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Item Open Access A SOCIOLINGUISTIC IMPLICATION OF THE USE OF NIGERIAN PIDGIN AMONG HND II STUDENTS OF THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, NASARAWA(Department of English Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2010-12-01) Ojoo, Yahaya Saidu.Sociolinguistics being the study of the relationship between language and social structure discusses Pidgin English as one of the varieties of language which is mostly used for an informal communication . Pidgin emerges when people from different language backgrounds need a means of verbal communication. No doubt, the use of Nigerian Pidgin English cuts across regions, ethnic groups, educational levels, professionals and ages. Pidgin has also assumed regional status : the Niger Delta Pidgin, the eastern Nigerian Pidgin, the western Nigerian pidgin, and the northern Nigerian Pidgin, background that this work examines the sociolinguistic analysis of Pidgin English as a means of an informal communication among HNDII students of the Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa. This by extension describes the varieties of the Nigerian Pidgin English in campuses. The work also discusses the etymology and various definitions of pidgin. The linguistic structure of pidgin is also explored with the notion that all languages involved contribute to the sounds, vocabulary . and the grammatical features of Pidgin. Thus, given the multiple varieties of languages available within the communicative repertoire of community like the Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa and the subset of varieties available to its subgroups, an individual speakers must select the code and interaction strategy to be used in any specific context. We used the interviews as well as direct participatory observation methods to collect our data. Fishman's theory of domain analysis is adopted as the theoretical framework for this work. It accounts for description and explanation of the distribution of the means of communication. This work also provides answers to such questions as who speaks Nigerian Pidgin , to whom , where, and for what purpose? Various factors affecting the speaking of Nigerian Pidgin English as well as social functions of the Nigerian Pidgin English are also discussed. Suggestions and recommendations were also proffer towards the use of Pidgin English in Nigerian campuses. On the whole, this research concludes with the notion that the Nigerian Pidgin English is used as a means of an informal communication among students in Nigerian campuses, it equally has negative implications on the teaching and learning of standard English in our educational processes.Item Open Access ASPECTS OF PHONOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN IGALA(department of English, Nasarawa State University, Keffi,Nasarawa State., 2014-01-11) Atadoga, Francis Tijani.This research is an examination of aspects of the phonological processes, syllable structure, and tone in the central dialect of Igala. The methods for data collection were through oral interviews, participant observation method by the researcher; and the use of "Ibadan Word list of 400 basic Items". Via oral interview the following are observed: phonological processes such as assimilation and delision occur mostly in fast speech in the language. Besides, consonant cluster is not attested in the central dialect of Igala, consequently, vowel insertion is used to break the prohibited sequences in words loaned from other languages; this is done to make them conform to the phonological rules of Igala. Furthermore, an open syllable structure system appears to operate in the language and so, consonants are barred from occurring at the word final position, except the syllabic nasal /rj/ that can appear at the word final positions of words such as eun [suij] 'thing', ujeun [uc^suij] 'meal', un [uq] ‘him/ ‘her’, etc. Nouns are predominantly vowel initial end final, while verbs are mainly consonant initial and vowel final. Finally, suprasegmentcl features such as tone plays a significant role in meaning variations, both at word and sentence levels. They are equally used to change one lexical item from one grammatical class to the other and from one tense to the other in the language. viiiItem Open Access FUNCTIONS AND RELEVANCE OF DISCOURSE MARKERS IN ENGLISH FOOTBALL COMMENTARIES(English Language Department, Nasarawa State Universty, Keffi., 2014-09-05) Aworo Okoroh, Joy.The importance of discourse markers lies in the theoretical questions they raise about the nature of discourse and the relationship between linguistic meaning and context. Schiffrin (1987) described discourse markers as “sequentially dependent elements which bracket units of talk and Blakemore (1988) as signals of procedural meaning. This research, therefore, examined these positions as regards the use of discourse markers in football commentaries. Drawing from a corpus data of televised football commentaries, it was discovered that the discourse markers go beyond the provision of cohesive relations and posses a core meaning which aids in utterance interpretation. This thesis ultimately emphasizes the necessity of inference in understanding any discourse and concludes that pragmatic inferred meaning is essential for communication.Item Open Access An assessment of the ethnolinguistic vitality of