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Item Open Access Adoption of Cloud Computing in Higher Learning Institutions: A Systematic Review(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2017-09-10) Olanrewaju, Rashidah F.; Islam Khan, Burhan UI; Mueen, M. Islam Mattoo Islam UIObjectives: The goal of this paper is to comprehend the significance of adopting Cloud Computing (CC) in establishments of higher learning. This paper plots a portion of the advantages that can be conveyed to advanced education using cloud computing, analyzes probably the most imperative difficulties that can be faced by the academia due to its adoption, and proposes some early strides towards its adoption while alleviating the risks involved. Methods/Statistical Analysis: This paper recognizes an expansiveness of institutional variables and CC appropriation procedures by including the diverse perspectives of sources from various backgrounds and contexts on a single phenomenon. The different aids and contributions in this paper are based on the consolidation of research works available in various papers. Findings: The discoveries from this analysis demonstrate that the adoption of CC in establishments of higher learning can be comprehended through a few factors that have an essential impact on CC adoption methodologies like administrative bodies and governments, internal stakeholders, cloud suppliers, firm attributes, socio-political changes, IT framework, and so on. Applications/ Improvements: This investigation offers open doors for future research besides giving an understanding into how cloud suppliers, advisors, governments, and scholastics see several market requests, and how they react to these demands while advancing services offered by CC in higher learning institutions. The consequences for practice can help decision makers in adopting services provided by CC legitimately.Item Open Access Analysis of Packet Reordering Delay for Bandwidth Aggregation in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2018-07-06) Anwar, Farhat; Masud, Mosharrof H.; Islam Khan, Burhan UI; Olanrewaju, Rashidah F.; Latif, Suhaimi A.Bandwidth aggregation in heterogeneous wireless networks (HWN) can be one of the effective solutions in providing quality data transmission for real-time applications. However, transmitting the data through multiple networks create packet reordering issues that result in transmission delay and degrades the overall quality of services. This paper addresses packet reordering issues both for single and multiple paths with a reordering delay in the transmission system. An algorithm has proposed to mitigate the associated delay that has been simulated in network simulator 3 (NS3). The simulation results have benchmarked with the well known Earliest Delivery Path First (EDPF) method and shown better performance over the EDPF results. Moreover, the simulation has been done to analyze the packet scheduling including to measuring packet reordering delay, and reordering entropy. CBR and VBR applications have been transmitted for 1800ms from sender to receiver in a heterogeneous wireless environment created in NS3. The results show the proposed method achieved to reduce the reordering delay and reordering entropy both for CBR and VBR applications.Item Open Access Application of Sales Forecasting Model Based on Machine Learning Algorithms(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-10-10) Abdullahi, Maimuna A.; Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze; Abdullahi, M.U.Machine learning has been a subject undergoing intense study across many different industries and fortunately, companies are becoming gradually more aware of the various machine learning approaches to solve their problems. However, to fully harvest the potential of different machine learning models and to achieve efficient results, one needs to have a good understanding of the application of the models and the nature of data. This paper aims to investigate different approaches to obtain good results of the machine learning algorithms applied for a given forecasting task. To this end, the paper critically analyzes and investigate the applicability of machine learning algorithm in sales forecasting under dynamic conditions, develop a forecasting model based on the regression model, and evaluate the performance of four machine learning regression algorithms (Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting, Support Vector Machine for Regression and Ensemble Model) using data set from Nigeria retail shops for sales forecasting based on performance matrices such as R-squared, Root Mean Square Error, Mean Absolute Error and Mean Absolute Percentage Error.Item Open Access Assessment of E-banking Adoption Constructs: The case of the Nigerian Banking Sector(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2017-05-09) Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze; Dzidonu, Clement K.The paper presents a pilot study analysis of preliminary tests to determine the items which measure the e-banking adoption constructs within the conceptual framework.The Conceptual framework was developed based on literature reviews that describe the adoption of Technology (electronic banking) in a culture sensitive environment. Ten main constructs were identified as factors that contribute to the adoption of e-banking in cultural sensitive environment. 7-Likert scale self-administered questions were designed to measure the various constructs that had been identified. The need to prove the items as measurement metrics for each construct is imperative. A survey technique of data gathering was employed and banks’ customers filled the questionnaire using the survey instrument. The customers were able to express their opinions and views concerning their perceptions and decision making toward e-banking adoption. One hundred and twenty (120) respondents from two (2) geographic zones (North Central and South-South zones of Nigeria) participated in this pilot study. The data was analyzed using SPSS 21 – reliability to measure the various items of the conceptual framework. The internal reliability test with Cronbach’s alpha was conducted to identify the items that would or would not contribute to the measurement of each construct. