Comparative Appraisal of Lexicogrammatical Resources in Selected Online News Reports On Farmers-Herders’ Conflicts in Nigeria
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(Online) media organisations perceive and report conflict news variously, to align with their house styles, ideological inclinations and certain already prescribed media frames for reporting such events, by means of the communicative strategies deployed. On this note, this study set out to comparatively appraise the deployment of lexicogrammatical resources in 30 online news articles (10 each), on farmers herders’ conflicts, purposively selected from 3 online news sources (Tribune Online, The Guardian Nigeria, and Sahara Reporters) published between January, 2017 and December, 2019. Martin and White's (2005) Appraisal framework provided insight for analysis. The study revealed that Tribune Online deployed resources which positions it as an emotive news outlet on farmers herders’ conflict reportage whereas the Guardian Nigeria and Sahara Reporters were seen to divest their reports of emotive communicative strategies.Consequently, the study posits that online news writers maximise the use of neutrally coloured lexicogrammatical structures when accounting for conflict situations between farmers andherders/pastoralists in Nigeria. It is anticipated that with neutrally stanced lexicogrammatical professional reportage is achieved as well as mutua coexistence, anchored on the quest for national growth and development.