nasarawa State, Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2012-09-20) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Onwubuya, E.A.; Saingbe, N.D
    This study examined the activities of COWAN in Nasarawa State, North-central Nigeria based on its cardinal objectives. A sample of 100 participants of COWAN selected through systematic random sampling procedure formed the respondents. Primary data were collected through interview schedule while secondary data were extracted from the record books of the NGO. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a 3-point Likert rating. The results revealed that COWAN was able to register a total of 516 women cooperative groups in the state from 1997-2009. However, only 60 groups were still participating in COWAN programmes at the time of this study. A total of N33.1m was disbursed as micro credit to the beneficiaries during the period. Respondents’ mean age was 35 years and 92% of them were married. Majority (56%) of the respondents had only primary education followed by those without any formal education (20%). There was diversification of economic activities among the respondents with most (60%) of them into agricultural produce marketing, followed by agro processing (50%), crop farming (40%) and livestock production (30%). Benefits derived by COWAN members include HIV/AIDS awareness/support (100%), micro-credit (90%), vocational training (60%) and adult literacy (40%) among others. Respondents’ satisfaction level was highest on HIV/AIDS awareness/support (x=2.8) followed by vocational training (x=2.2) and duration of loan (x-2.1). The perceived factors militating against COWAN performance were low amount of loan disbursed (x=2.36), short duration of loan (x=2.23) and high interest on loan (x=2.15). It was recommended that COWAN should explore more linkages with development partners such as Action AID to enhance its funding and the state government should support reputable NGOs in the state with a grant for micro credit to members.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Constraints to Performance of the Agricultural Cooperative Societies Services to Members in the Southern Agricultural Zone of Nasarawa State, Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2019-04-12) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Girei, A. A; Ubana, E.A
    The study examined the constraints to performance of the cooperative society’s services to members in the Southern Agricultural Zone of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to draw 150 cooperative society members as study sample. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain information on the membership and activities of the cooperative societies. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistical tools. The descriptive statistics used were percentages, mean scores, ranking and Likert type scale. Results showed that 42.0% of the respondents were between the ages of 31– 40 years, 28.0% of the respondents were between the ages 41-50 years. The mean age of respondents was 40.5 years. Majority (68.0 %) of the respondents were married. About (87.3.0%) of the respondents had some form of formal education while only (12.7%) of the respondents had no formal education. The mean agricultural enterprise experience of respondents was 12.5 years. The mean annual income of farmers in the study area was N411, 300:00. The mean size of cooperative society membership in the study area was 25 members. The mean annual savings of members in the study area was SN383, 533:00. The core activities of the cooperative societies were savings mobilization and loan disbursement 69.3%, group farming activities 55.3% and farm inputs supply to members 44.7%. Members derived benefits of cooperative societies in saving their money 78.7%, easy access to credit 71.3% and in information sharing among members 67.3%. The major constraints faced were lack of government support/donor agencies with a mean score of 2.5 (very serious), poor supervision by government with a mean score of 2.3 (serious), poor transportation with a mean score of 2.3 (serious). It was therefore concluded that organize effort to mobilize rural farmers for cooperative spirit in the study area, and anywhere else, could assist to increase access to fund, farm inputs supply, dissemination of information and innovations, and reduce poverty. It was recommended that the cooperative members should be given the right incentives by government to intensify their participation in various cooperatives societies.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Knowledge, Perception and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change among Farmers in Southern Agricultural Zone of Nasarawa State, Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2012-03-23) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Onuk, E. G.; Ibrahim, A.