TIV(department of English, Nasarawa State University, Keffi,Nasarawa State., 2015-01-05) Iorfa Adizape, caesar.; Antor, Joy.The focus of this research is the ethno linguistic vitality of Tiv language and culture in their relations with the neighbouring ethnic groups, and also their interaction with English language. Areas investigated are Ukum, Katsina-Ala, Gum a., Gw er-west Local government areas respectively. The researchers shall use primary and secondary sources to collect data. The primary sources shall involve oral interviews and the use of language helpers while the secondary sources include publication works on the cultures and languages of tribes and other linguistic text. People who do not know much of Tiv Language are likely to have no respect for Tiv culture and the erosion of the Tiv nation’s brotherly ways of doing things. In language, it is our conceptualizations that are labeled with words. These works shall benefit upcoming youth of the Tiv nation and the entire Tiv nation so as to protect, preserve and be proud of their language and culture. It shall also benefit other small communities in the domain.Item Open Access A SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF CONDOLENCE MESSAGES UN EGGON LANGUAGE(Department of English Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2015-02-01) Danlami, Godwin LukaThis research study is about Sociolinguistic Analysis of condolence messages in Eggon Language. The study determines how the use of language in social context is dependent on certain sociolinguistic variables. The tool used for the study was based on Hymes’ Ethnography theory of communication. The theory describes how language is used for social purposes within the broad socio-cultural environment at a particular time, bearing in mind the setting, participants, age, religion, ends, act sequence, instrumentalists as well as the norms and genres. The method adopted was through participation. The researcher went to the field to observe how condolences were expressed and the analysis was based on information gathered and performances. At the end, the researcher found out ten basic features of condolence messages which constitute part of greetings that help to perform certain social roles among the Eggon people and expressing them is a type of socialisation that encourages, strengthens and brings more unity among the people. These feature are: eku andakbo, zhega eku, dzu tsalcpa eku, algo eku, zhe eku, eshko eku, ceremonies and celebrations during condolences, -prayers and worship, the use of interjection and silence in condolences.Item Open Access AN ANALYSIS OF MISPRONOUNCED ENGLISH MINIMAL PAIRS BY THE GWANDARA SPEAKERS OF ENGLISH IN SHABU, LAFIA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF NASARAWA STATE(Department of English, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2015-02-25) Mustapha, Muhammad.This research work explored the features of Gwandara pronunciation of the English minimal pairs, thereby analysing the influence that a first language may have on the learning or use of a second language at the phonological level, particularly in the area of minimal pair. The work, having compared the minimal pairs in English and in Gwandara in order to identify areas of similarity and dissimilarity, displayed the mispronounced English minimal pairs by the Gwandara speakers of English as a second language. Using the recorded field data (as transcribed), the study followed a theoretical model of the weak version of contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH) to present, analyse the sourced data and explain in the research findings as to why the following and many more of the English minimal pairs receive similar pronunciations by the Gwandara speakers of English, which is obviously not appropriate with the original or native pronunciations of the pairs: get and gate; met and mate\ sell and sale; let and late; cope, cop and cup, fame and firm; pen and pain; boat, bought and but; advice and advise; fell and fail; heard and had; pot and port; mother and murder; fun and phone; hell and hail; foam and form etc. The major part of the research findings revealed that apart from the consonants /si and /zl; /d/ and /&/ (often misused for one another), most, if not all the problems the Gwandara speakers of English seem to have with English minimal pairs pronunciation are vowel related, and that too is as a result of differences in the two phonemic systems. It is therefore recommended that the Gwandara natives should endeavour to be aware of their English minimal pair problems as explored here, so as to improve on them.Item Open Access THE REALIST TRADITION IN NIGERIAN LITERATURE: AN ANALYSIS OF MICHAEL PEEL’S A SWAMP FULL OF DOLLARS AND TANURE OJAIDE’S THE ACTIVIST(department of English, faculty of arts nasarawa state university keffi, 2015-10-13) Ojone, Agibogwu, RosemaryIn the light of recent global concerns over climate change, global warming, natural and manmade disasters etc, it has become necessary to establish the root causes of these problems. This research work pins the problem on environmental degradation. By adopting a maximalist approach to environmental issues as opposed to the minimalist, this research work has treated all issues as emanating from the degradation of the total environment. Isolating the Niger Delta experience, the recurring problems of corruption, insurgency and