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Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF SHIELDING EFFECT AND AREA SURVEY FOR X – RAY DIAGNOSIS IMAGING FACILITIES ACROSS ABUJA, NIGERIA.(Department of Physics, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2017-09-21) ISMAIL, WASIU OLANIYIRadiation protection source is of great concern for national and international bodies because of the potential hazard associated with ever increasing number of radiodiagnostic facilities. However, humans are exposed to ionizing radiation and there is a risk of damage to our cells and our offspring. Ten diagnostic centres/hospitals (3 private and 7 government hospitals) were assessed. The objectives are to assess the integrity (standard) of the shielding used in those centers using an inspector alert to measure the recordable dose while taking into consideration the three points of interest; controlled area, supervised area and behind the wall as well as the design of the X-ray room as a means of reducing radiation. Results show that no recordable radiation was observed at all the points of interest confirming the efficiency of the shielding and the room design as barriers against ionizing radiation. The annual effective dose rates for both occupational and public were calculated and found below annual dose limit except for centre G whose annual effective dose rate for public exposure (0.95mSv/yr,) proved higher than the other centres thought, this does not calls for any alarm as the dose still fall below the annual dose limit of 1mSv/yr for public exposure as evidenced in table 4.2.7, 40% of the centres used lead lined wall and 40% had lined doors and 20% used concrete for their diagnostic rooms design. This result further strengthens the Area survey report. Generally, there was a good compliance to the minimum standard requirement in those X-ray diagnosis imaging facilities.Item Open Access ASSESMENT OF THE RADIATION SAFETY STANDARD IN YOBE STATE UNIVERSITY TEACHING HOSPITAL DAMATURU.(Physics Department, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2018-09-08) Abba, Bukar IdrissThe use of radiation has become very common in diagnosis and treatment of disease in the field of medicine since its discovery more than a century ago. Radiation protection and safety has been a major concern of many national and international bodies because of the potential hazardous effects associated with ionizing radiation if not properly controlled. Radiographers, who are the major dispenser of ionizing radiation, need proper monitoring for safe practice. In Nigeria, Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA) is saddled with the responsibility to regulate and monitor the use of ionizing radiation in the country. International Commission on radiation Protection (ICRP) in conjunction with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had been providing series of documents on radiation safety standards. Twenty personnel of radiology department from Yobe state university teaching hospital Damaturu were administered a self structured questionnaires on compliance to radiation safety standard. The result reveals high compliance rate in the hospital. Conclusively, this showed that radiographers working in public establishments in Yobe state were been monitored and they strictly followed the radiation protection and safety standard rules to be within radiation workers dose limits. That is principles of radiation protection are observed.Item Open Access ASSESSEMENT OF RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATION IN GROUND WATER SAMPLES FROM JEMA’A LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF KADUNA STATE, NIGERIA(Department of Physics, Nasrawa State University, Keffi., 2019-07-23) BAKO, YOSI ZAKARIAThe biological and health effects of naturally occurring radioactive materials on humans is a serious issue that calls for great concern. This is as a result of mining activities, frequent use of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, sewage disposals and many more human activities. The huge mining activities in Jema‟a local government area has raised some concern about the safety of the groundwater for human consumption. This study assesses the radioactivity concentration in groundwater samples from Jema‟a Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). A total of thirty (30) water samples of wells and boreholes were collected using the stratified random sampling technique from Kafanchan A and B, Gidan-waya, Kagoma, Godogodo, Nisama, Barde, U/Mailafiya, U/Pataki and Jagindi. 