    Climate change is perhaps the most serious environmental threat facing mankind worldwide. The study was designed to assess the knowledge, perception and adaptation strategies to climate change among farmers in southern agricultural zone of Nasarawa state. The specific objectives were to: identify the sources of information on climate change by respondents; assess their knowledge and perception of climate change phenomenon; identify adaptation strategies used and the factors militating against their adaptive capacity. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select a total of 150 respondents from the zone for the study. Data collection was through an interview schedule. Simple descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage and mean scores were used to achieve the objectives. The null hypothesis was tested using a multiple regression model. The mean age of the respondents was 48 years. Majority (89.33%) of them were males while their average farming experience was 27 years. Most (38%) of the farmers in the area had no formal education and majority (76.7%) of them used inherited farmlands. Annual income level of the respondents was encouraging with a mean of N326, 461.30 per annum. Most (68%) of them relied on radio as their major source of information on climate change. The perceived indicators of climate change included excessive high temperatures, low and irregular rainfall pattern and low crop yields among others. Adaptation strategies used by the respondents included agro-forestry practices, crop diversification, use of organic manures, planting of early maturing and disease/drought resistant varieties. The major constraints to adaptation by the respondents were inadequate finance, poor infrastructures, unfavourable government/trade policies and poor technology. It was recommended that adult education programmes should be strengthened in the area to reduce illiteracy among farmers. Extension agents in the area should incorporate climate change information in their extension messages while government should intensify efforts in the area of integrated rural development.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Adoption of improved fisheries technologies by fish farmer in southern agricultural zone of Nasarawa State, Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2020-02-22) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Lawee, A.Y; Luka, G.E; Bello, D.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Departmentof of Agricultural Science, 2016-03-07) V.L, AKWA; O, UJIH; I.A, KABIR
    This paper assesses the contributions of people’s participation in the organization and implementation of community development projects through in Akwanga Local Government Area, Nasarawa State of Nigeria. It also examines the extent to which people are involved in self-help highlights the factors that motivate citizens to participate in organization and community development. A structured survey instrument was used in collecting data from a sample of 500 respondents for the study. Data collected were analyzed using Chi-square. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between citizens’ participation in community development through self-help projects. The findings also revealed that there is significant relationship between citizens’ derived benefits and their participation in community development through self help Projects. It was therefore, recommended that people need to be involved in every stage of the life-cycle of a project so as to ensure utilization, sustainability and benefit derivation. Beside, the development agents should find out the felt-needs of
  • ItemOpen Access
    Level of Utilisation of Veterinary Service by Livestock farmers in Western Agricultural Zone of Nasarawa State, Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2020-02-22) Emmanuel, Salau S.
    This study assessed the level of utilisation of veterinary services by small scale livestock farmers in the western agricultural zone of Nasarawa state. Two LGAs (Karu and Keffi LGAs) were purposively selected from the zone for the study. A total of 120 respondents were selected through a multi-stage random sampling procedure. Data were collected through the use of a structured interview schedule. Data were analyzed using both descriptive statistics and a multiple regression model. The results show that a majority (75.2%) of the respondents were male with a mean age of 35years and an average of 10 years of farming experience. Half (50%) of them had tertiary education, indicating enhanced capacity to access and use veterinary services. Veterinary services accessed by the respondents were treatment of sick animals (93.3%), vaccination (93.3%), castration (65.0%), sales of drugs and vaccines (58.1%). Veterinary services such as: treatment of sick animals (x = 3.3) and vaccination (x = 3.2) recorded high level of use. The regression analysis showed that gender (t= 0.417), level of education (t=0.603), number of extension visits (t=0.607) and membership of social organisations (t=- 0.670) had significant effect at 1% on the level of use of veterinary services by the respondents. Lack of money to acquire vaccines and drugs (x = 2.3), high cost of veterinary services (x =2.3) and far distance to veterinary centres (x =2.0) were the major constraints to use of veterinary services. It was recommended that extension agents should encourage the farmers to join cooperative groups to enhance easy access to credit to procure veterinary inputs
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2020-02-02) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Girei, A. A; Yusuf, N.
