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HIV/AIDS pandemic has been regarded as a global phenomenon that threatens the survival of mankind. The number of people living with HIV/AIDS around the world is estimated to be 40 million while 3 million is the estimated of deaths caused by the global HIV/AIDS epidemic in 2003. Youth HIV prevention programs have in the past traditionally targeted in and out of school youths. While it may appear somewhat easy to target in-school youths, it has been noted that the behavioral pattern of in-school youths differs from one level to the other. At the tertiary institution level, the behavioral pattern is much more sophisticated than the secondary school level and the peer and economic pressures differs. Their clientele also differs. The Universities and other tertiary institutions have become havens of sexual immorality that ranges from "sex for marks" to "sex for money". In order to combat this, the strategy must be innovative and well articulated for the target population. The objective of this paper is to examine the cause of HIV/AIDS and look at the various ways it can be prevented, managed through effective communication, and adequate educating of people. Sample for this study was judgmentally selected. A total of 130 questionnaires were administered to extra mural classes in Rorin metropolis out of which 116 were returned representing 89.2% return rate. Collected data was analysed using summarization technique and percentage analysis. The paper recommends that some of the programmes in developing countries have to be carefully evaluating the impact of their programmes on behavior. It also recommend that there is need for specific programme that did delay the initiation and reduce the frequency of intercourse, reduce the number of sexual partners, and increase the use of condoms and other contraceptive must be intensified.