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to ascertain the structure of the proposed conceptual framework.The major findings obtained were the items that measured the constructsItem Open Access Assessment of Security Awareness Level of Mobile Device Users in Tertiary Institutions in Plateau State of Nigeria(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-11-11) Jegede, Abayomi Joshau; Odii, Grace; Magaji, Musa; Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze—Mobile devices are widely used in everyday life, however, the number of cyber-attacks on the security and privacy of mobile device users are increased. Although students at tertiary institutions are savvy Internet users, there appears to be a gap between their behaviors and the security of their mobile devices. The security awareness of mobile device users in tertiary institutions in Nigeria's Plateau State is assessed in this article. The study looks into mobile security vulnerabilities, as well as whether or not users are aware of them and what tactics (if any) they take to deal with them. A questionnaire is used as an instrument to acquire information about consumers' security awareness. The purpose is to see if academic literacy and the ability to utilize mobile devices are related to security awareness and the implementation of relevant security measures. It also tries to figure out whether users who value mobile device security and have legitimate security concerns engage in behaviors that either enhance or compromise security. The findings demonstrate that the majority of students (58.4%) have a strong understanding of their devices (including their functions) and that a substantial percentage of students (85.6%) regard mobile device security to be vital. Furthermore, (63.4 %) of respondents are concerned about the security of their mobile devices. In conclusion, the outcome of this study shows that smartphone users have little knowledge of security and privacy on smartphones but then the level of security awareness using smartphones is increasing as respondents answered the questionnaire.Item Open Access Bandwidth Allocation Policy using the Game Theory Model in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2018-07-06) Anwar, Farhat; Masud, Mosharrof H.; Islam Khan, Burhan UI; Olanrewaju, Rashidah F.; Latif, Suhaimi A.In Heterogeneous Wireless Network (WHN), a Mobile Device (MD) can be connected with multiple access technologies available in a particular geographical area. Selection of appropriate access technology is a challenge for the MD where game theory policy can be applied. Shapley Value is one of the game-theoretic models that can be applied to allocate appropriate bandwidth for i number of users for k number of services from N access technologies. It proposes the fairest allocation of the collectively gained profits among the collaborative players in the game. The primary focus is to find the relative contribution of every player in a cooperative game. This paper has drawn a numerical analysis of Shapley Value for three wireless access technologies, namely WiFi, Cellular and WiMAX. It has been shown how much bandwidth can be allocated from an access technology for a required bandwidth for a specific service. It can be noted from the results that 225Kbps, 141.67Kbps and 233.33Kbps can be allocated from WiFi, Cellular and WiMAX respectively to transmit the 600Kbps data in an HWN network.Item Open Access Barriers to Electronic Banking Adoption in Developing Countries: The Nigerian Situation(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2017-05-05) Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze; Dzidonu, Clement K.The paper proposed to advance the understanding of various barriers to adoption of electronic banking products and services in developing countries and also to explore and describe the barriers to technological innovation adoption. Technological adoption has been on the increase in recent years as various governments have posited numerous approaches toward an environment void of cash. These approaches have yielded some positive results in the developed countries while still at its infancy in the developing countries. Governments in most developing countries are promoting the adoption of e-banking products and services, however, the environment is fraught with infrastructural deficits. What are these factors that inhibit the adoption of e-banking system? What are the barriers to electronic banking that inhibit customers’ adoption of their products and services? This study seeks to address these barriers. An exploration of documented articles on technology adoption were undertaken in addition to a review of literature on electronic banking, electronic commerce and related articles to extract the identified barriers and inhibiting factors toward adoption of technology. Whilst minor interview of few individuals were conducted to ascertain their fears in the usage of e- banking products, the main data sources are from published articles, conferences and online search with intent to explore and describe findings on factors that inhibit e-banking adoption. The key barrier to the adoption of e- banking products and services stem from the individual e-readiness. Also, the media reports of e-mail scam, identity theft, phishing and pharming have been identified as strong reasons for customers’ reluctance in adopting the various e-banking products. This included the inherent high service charges and costs in Nigeria for instance, which economy is presently transforming especially the banking sector. The inhibiting factors identified in the Nigerian context include security, trust, privacy, socio-cultural issues, inadequate infrastructure, illiteracy and lack of adequate legal frameworkItem Open Access Career Awareness of Students Offering Computer Science in Nasarawa State University, Keffi.