    The study assessed the level of adoption of rice production technologies introduced by Agricultural Research Outreach Centres (AROCs) and the sources of information used by rice farmers in Niger State, Nigeria. Data were collected using a multi-sampling technique. Data were analysed using simple descriptive statistics such as Frequency distribution, Percentage and Liker-type scale. Results revealed that respondents’ most effective sources of information on rice production used frequently were extension agents from both AROCs and State ADPs (98.8%) and followed by fellow farmers with (45.5%). The results shows that eleven (11) improved technologies out of twenty-six (26) technologies introduced by AROC had very high adoption rate (80 - 100%) and seven (7) technologies had high rate of adoption (60 -79) in the study area. The seed varieties with very high adoption rate in the study area were NERICA 1 (Upland) and FARO 44 - sippi (Lowland) which may likely be due to their high yield and market value. The result further portrays that rice farmers in the study area were less resistance to new technologies despite their low level of education, which may likely to be due to contributions of AROCs in the study area. The results revealed that the constraints according to the order of prevalence were Lack of accessibility of Hybrid Media (2.9), inadequate Capital (2.7), Inadequate access to input (2.4) and Inadequate Farm Land (2.3) were leading constraints to adoption of rice production technologies in the study area. The implication of inadequate capital, strongly agreed by respondents as serious constraint in this study could also be the likely factor for inadequate access to input and farm land due to insufficient purchasing power which possibly leads to low level of adoption or discontinuation of rice production technologies among respondents. it was recommended that financial institutions such as Bank of Agriculture (BOA), Commercial Banks and relevant financial regulatory agencies such as Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) should assist in providing flexible, low-interest credits and removal of stringent conditions attached to credit access. Also, Government should enact and implement policies that would provide easy access to land and ensure gender biases in access to farm land.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2021-10-11) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Yahaya, H.; Bello, M.; Luka, E. G
    Abstract The research was conducted in Nasarawa State of Nigeria. All rural youths in the state were the target population. A multi stage sampling procedure was adopted in selecting the sampled respondents. A total of 295 respondents were used for the study. Data were collected through the use of interview schedule and questionnaire and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used based on the stated objectives. The findings of the study showed that most (38.31%) of the respondents were within the age group of 21 -25 years. Majority (70.17%) of the respondents were males and single (60%) with secondary school education as the highest qualification. With regards to occupation, most (40.68%) of the respondents were farmers and students respectively. Results on the knowledge of HIV/AIDS by the respondents indicate that majority (50.85%) believed that the disease was a deadly, showing that they were knowledgeable about the deadly nature of the disease. Majority (90.45%) of the respondents ranked abstinence (not having sex before marriage) as the first among the preventive practices they have adopted. The effect of female-male differential in adoption of preventive practices among the sexes was examined by comparing the mean adoption index of the respondents. While the males had a mean adoption index of 0.5844, the females had 0.6203 showing that there was no significant difference in the adoption indices between males and females implying that no particular sex adopted more than the other in the study area. The results of the regression analysis show that sex, marital status, occupation and religion did not have significant effect on the adoption of preventive practices among the respondents. However, education and age were found to be significant. The study therefore, recommends that there is the need for more enlightenment campaigns at different levels including government and nongovernmental bodies’ especially religious groups to further sensitize the youth on HIV/AIDS preventive practices.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Entrepreneurship Skills of Small and Medium Scale Poultry Farmers in Central Agricultural Zone of Nasarawa State Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2017-06-11) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Adua, M.M; Maimako., M.B; Alanji, J.
    The study assessed the level of entrepreneurship skills of small and medium scale poultry farmers in central agricultural zone of Nasarawa State. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 70% of the listed poultry farmers in each of the four LGAs in the zone which gave a sample size of 55 respondents. Data collection was by a structured interview schedule. Data were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean scores, percentage and linear regression analysis. The results show that majority (78.2%) of the respondents were males, the mean age of the respondents was 41 years, most (58.1%) of them had tertiary education and most (47.3%) of them had between 6-10 years experience in poultry business. The average number of birds kept by the respondents was 260. Majority (85.5%) of them were not members of any group while the average number of extension contacts in a year was 3 and their mean monthly income was N27, 730.91. The respondents were rated high (M> 3.0) in 21 out of the 30 areas of entrepreneurship skills presented with an overall 70% level of competency. Results of the regression analysis show that extension contact, farm size and training had significant positive effects on level of entrepreneurship skills. The major constraints faced by the respondents were high cost of poultry feeds, inadequate capital and poor extension services. It was recommended that the Nasarawa Agricultural Development Programme (NADP) extension staff in the zone should focus more attention on small and medium scale poultry farmers in the area by mobilising them to form associations/cooperatives groups for self help.