4ml of nitric acid was added to reduce the pH level and was analyzed to establish the distribution pattern of the activity concentration and was compared with the international system organization contaminant level. The study also evaluates the suitability of the water for quality groundwater consumption as well as its associated risk to the inhabitants. Results shows that the mean activity concentration of 238U 232Th and 40K in well water samples were 32.58±0.18 BqL-1, 3.36±0.12 BqL-1, 60.55±1.40 BqL-1 respectively and the mean activity concentration of 238U 232Th and 40K in borehole water samples were 33.21±1.10 BqL-1, 3.39±1.18 BqL-1, 61.88±0.90 BqL-1 respectively which were found to be higher than the permissible values. The radium equivalent, absorbed dose rate, internal and external hazard indices calculated were found to be within the safe limits set by (W.H.O.) World health organization and (UNSCEAR). Based on the present study, it was concluded that activity concentration of 238U, 232Th and 40K in the water samples (Wells and Boreholes) were high and Excess lifetime cancer risk for all the samples analyzed were higher than the safe limits, therefore long term radiation exposure of the residents in those areas will poses significant health threat. Therefore the groundwater from these study area should be treated for radionuclide before ingestion to reduce the radiation risk. Remediation measure and techniques should be employed by the appropriate authority at all levels so as to formulate policies that will reduce significant radioactivity levels in groundwater for human consumption.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF BACKGROUND RADIATION LEVEL OF SOME SELECTED POPULATED AREAS WITHIN SULEJA, NIGER STATE(Department of Physics, Nasrawa State University, Keffi., 2018-03-25) MOHAMMED, ALFAHuman beings are exposed to background radiation in their environment and their exposure to this radiation is unpreventable. Assessment was conducted for determination of the amount of background radiation level of some selected populated areas within Suleja Niger State. This was carried out using RDS-200 universal survey meter the assessment was done on thirty (30) different locations where three (3) readings were taken in each of the thirty (30) areas in order to obtain a reliable data the value of the annual dose rates of the areas ranges from 0.54 mSv/yr to 0.96mSv/yr. The radiation level in all of the 30 areas were found to be within the save limit as compared with the world average radiation limit of 1msV/yr and as set by ICRP. From the result obtained, it was found that those living within the areas are saved from radiation hazard.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATIONS IN LIPSTICKS(Department of Physics, Nasrawa State University, Keffi., 2018-09-07) ESOMNOFU, VICTOR ANUGOItem Open Access ASSESSMENT OF OUTDOOR AMBIENT RADIATION AT QUARRY MINING IN KEFFI NASARAWA STATE (CASE STUDY OF ABZA MINING INDUSTRY)(Physics Department, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2017-04-02) Ijemere, Ijeoma EsdioraRadiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. This include electromagnetic radiation such as heat, radio waves, visible light, x-rays and gamma radiation(y) measurement of the quantity of radiation in the surrounding environment was taken in order to know the level of exposure of people as a result of mining activities. This research work investigates and presents the ambient radiation levels at Abza Quarry mining which is been measured in Nano silver per year, a detector (inspector alart) was used for the purpose of the study. Some area was found to be relativity higher than others but are not effective (harmful) in taking the dose rate (CPM)count per minute, the time interval of 1 second per reading for 5 successive reading per area or point. 4 points and different distance was strategically selected in this studies for adequate coverage, and adding up the figures to take the average it’s values ranges from 5.27×10-4nSv/yr, 5.62×10-3 nSv/yr, 6.83×10nSv/yr and 6.99×10-3nSv/yr below the limit of intake(1mSv/yr) which established by international commission of Radiation protection. (ICRP).The people working at the site and the member of the public are not facing much danger of exposure.Item Open Access THE ASSESSMENT OF OUTDOOR AMBIENT RADIATION LEVEL IN ANDAHA DEVELOPMENT AREA, AKWANGA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, NASARAWA STATE(DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, 2017-11-12) OTSO, OKOLO MONDAYRadiation exposure to man by virtue of the environment we live in cannot be over emphasize especially it negative effect on human's life. This research is aim to determine the radiation level within the quarry site and compare the expected result with international standard. The Ludlum 19 survey meter was held 1 meter above ground level to obtain the data that was analyzed. The analyzed result shows high concentration of radiation which his harmful to the health of human within the environment as compared to UNSCEAR 2000 Threshold.