Determination Of Portability Potential Of Some Borehole And Wells Water Withing Industrial And Sewage Disposal Sites Using Physicochemical Parameters In Kano Metropolis, Kano State Nigeria
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This research work investigated borehole and Well waters located within the industrial areas of Bompai, Sharada (Sabuwar gandu), Chalawa (Tsamawa) and Gyadigyadi, Wailari sewage disposal areas with a view to determine their physicochemical qualities. A total of fifty (50) samples from boreholes and wells (two from each location) were sampled and analyzed, the physicochemical parameters monitored included pH, electrical conductivity, TDS, DO, BOD, Turbidity, chloride, nitrate, phosphate, Zinc, iron, lead, manganese and chromium. The wells water samples showed elevated mean value of lead (0.14mg/I), EC (590.9 us/cm), TDS (l l9.l3mg/l), DO (4.67mg/I), BOD (1.25mg/1), Zinc (l.76mg/I), iron (0.6mg/l), Manganese (0.44mg/I) and Chromium (0.57mg/1) when compared to the borehole samples with mean average value of lead(0.01mg/I), EC (483.75), TDS (54.0lmg/I), DO (4.l2mg/l), BOD(l .2mg/I), Zinc (0.91mg/l), Iron (0.l6mg/I), Manganese (0.29mg/l) and Chromium (0.05mg/l). The result shows that some of the borehole and well samples are not within the recommended limit of WHO (2006) and NSDWQ (2007) standard for drinking water. The borehole and well water should therefore be protected and treated before consumption