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Assessments of the level of awareness and willingness to pay for private extension services by crop farmers in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2020-02-03) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Musa, I. G; Girei, A. A
  • ItemOpen Access
    A Socio-Economic Analysis of Urban Agriculture In Nasarawa State, Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2018-11-12) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Attah, A. J
    Abstract Urban agriculture (UA) has become a contemporary issue, gaining prominence especially in developing economies because it has been discovered to be a viable poverty intervention strategy for the urban poor. However, policy makers and government have deliberately neglected this veritable sector and have failed to acknowledge it and channel attention to it. This study was designed to assess the contribution of UA to the socio-economic development of urban farmers in Nasarawa state. One urban town was purposively selected from each of the 3 Senatorial zones in the state to give three (3) urban towns namely Keffi, Akwanga and Lafia. Thirty (30) urban farmers were randomly selected from each of the three urban centres giving a sample size of ninety (90) respondents used for the study. Primary data used for the study were collected with the aid of a well structured interview schedule which was administered to the urban farmers by the researcher and trained enumerators. Data analysis was achieved using simple descriptive statistics such as frequency count, percentage and mean scores, while objective 5 was achieved using a 3- point Likert type scale. The study revealed that the major benefits derived from urban farming by the respondents were additional income (75.56%), household feeding (55.56%) and full time employment opportunity (28.89%). Urban farming contributed about 74% of the total annual income of the respondents which implies that it was the major means of livelihood of the respondents. However, certain constraints facing the enterprise were identified which include poor extension service, lack of access to credit facilities and high cost of labour. Since current employment situations in the urban areas do not generate adequate income for the poor urban population it was recommended that urban agriculture should be integrated into urban land use planning in the state as a source of urban income, employment and food security
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gender Analysis of Labor Contribution Among Maize Farming Household in Agricultural Zone C of Kogi State, Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2022-03-10) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Bako, Hauwa; Umar, Haruna S.; Shehu, Ibrahim; Bako, Sani
    This study analysed the gender labour contribution among maize farming households in Agricultural Zone C of Kogi State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 160 households from which the males and females were interviewed. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. The mean age of male respondents was 40 years while that of female respondents was 33 years. Average income of male farmers was ₦147,321.9 while that of female farmers was ₦143,475.0. The average household size of the respondents was 8 persons. Male respondents were more dominant in tertiary education than female respondents. The result on labour contributions reveals Men dominated in all the maize production activities except planting/sowing where women provided 72.1% of the labour. In extreme instances such as harvesting men provided 100% of the labour needed. Land preparation had 66.5% contribution from the male respondents while the females offered only 33.5%. Male contribution in tilling was 78.8% to the female 21.2%. In making ridges men provided 71.3%against the female 28.7%. In planting/sowing, the only activity women had dominance in, women were seen to have provided 72.1% of the labour contribution against 27.9% of the labour male respondents provided. Furthermore, 70.7%of the labour provided for weeding came from themale folks while the females provided 29.3% of the labour. Male respondents provided 89.9% of the labour for fertilizer application as against the 10.1% provided by the female respondents. Pesticide application was 73.8% of the male against 26.2%of labour contribution. Transportation sawmen provide 98.5%of the labour against the 1.5%provided by the female. The results on constraints revealed that poor access to farm inputs was 91.3% for male, while that of female was 96.3, poor transport systems was 88.1% for both male and female, lack of storage/processing facilities was 86.3% for both male and female and poor access to credit was 95.0% while the female was 97.5%. It can be concluded that male gender in the household dominated the female gender in terms of labour contribution in the study area. Most constraints identified bother around institutional and infrastructural inadequacies in Nigeria’s rurality therefore there should be provision of better extension service, access to credit facilities and motorable roads in rural areas in study area.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2016-04-12) Emmanuel, Salau S.; Ibrahim, Hassan I.