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF RADIATION DOSE CREEP FROM COMPUTED RADIOGRAPHY UNITS OF DIAGNOSTIC CENTRES IN ABUJA, NIGERIA(Physics Department, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2018-09-02) Chukudi, Malachy EjimoforThe use of computed radiography (CR) in the X-ray imaging systems is displacing the conventional film screen system due to obvious advantages of the former. However, the wide dynamic range of the CR system has created a lacuna for unintentional overexposure of patients called dose creep. The aim of this study is to assess radiation dose creep from some computed radiography units and also assess the knowledge of radiographers about dose creep and exposure index (EI) with a view to creating awareness on the phenomenon of dose creep. In this cross-sectional and retrospective study, 2156 exposure indices were analysed. A survey questionnaire of 50 radiographers were also analysed. The exposure indices were grouped into three, viz; under exposure, optimum exposure and over exposure, based on the manufacturers recommended range (MRR) of EI. The radiographers were assessed on their knowledge of dose creep, EI and application of the MRR of exposure index. AGFA CR30-XM skull X-ray exams demonstrated the highest amount of dose creep (overexposure) rates of 56.3%. The overall distribution of the EI values in the CR units revealed that 9.9% of the data were associated with dose creep. This indicates that the probability of dose creep in the X-ray exams was 0.099. Only 37.9% (818) of the exposure indices were in the MRR. There was no significant variation of dose creep according to gender. Most of the radiographers, 92% (46) did not know the meaning of dose creep with respect to computed radiography while 58% (29) of them did not know the meaning of exposure index. None of the radiographers compared the exposure index of their X-ray images with the MRR as a means of optimizing patient dose. All X-ray examinations demonstrated a proportion of dose creep from the CR units. Radiographers were not complying with the manufacturers recommended range of exposure index. And the radiographers had poor knowledge of dose creep and exposure index with respect to computed radiography. Computed radiography is recommended for diagnostic centres due to obvious dose saving potentials and radiographers require adequate knowledge of computed radiography physics.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF RADIATION DOSE IN COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY EXAMINATION OF ADULT PATIENT IN ABUJA AND KEFFI HOSPITALS IN NIGERIA(A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF MASTER DEGREE IN RADIATION AND MEDICAL PHYSICS OF NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, 2017-09-07) Kambari, Ladan SabiuAssessment of Radiation dose in computed tomography examination of Adult patient in Abuja and Keffi, Hospitals in Nigerian was carried out. The three study centers are, National hospital Abuja, Garki hospital and federal Medical Centre Keffi, Nasarawa State. CT scan is considered to be the first investigative modality of choice for patient with severe head, chest and abdominal injuries. For us to achieve this, professionals must adhere to the principles of justification of practice and optimization of radiation protection. Dose report and scan parameters for head, chest and abdomen were assessed during seven months period at the three study centres. Ethical approval were obtained from the study centers. Data on CT Dose index (CTDIw) and dose length product (DLP) available and achieved on CT scanner control console was recorded for a minimum of 10 average sized patients for each facility to established a local Diagnostic reference level (LDRLs) and radiation dose optimization Data were collected, using a purposive sampling technique, from 131 adult patients weighing 70±3kg) from Philip brilliance, Toshiba Alexion and General Electric (GE) CT scanners for the study. The collected data were analyzed using SPPSS version (20) statistical software. Third quartile values of the estimated LDRLs for CTDIw and DLP were determined as (49.8mGy and 9639mGy) and (10.9mGy and 432.8mCy*cm) and (12.7mGy and 560mGy*cm) for head, chest and abdominal CT scan, respectively. This study has established local diagnostic reference levels (LDRLs). And the CTDIw obtained are almost relatively higher to the reported data from the European Commission (Head: 10mGy, Chest: 10mGy and Abdomen 12.7mGy). The DLP are comparably lower than all the reported value from the European commission (Head:1000mGy, Chest:600mGy and Abdomen: 800mGy). CT dose optimization is recommended.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF RADIATION EXPOSURE LEVEL FROM SOME SCRAP METAL DUMP SITES IN NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA.