Investment management as it affects public enterprise in Nigeria (Investment and property development company, lafia)
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Management in all ramifications has been noted as a critical and indispensable element in all organizations. Nevertheless, public enterprises are in dilemma of some investment management constraints, which tend to hinder their goals and objectives. This research aimed at finding out external and internal factor affecting investment management in Nigeria and to evaluate cost of benefit of investment and the approval used in reviewing it. However, in order to investigate this, relevant data were collected through both primary and secondary sources such as direct interviews and well-structured questionnaire are distributed to some staff in various departments of the organization. Also other information was gathered from books, unpublished materials and internet to complement the primary data. From the analysis of the data, the findings shows that there are factors that constitutes management problems of the company. Among the critical factors are managerial inefficiency and government interference, bureaucratic corruption, poor staff relationship, lack of motivation, conflicting objectives, lack of training and development, excessive control nepotism. These were identified as impediments of operational efficiency of investment and property Development Company, lafia. As a result of these problems the following recommendations were made. Management should accelerate the growth of the company through increase in skill and knowledge acquisition. Also training and motivation is important. Government should curtail its excessive interference and control on the affairs of this organization. It was also recommended that adequate measure should be in place to check the menace of corruption in the company. Furthermore, improvement should be encouraged in staff relationship. Achievement of efficiency and effectiveness depends to the extent management deviates from the above mentioned problems; otherwise, achievement of goals and the task of promoting economic growth and development will ever remain a dream.