(Department of Computer Science,Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2015-03-10) Adegoke, G. K.; Azige, G.D.Most young school leavers enter into some careers by chance but not by choice. This phenomenon is sequel to inadequate career awareness. This, in fact, usually deprives them maximum utilization of their potentialities. This study was therefore carried out on the Computer Science students to evaluate the level of their career awareness and its influence on their eventual choice of Computer Science as a career. The result of the study revealed that the respondents' career awareness level is very low. The study concluded suggestions on how to improve career awareness level among young school leavers such as employing and posting of qualified career counselors to the secondary schools, training adequate career counsellors in the tertiary institutions, redesigning of the syllabi of the teacher education at the tertiary level to include courses on career counseling.Item Open Access CAREER GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING PORTAL FOR SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2022-02-02) Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze; Abdullahi, M.U.; Ibrahim, Abdullahi MainunaThis paper developed a web based Career Guidance and Counselling (CGC) portal to mitigate the problems of traditional counselor-client interaction process, which is a paper-based procedure that has a lot of flaws. These flaws include: poor record management, delay in accessing student’s record and unavailability of central database to manage records electronically. Interviews and observations were used to collect data from both students and the school counselors. The portal enables students to take career guidance independently at their own convenience. It can also enable the students test themselves on some selected questions in the form of a quiz. The system is designed following a sound engineering principle i.e., from requirements gathering, software requirement specification, design and implementation, testing to deployment. Data flow diagrams and use case scenarios are used to demonstrate the functionality of the web portal. Using Hypertext Preprocessor Pages (PHP) programming language, a proof of concept was developed to illustrate the features and functionality of the portal. The outcome is a robust web Portal suitable for Guidance and Counselling that is user friendly.Item Open Access CATANOVA analysis of academic performance of pupils in primary schools and districts - a tool for conflict resolution(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2022-05-09) Omebo, D.M.O.; Emmanuel, Atanyi Yusuf; Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan OsazeThis paper is an extract of the research findings that was carried out in Ofu local government area of Kogi state in 2021 which was used to resolve the conflict that broke out as a result of the establishment of Government Special Science College by the Kogi state Government. The bone of contention then was which of the three districts of the local government should have the new special science college. This necessitated the research to find out if performance depends on the district or not. An analysis of variance for categorical data (CATANOVA) was used in carrying out the test. It was discovered that performance depends on the district, and that pupils from Igalaogba district performed better than the other two districts. Hence the new Government Special Science College, should be sited in this particular district. All the findings were based on the performance of pupils in primary six using common entrance examination results for 2019 since there was no common entrance examination for 2020 due to covid-19 pandemicItem Open Access Certificate Generation and Verification System Using Blockchain Technology and Quick Response Code(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2022-02-03) Abdullahi, M.U.; Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze; Adamu, Aminu MuhammadThe number of certificate counterfeits in our society has become challenging and prevalent. Today, forging certificates has become a business tumbling from the need/want of the people for employment. Graduates with legitimate certificates/degrees are denied job opportunities by the holders of these forged credentials. To address this problem, many researchers have proposed a certificate verification system. Although the existing systems can solve some of the major problems such as accessing student’s records with the provision of a central database to manage these records electronically. However, the system can easily be hacked and manipulated since it is mostly available on centralized servers. This dissertation developed a certificate generation and verification system using blockchain technology and Quick Response (QR) code. Iterative and incremental models were used for the system modelling. Also, Data flow diagrams and use case scenarios are used to demonstrate the functionality of the web application. Consequently, suitable programming languages were chosen to implement the proposed algorithm of the system. Hypertext Preprocessor Pages (PHP) and Spring boot (Java framework) were used for the implementation of frontend and backend respectively. The system was evaluated and show that not only is secure but also protects the student’s identity by providing an anonymous verification setting.Item Open Access Computer Modelling and Simulation for Inventory Control(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2012-01-06) Adegoke, G.K.; Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze; Jegede, Abayomi JoshauThis stud) concerns the role of