(Department of Physics, Nasrawa State University, Keffi., 2019-03-11) KERINJA, SERIOUS SILASScrap yards, steel works and nonferrous metal smelters and refiners are increasingly detecting radioactive substances in incoming scrap metal as the result of losses, accidents or inadvertent disposal of radioactive material. In this study, the radiation exposure rate emanating from scrap metals dump site was assessed and the radionuclides responsible for the emission identified using an Interceptor – Spectroscopic personal radiation detector (SPRD). Sixteen (16) scrap metal dumpsites were selected at random across four Local Government Areas (Nasarawa, Lafia, Akwanga, and Keffi) of Nasarawa State, Nigeria and the gamma activity level in μrem/hr on three (3) randomly selected points on each of the scrap metal dumpsite was determined. A reading was taken on point 100m away from each of the scrap metal dump site. Results shows that, the highest annual effective dose equivalent was observed in Akwanga (AKW4) scrap metal dumpsite with annual effective dose equivalent of 0.2167mSv/yr, followed by Keffi (KEF1) with annual effective dose equivalent of 0.1758mSv/yr. The scrap metal dumpsite with the lowest annual effective dose equivalent were observed in Lafia(LAF3) and (LAF4) with annual effective dose equivalent of 0.0613mSv/yr. The excess lifetime cancer risk of 0.7585 × 10-3 was the highest value recorded in AKW4, while the lowest value was found to be 0.2146 × 10-3 in LAF3 and LAF4. The radionuclides identified are Med Pd-103, Ind Nb-95, Med Lu-176, Ind Xe-135, Ind Te-132,Ind La-140, Nat U-233, Med Se-75, Ind Cr-51, Ind Lu-176, Nat Th-177, Med Tc-99m, Ind La-140 and Med I-125 with thrust level ranging from 42- 83%. These values were below the ICRP dose limit of 1mSv/yr indicating that, the environment around these scrap metal dumpsites is safe. The excess lifetime cancer risk value (ELCR) obtained in some locations are higher than the world average value of 0.29 × 10-3. Therefore, we recommend that scavengers, workers and the public around the scrap dumpsites are to minimise the period of their stay within the dumpsites, so as to minimise the risk of developing cancer in future.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF RADIOACTIVITY AND ESTIMATION OF RADIATION DOSE PARAMETERS AROUND CEMENT PRODUCTION COMPANY IN IBESE, OGUN STATE, NIGERIA(DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI NIGERIA, 2019-04-19) Samson, Olagoke OdeleyeNatural radionuclides are found in soil and are capable of disintegrating leading to the release of ionizing radiation that can have harmful effects on individuals exposed to them especially when they exceed the recommended limits. In this study the activity concentration of 238U, 232Th and 40K in soil around cement production company Ibese, Ogun State was determined using Sodium Iodide detector. Six samples each were collected from the area where farming and mining activities were very high, a total of thirty (30) soil samples were collected and analyzed at the Institute of Radiation and Protection Research, Ibadan. Results show that the identified radionuclide was238U, 232Th and 40K with mean activity concentration of 29.68±1.54Bq/kg, 17.61±1.06Bq/kg and 175.50±2.73Bq/kg, respectively. The estimated mean absorbed dose rate (D), the outdoor annual effective dose (E) and the external hazard index (Hex) were found as 31.72nGy/h, 0.04 and 0.16 respectively. The mean radium equivalent was found to be 190Bq/kg while the mean value of excess cancer risk was found to be 0.15. RDS-31 modular radiation survey meter was used to determine the background radiation. The mean annual equivalent dose outdoor was found to be 0.20mSv/y.The absorbed dose rate, external hazard index and outdoor annual effective dose are lower than that of the recommended value of 60nGy/h and 1mSv/y. The radium equivalent, excess life cancer risk was calculated and were found to be within safe limit. Based on the result of this study, it was concluded that the radiation emitted from the radiosondes present in the soil of the study area do not pose immediate audiological health hazard to the public of the area and the activity carried out on soil such as agricultureItem Open Access ASSESSMENT OF SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL MAPPING OF RADIO FREQUENCY FIELDS AROUND MOBILE BASE STATIONS IN KUJE AREA COUNCIL, FCT, ABUJA(DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCE NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI NIGERIA., 2017-11-12) Olorunsola, Abel BlessingThe rapid development and increased used of wireless telecommunication technologies led to a substantial change of radio – frequency electromagnetic field (RF – EMF) exposure in the general population but little is known about spatial and temporal of RF field in our everyday environment. The aim of the study was to assess the spatial and temporal distribution of Radio frequency (RF) field in the areas of maximum exposure in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja. Broad band of RF field at various distances from selected mobile stations were assessed using radiation metre, to account for the percentage contribution due to RF field power density (S) of each selected MBS in the study area. MBS with highest percentage contribution was subjected to further investigation using selective radiation spectral analyzer. Radio frequency fields were measured along busy areas, road and streets. Power density of cell phone frequency bands (900MHz and 1800MHz) and Wi Fi frequency bands (2.4GHz) were measured. Time – varying elements of radio frequency fields were accounted for by selecting 10 hours (five – two-hour block) per day from 24hours and coordinates from a Global positioning system (GPS) were displayed on Arc GIS maps for each time – block sampled, which help to determined area of maximum exposure to human (Hotspot). Temporal variation was found to be statically significant. Aggregated power density from each cell phone and Wi Fi RF bands was calculated. The result was 154.74μW/m2 (0.240V/m) for 900MHz frequency band 126.97μW/m2 (0.213V/m) for 1800MHz frequency band 94.25μW/m2 (0.190V/m) for Wi fi frequency band respectively, which were far below ICNIRP (1998) recommendationItem Open Access ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE FACTORS ON THE IMAGE QUALITY OF A LOCAL PHANTOM RADIOGRAPHY(DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES NASSARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, 2019-05-21) Arinseh, Zephaniah GimbaImage quality control as it applies to diagnostic radiology is an effort to ensure that the diagnostic images produced are sufficiently of high quality so that they can consistently provide adequate diagnostic information at the least possible exposure of radiation to the patient. In this dissertation work, the effects of exposure factors in the production of local phantom x-ray radiograph and the physical principles involved have been identified and discussed. In this dissertation, a local phantom is exposed to x-ray under varying exposure factors to obtain a suitable exposure factors that would give a quality image at a minimal radiation dose. The suitable exposure factors were found to be within the range 80-90kV, 10-20mAs and 100-120 cm FFD. The effect of exposure factors on the local phantom x-ray radiographs was determined by varying each factors of the exposure one after the other and keeping the remaining factors constant and for dose two TLDs were inserted in each of the probe holes to measure the dose absorb by the organ after which the TLDs were taken to Centre for Energy Research Training (CERT) Zaria for reading to get the readout dose absorbed and the mean dose from the two TLDs. After the experiment, it was confirmed that kilo-voltage (KV) affects the contrast of the radiograph while milliampere-seconds (mAs) affect the blackness of the radiograph. The mean absorbed dose by the organs from varying kV, are 0.36mSv brain, 0.21mSv eye lens, 0.42mSv thyroid, 0.25mSv heart, and 0.24 mSv lungs, for varying mAs, 0.40mSv brain, 0.25mSv eye lens, 0.43mSv thyroid 0.29mSv heart and 0.26 mSv lungs and for varying FFD (cm) 0.38 mSv brain, 0.31 mSv eye lens, 0.4 mSv thyroid, 0.26 mSv heart, and 0.25mSv lungs.Item Open Access AN ASSESSMENT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF LOCALLY MADE BUILDING BLOCKS (BRICKS) AS RADIATION SHIELDING MATERIAL(DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI NIGERIA, 2018-07-12) Ojonimi, John BenardThe provision of adequate shielding barrier is one method of controlling scattered radiation in X-ray facilities, to ensure that adequate protection is afforded for both the workers and the members of public and adequate shielding barrier is very essential to attenuate the intensity of X-rays to acceptable limits. Many diagnostic centers use lead or heavy concrete as a shielding material which is very expensive and hard to construct. Many investors who intend to establish a radio-diagnostic centers in the rural communities are discourage because of the high cost of building bunkers to house these equipment. Based on this realization this study research was carried out to explore the possibility of low cost shielding material, soil excavated from four area council of Abuja, was molded into block (brick) of the same size (10cm x 10cm) but different thickness (1cm….4cm) and fortified with barium sulfate paint, the samples was exposed to an X-ray at 100kVp (Penetration test) and it seen that some of the samples provide a good attenuation coefficient but the sample from AMAC area council coated with BaSO4 is found to have the least HVL (6.22mm) and the highest liner attenuation coefficient (1.114cm-1). These samples from AMAC provides better attenuation coefficient and it can be used to provide low weight shielding material and less expensive that could serves as alternative radiation shielding material.