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Political Science Department, Nasarawa State University, Keffi


The phenomenon of Ethnic and Religious inequality has continued to be experienced in nl0S societies of the world. In Nasarawa State, the problem seemed to have increased over the past year , thereby creating a complex matrix that produced negative effects. This has brought a lot oj unto hardships and other social consequences upon the State. The present conflicts and violence that lia\t destroyed a lot of lives and property in Nasarawa state is a product of social inequality. This lia retarded growth and development of the state. To understand and provide possible solutions to 11 phenomenon, theoretical and empirical approaches were used to gather data needed for this wor This work is a historical and political attempt to discover causes and solutions to inequal it}1 in iie state. It was discovered that ethno-religious inequality has been experienced throughout the socio economic and political history of the people. The differences in group culture, values, aspirations and activities have made inequality to be reinforced. It was also discovered that economic an political interests and agitations by groups have fuelled social inequality in the state. The groups art more loyal and sympathetic to their identity and interest rather than any state goal. This may be as a result of government and groups not playing her roles well. They sometimes use machinery of state to enhance themselves and their group interests. The politicians favor some ethnic and religious groups in their policy decisions, power sharing, distribution of resources and equity. This has brougn inequality and dissatisfaction among groups and citizens. These and other external forces bring inequality which often results in crisis. Pan of the solution is to evolve consensus building mechanism that will put in place a state ideology. There should be a framework upon which group interests and actions will be harmonized to meet collective good.




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