computer simulation as a de\ ice lor conducting scientific experiments on inventor) control. The stores function utilizes a bulk of physical assets and engages a bulk of financial resources in a manufacturing outfit therefore there is a need for an efficient inventory control. The reason being that inventory control reduces cost of production and thereby facilitates the effective and efficient accomplishment of production objectives of an organization. Some mathematical and statistical models were used to compute the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). Test data were gotten from a manufacturing company and same were simulated. The results generated were used to predict a real life situation and have been presented and discussed. The language of implementation for the three models is Turbo Pascal due to its capability, generality and flexibility as a scientific programming language.Item Open Access COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION: A REVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO TEACHING AND LEARNING(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 4-12-12) Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze; Adegoke, G.K.; Jegede, Abayomi JoshauTeaching and learning is a continuous process in life by which positive or negative experiences are gained. Many methods of learning and teaching have been propounded and developed. Some of these include the traditional classroom system, the Montessori system. However, very few have been put into practice for fear of change. A number of these methods are used in schools to teach and learn with feedbacks while some remains as mere academic papers. The use of Information and Communication Technology (1CT) as a pathway to effective learning and teaching within a time band has been considered. The Kiosk revolutionary approach has also been proposed. The method when in use shall not only make students to acquire knowledge but also to have a good understanding of the subject.Item Open Access Conceptual Framework for the Assessment of the Degree of Dependency of Critical National Infrastructure on ICT in Nigeria(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2019-03-06) Mbanaso, Uche M.; Kulugh, Victor; Musa, Habiba; Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan OsazeCritical National Infrastructure (CNI) are assets that provide core functions to modern society, which failure or incapacitation can adversely affect national security, economic prosperity and wellbeing of citizens. In an evolving digital society, CNI rely heavily on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure to improve productivity, and effectively deliver critical services in timely and cost-effective fashion. However, the underlying ICT infrastructure that drives CNI amplify cyber risks, threats and vulnerabilities exponentially. Consequently, a failure in ICT infrastructure has the potential to affect CNI in an unexpected manner. The risks associated with the use of ICT are dynamic, raising the need for continuous assessment of degree of ICT dependency. Presently however, there is rarely a framework nor a publicly available tool in Nigeria that can quantitatively gauge the degree of CNI dependency on ICT. The study addresses this gap by the development of a conceptual framework that can facilitate the assessment of the degree of CNI dependency on ICT. In this study, existing relevant documents on critical infrastructure, ICT frameworks and standards and critical process engineering principles were scanned, analysed and synthesised to conceptualise the framework, and the construction of the building blocks, metrics and indicators. The framework was tested using a hypothetical discrete dataset. The outcome further facilitated the framing of ICT Dependency Index (IDI), a predefined quadrant, of which the computation of Dependency must fall within one of the quadrants.Item Open Access A critical insight into the effectiveness of research methods evolved to secure IoT ecosystem(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2020-03-03) Islam Khan, Burhan UI; Olanrewaju, Rashidah F.; Anwar, Farhat; Roohie, Naaz Mir; Najeeb, Rahman AthaurIncreasing proliferation of IoT has led to an evolution of various devices for realising the smart features of ubiquitous applications. However, the inclusion of such a massive pool of devices with different computational capabilities, network protocols, hardware configurations, etc. also causes a higher number of security threats. Security professionals, organisations, and researchers are consistently investigating the security problems associated with IoT ecosystem and are coming up with different forms of solution sets. This paper presents a snapshot of the existing research work being carried out towards the security of IoT and assesses their strengths and weaknesses. The paper also explores the current research trend and presents the latest security methods being implemented and outlines the open research issues associated with it. The paper contributes to offering an accurate picture of the effectiveness of the existing security system in IoT.Item Open Access Culture, Adoption, Technology, Personality, AttitudeA ROADMAP FOR SECURING AN INFORMATION SYSTEM ENTERPRISE(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2007-01-03) Jegede, Abayomi Joshau; Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan OsazeElectronic information and the means for transmitting and processing it are now indispensable to many areas of operations in organizations. The use of computers and computer-based systems has become increasingly popular in business, the military and even at home. Large amounts of vital and sensitive data are increasingly becoming entrusted to and stored in computers. The power and convenience of information technology is, however, counterbalanced by the wide range of threats to the security of electronic information. The goal of this paper