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF THE SYNERGISTIC EFFECT OR PLASMA ACTIVATED WATER AND SOME SELECTED ANTIBIOTICS ON BACTERIA(FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, 2019-12-03) Agana, Daniel TimothyItem Open Access ASSESSMENT OF TROPOSPHERIC SCINTILLATIONONKa-BAND SATELLITE COMMUNICATION SIGNALS IN SOME SELECTED CITIES IN NIGERIA(2017-06-29) Olushola, Oluyide Omololu.Tropospheric scintillation is a natural occurrence arises as a result of agitation caused by variation in metrological factors such as temperature and relative humidity. The understanding of tropospheric scintillation is very necessary in order to have clear technical understanding of satellite communication system also aid in the location of a satellite base station for the purpose of establishing satellite and space research centre. The meteorological data, temperature and relative humidity needed were obtained from Nigeria Metrological Agency (NIMET) head office Abuja.Using ITU-R model and coupled with communication satellite parameters such as frequency, elevation angle and antenna diameter, tropospheric scintillation is simulated using MATLAB 7.9 version. The selected cities are Yola, Sokoto, Lafia, Awka, Calabar and Lagos.Due to stochastic nature of meteorological data collected and simulated SFD, statistical segmentation method was used toanalyzed these data.It was observed that in all considered parameters, at both optimal (El= 300, Freg. = 5.5GHz and Ant. diameter = 9.0m), and worst case (El = 50, Freg. = 30.5GHz and Ant. diameter = 3.8m)scenarios, Sokoto has lowest scintillation fade depth of at elevation angle of , at frequency of and at antenna diameter of . At elevation angle of Sokoto has the fade depth of , at frequency of and at antenna diameter of .In the course of the analysis, it was discovered that the scintillation fade depth decreases with increasing elevation angle and antenna diameter but increases with increasingfrequency.Scintillation intensity was also discovered to increase with increase temperature and relative humidity.In the course of the analysis it was observed that highest scintillation in Lagosmayalso be due to presence of other atmospheric factors such as smoke and other air pollutants therefore a further work may be requiredItem Open Access COLE- COLE RELAXATION MODEL OF THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF SOME IONIC LIQUIDS USED IN PLASMA GENERATION(DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI NIGERIA, 2017-11-11) Lubis, SatzenThere are different methods of generation of plasma, but what has not been clear in the literature is that, at what frequency level is the dielectric constant suitable for the generation of plasma. This study aim at studying the dielectric properties of ionic liquids used in the generation of plasma using the Cole-Cole method.The values for the dielectric constant and loss factor were determined. An algorithm was written using maple-13 and the dielectric constant and loss factor of the 3 ionic liquids used in the generation of plasma was generated using Cole-Cole equation. The computation was done within the frequency of 0.1GHz to 10GHz and temperature between 5℃ to 65℃. The result obtained shows that the dielectric constant and loss factor of ionic liquid were higher at low frequency (i.e. F = 0.1GHz) and decreases as the frequency increases. The dielectric constant also increases with increase in the temperature except at 0.1GHz. The increase in the dielectric constant of the ionic liquids may be due to all the phase change of the ionic liquid. The loss factor was small for all frequencies and temperatures. This may be due to the fact that the ionic liquids consumed less energy when subjected to an applied field, which shows that ionic liquid can be used in generating plasma at higher frequencyItem Open Access CONSTRUCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A CHARGE CONTROLLER CIRCUIT WITH MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRA+CKER (MPPT) FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM(DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, 2018-11-12) Egwa, Omaku SamuelThe limited availability of resources to meet day-to-day increase in power demand due to the limitations of conventional energy resources have become the concern of every nation. worst is the case of Nigeria was where the power supply depends solidly on hydro, leading to inefficient power generation and distribution In this research , a charge controller with Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) for photovoltaic system was implemented using a micro controller PIC 16F8768 and a prototype was constructed with an out of 24 volts for optimum