    Determining the technical efficiency of extension personnel especially at the village level is paramount if farm productivity is to be increased. The present study determined the technical efficiency of Village Extension Agents (VEAs) in North Central Nigeria. Data for the study were collected using structured questionnaire that was administered on 81 VEAs. The findings of the study indicated that 32.1% of the VEAs were aged between 38 and 45 years with a mean age of 41 years; while 50.6% were holders of national diploma certificates. The monthly income of a VEA ranged between N16,000 and N21,000. The average technical efficiency of VEAs was 42% with minimum and maximum values of 0.03 and 1 respectively. There was a positive significant association between the age (P<0.10), education (P<0. 10) and income (P<0.01) of VEAs and their technical efficiency levels. The results imply that prompt payment of allowances/salary, regular promotions and trainings are the necessary impetus that can improve agricultural extension service delivery in Nigeria, particularly at the village level.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Performance of faith-based grassroot nongovernmental organisations in rural development in Nasarawa State, Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2013-08-21) Igbokwe, E.M; Emmanuel, Salau S.; Dimelu, M.U
    The study assessed performance of faith-based Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in rural development in Nasarawa State. Eighty (80) randomly selected beneficiaries from two purposively selected faith based NGO were used. Data were collected by the use of structured interview schedule and analysed using percentage, and mean scores. Faith based NGOs implemented several overlapping programmes for the target communities ranging from loan disbursement (92.5%), HIV/AIDS awareness education (87.5%), support for HIV/AIDS infected/affected persons (75.0%), provision of water and market information (65.0%), adult literacy class (62.5%), processing of farm produce (57.5%) and construction/ rehabilitation of schools (50.0%), and computer training (70%) , road rehabilitation (62.5%) and cooperative formation (50.0%). Participants benefited from loan facilities (80.0%), HIV/AIDS education and support (80.0%), adult literacy (70.0%) maternal/ child health care (60.0%), skill acquisition training (65.0%), and others. The beneficiaries participated in planning (57.0%), decision making (50.0%), leadership position (55.0%) and attend regular meeting (70.0%). Performance of the NGOs was rated good in about 11-13 programmes/activites. The study recommends greater participation of beneficiaries to evolve need/demand -oriented interventions and sustainability of programmes. The NGOs should collaborate and foster linkages for optimal use of scarce resource, to minimize duplication and confusion at the grass root.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Niche Marketing Potentials for Farm Entrepreneurs in Nigeria
    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2017-02-16) Anzaku, T.A.K; Emmanuel, Salau S.
    Niche marketing can be a form of diversification and a means to achieving business success in all economic climates-boom, recession and depression. There are several niche marketing potentials farm entrepreneurs can exploit in start-up and existing small and large farm businesses. Dynamic entrepreneurism, and marketing tools and a are important in creating niche market opportunities which can be nurtured to yield the expected success by employing marketing and other appropriate corporate management strategies. In Nigeria, vast niche marketing potential that exists in general farm business, domestic and export markets, processing, product differentiation, organics, and other value addition sought by consumers can be tapped. For the vast majority of the farmers who are not operating farming as a business, intensive step-by-step training in farm business and then entrepreneurship is required for them to understand and imbibe niche marketing. People already in farm business can be further trained in niche aspects of entrepreneurship to enable them create niche markets. The knowledge of the trainers should be continually upgraded to equip them to do so. Government should therefore facilitate the training of extension workers, farmers and business people in this specialized aspect of marketing for the overall good of the participants and the economy
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    (Departmentof of Agricultural Science, 2016-03-04) HILDA, ENABO
    Antibiotic susceptibility patterns of Salmonella spp. from faecal droppings of commercial and free-range chickens were determined. Six Salmonella spp. isolates were recovered from 200 samples of faecal droppings from live commercial and free- range chickens on Salmonella-Shigella Agar. The isolates were confirmed using standard biochemical tests. Susceptibility of the isolates was carried out by Disc Diffusion test: chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, cloxacillin, cotrimoxazole, gentamicin, nalixidic acid, streptomycin, and tetracycline. This study revealed that 100% of isolates from commercial chickens were susceptible to chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, nalixidic acid, streptomycin and resistant to cloxacillin, cotrimoxazole and tetracycline. However, the isolate obtained exhibited multi-antibiotic resistance to cloxacillin and tetracycline. Hundred percent of the isolates from free-range chickens were susceptible to ciprofloxacin, cotrimoxazole, gentamicin, nalixidic acid and streptomycin while 75% were susceptible to chloramphenicol. However, 100% were resistant to cloxacillin and tetracycline and all the isolates were observed to exhibit multi-drug resistance. The study has established the presence of antibiotic susceptible, resistant and multi-drug resistant Salmonella spp. isolates in commercial and free-range chickens to antibiotics in Samaru, Zaria. Multi-antibiotic resistance was higher in free-range
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    (Department of Agricultural Economics & Extension Nasarawa State Univeristy Keffi, Nigeria., 2020-11-20) Emmanuel, Salau S.