is to explore the need for information security as well as to outline some of the basic strategies necessary for protecting an information system enterprise.Item Open Access Data in Transit Validation for Cloud Computing Using Cloud- Based Algorithm Detection of Injected Objects(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2018-05-15) Olanrewaju, Rashidah F.; Islam, Thouhedul; Khalifa, Othman O.; Fajingbesi, Fawwaz EniolaThe recent paradigm shift in the IT sector leading to cloud computing however innovative had brought along numerous data security concerns. One major such security laps is that referred to as the Man in the Middle (MITM) attack where external data are injected to either hijack a data in transit or to manipulate the files and object by posing as a floating cloud base. Fresh algorithms’ for cloud data protection do exist however, they are still prone to attack especially in real-time data transmissions due to employed mechanism. Hence, a validation protocol algorithm based on hash function labelling provides a one-time security header for transferable files that protects data in transit against any unauthorized injection. The labelling header technique allows for a two-way data binding; DOM based communication between local and cloud computing that triggers automated acknowledgment immediately after file modification. A two layer encryption functions in PHP was designed for detecting injected object; bcrypt methods in Laravel and MD5 that generate 32 random keys. A sum total of 1600 different file types were used during training then evaluation of the proposed algorithm, where 87% of the injected objects were correctly detectedItem Open Access Design and Fabrication of an Intelligent Walking Staff for Visually Impaired Subjects(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2018-03-24) Olanrewaju, Rashidah F.; Muhammad, Luqman Azzaki Mohd Radzi; Rehab, Mariam; Fawwaz, Eniola Fajingbesihe joy we derive from our ability to commute and interact freely with the world as a result of our possession of sight with the naked eyes are enormous however the Visually impaired people find great difficulty in moving around freely without a human guide, especially in a new terrain. This research reports the design and fabrication process of an intelligent walking staff (iWalk) specially designed for the visually disabled individuals to argument their loss of sight, improve and ease their navigation. iWalk was designed around water and ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and water ahead. iWalk also has a wireless RF remote control buzzer for localization and detection in case it gets misplaced. The proposed system operability and efficiency was adequately tested using physical dataset composed of randomized locations with random obstacles and water. The proposed algorithm achieves an overall efficiency of 90% detection rate for water and ultrasonic sensor and 85.75% for the RF wireless remote control.Item Open Access Development of a Cloud-Based Meteorological Historical Data System(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2022-12-15) Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze; Gummi, Sulaiman Ammar; Abdullahi, M.U.Meteorological data has played a significant role in most developed and developing nations. However, in Nigeria, the storage of meteorological data has been so limited, scattered and without defined structure. The purpose of this paper is to develop a cloud-based meteorological data management system as well as a sales portal to improve the management of meteorological data and associated climate services at the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet). This agency has indisputable importance in the nation’s economy, but poor management leads to either loss or damage of the data. Additionally, the process of accessing NiMet data and products for research is often long and stressful. To address these problems, this paper adopts the waterfall and descriptive models to develop a new system. This approach divides the project activities into sequential phases, where each phase depends on the deliverables of the previous one and corresponds to a specialization of tasks. The developed system will be the central hub for numerous meteorological services, including statistical reports, graphical analyses, data extractions, climate summaries, and health sectors, which will dramatically improve work flow, data consistency, and integrity beyond previous practices in Nigeria.Item Open Access Development of Anti-Polypharmacy Management System(Department of Computer Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-03-06) Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze; Onyechi, Nkiruka P.; Abdullahi, M.U.The prevalence of adverse drug reactions, adverse drug effects, avoidable deaths, and other drug-related problems arising from multiple drug administration is a wake-up call to our medical practitioners and the world at large, hence prompt action is required to this effect. In this paper, a computerized web-based system called “Anti-Polypharmacy Module” (APM) is being proposed which is geared towards checking the menace of polypharmacy by highlighting its adverse effect and drug-drug interactions. The drug library which contains most of the required information will be used to accomplish this task. The application is designed to be a user-friendly one. The system methodology for this work is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This system is implemented using Java-servlet (JSP), JQuery, and SQL as a collection of software development tools. It is also a web-based application hence HTML5 and CSS3 are carefully crafted together for maximum user-friendliness. Apache Maven and Tomcat 7 are deployed for the back-end server technology. For database query optimization, the basic rules are strictly followed as discussed in the methodology.
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