energy transfer throughout a clear day .Proteus 8.0 software as in appendix A and was constructed with output of 24V and implemented for optimal energy transfer throughout a clear day. The average of each term (voltage, current and power) outputs we are taking and there efficiencies for both dry season and rain season. The MPPT is responsible for extracting the maximum possible output from the photovoltaic and feed into the load via the boost converter which step up the voltage to the required. The performance characteristics of the charge controller with MPPT and without MPPT of the different output voltages were measured. Both output voltage and current with the MPPT and without MPPT were compared in terms of time (dry season and raining season ) and total power were evaluated. By using Proteus 8.0 software, the charge controller with MPPT was also stimulated. Result shows that the efficiency of power without MPPT was 58.7% where as with MPPT was 60.33%. The charge controller with MPPT gives 5.632 W maximum power at 3:05 pm .The charge controller with MPPT has better performance even though this advantages is at the expenses of additional components that makes up the tracking unit of the charge controller system . Therefore it can be recommended were the availability of grid is very low. Another advantage of using charge.Item Open Access CONSTRUCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A GSM BASE HOME AUTOMATION ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CONTROL SYSTEM(Department of Physics, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2016-08-24) AMOS, CLEMENT AWORUWAWith the advancement in technology, the number of electronic devices in our day-to-day lives has increased to make life simpler. The rapidly advancing mobile communication technology and the increase in costs make it possible to incorporate mobile ethnology into home. This Project presents the development of GSM based control home system and the aim is to reduce electricity wastage. GSM (Global System Mobile Communication) module was used to receiving short message service (SMS) from user’s mobile phone that automatically enable the controller to take any further action such as switch ON and OFF the home appliances. The system was integrated with microcontroller and GSM (Global System Mobile Communication) network interface using C Programming Language. The system is activated when user sends the short Message Service (SMS) to controller at home upon receiving the SMS command, the microcontroller units then automatically controls the electrical home appliances by switching ON or OFF the device according to the user order. The system has a delay of 2 minutes after the first call to initiate the next command. This project is made up of four vital units. These units are as follows: Global System Mobile Communication (GSM) Module Unit, Peripheral Interface Control (PIC) Unit Driver, Unit and a Power Monitoring and Control Unit. The GSM unit is a GSM transceiver which gives the system access to the GSM Sever Provider. The Peripheral Interface Control (PIC) is programmed to carry out the OFF/RESET operation according to the Global System Mobile Communication (GSM) commands while the Driver and Control Unit consist of capacitors, resistors, diodes, regulators and electromagnetic relay is to effect power switching. The GSM Home Base Automation System can perform various functions such as to switch ON and OFF the home appliances such as Gate opening with Card, Light, Air Conditioner, Fan and Television and Radio appliances. The major component that performed the Power Control of 220V main supply and the Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) is the automated electromagnetic relay. The project was realized.Item Open Access CONSTRUCTION OF 240V AC POWER OVERLOAD MONITOR WITH FIRE AND SMOKE ALARM SYSTEM(DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, 2019-03-10) Babangida, Babaji AbdullahiAn AC overload monitor is a device connected between an AC power source and an AC load to detect and prevent overloading the output from the power source. An overload or short circuit causes fire in any electrical installation. So, it should be avoided. Addition to a circuit breaker, an overload monitor protects a system’s electrical installation in the event of circuit breaker failure. A current transformer is used as the current sensing unit. An Arduino based AVR microcontroller is used to process the input signal from the current transformer and give digital signal output to activate or deactivate a relay connecting the load to the source through the current transformer. In addition the overload monitor, there is a fire and smoke sensor which senses smoke. When an overload or smoke is detected, the load is automatically disconnected from the source.
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