ethnic clashes in Nigeria have been identified and traced to the incursion of oil exploration and exportation following the discovery of oil in commercial quantity in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Using the ecocritical approach to literary studies, the research investigated the psychology of the victimised in the Niger Delta through the terror unleashed by the victimiser and the psychology of the predator in the attempt to rationalize latter’s actions. The research concluded that the tendency towards violence as a means to resolve crisis has emanated from the desire of man to exert control over natural resources. The examination used two categories that emanate from the socio-political problems in the Niger Delta: the faction of Peel, and the fiction of Ojaide. The essay has stressed the need to employ dialogue in resolving the key issues of resource control and derivation formula to resolve the crisis. In all, the research emphasized the integral place of the quality of life led by a people which can only be guaranteed by the resolution of the issues of corruption, inequality and extreme hierarchies institutionalized in Nigeria which mitigate against development.Item Open Access AN ETHNOLINGUISTIC INVESTIGATION OF IGBO PERSONAL NAMES(department of English, Nasarawa State University, Keffi,Nasarawa State., 2015-12-10) Justina Emerole, OnyemaNaming is very central to Igbo thoughts, culture and belief system. The Igbo believe that names are not just identification tags but something that plays a very significant role in the life of the bearer. This work ‘an ethnolinguistic investigation of Igbo personal names’ provides an interpretative and indepth analysis of Igbo personal names. It brings to light the fact that names of persons in Igbo culture are chosen with utmost care and reflection because of some sociocultural roles they play both in the life of the bearer and in the Igbo society as a whole . The work looked at some of the emerging trends in naming such as name change, name shortening and shift from names with cultural and philosophical colouration which used to be an important component of Igbo personal names. It also attempted a grammatical classification of Igbo personal names. The data for this study were derived from interviews, existing registers and informal interactions with people. The study identified a number of reasons for these emerging trends and also observed that there is indeed a shift in the choice of names in the present generation. It was also observed that every Igbo name belongs to a grammatical class and the shortening of these names not only affected the stories behind the names and their intended meanings but also their grammatical classification. The study observes that these practices affect the language and culture negatively. It is suggested that the current practice of changing Igbo personal names for whatever reasons be discouraged because it has polluted and eroded the naming principles in Igbo and may gradually lead to linguicide. Further research into the generational shift in naming practices is also suggestedItem Open Access A PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF THE PRE-LINGUISTIC JARGONS OF SELECTED NIGERIAN CHILDREN(Department of English Language, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2016-01-11) David, Stephen O.This study titled A Pragmatic Analysis of the Pre-Linguistic Jargons of Selected Nigerian Children attempts to fill the wide gap that exists in the literature on Child Language Acquisition and Development with a view to bringing to limelight what Nigerian children do during their Pre-linguistic stage; a stage in the early part of the child's life before the actual production of words, that is between 0-12 months. The data for the analysis was collected based on two techniques. That is, through a diary and handset (video) recording. These two forms of recordings complement each other such that where one form failed, the other took over. The forms were used for the documentation of whatever feature(s) the researcher analyzed, using thirty minutes to one hour once a week or forth nightly to observe the pragmatic and phonological features of six Nigerian children. The approach, where two theories were proposed and used as the theoretical framework for the analysis of the data was adopted. The two theories are: Halliday's (1975) communicative functions and Crystal's (1975) pre-speech development. After the analysis, findings reveal that'the children use more of Halliday's interactional function than any of the four other functions. Findings further reveal that the children that were studied use more of vowel sounds than any other sound(s) put together. The researcher highlights one of the problems he encountered in studying children who are in their pre linguistic stage and concludes that the challenge is surmountable. The researcher recommends among many others that scholars should study other aspects of language developments, such as: lexical, grammatical, semantic, sociolinguistic developments and other aspects of children developments.Item Open Access A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OE ADVERBIALS IN ENGLISH AND IGBO LANGUAGES(English Language Department, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2016-02-01) Okechukwu, AnagboguAdverbs and adverbials are highly adaptive expressions. They arise in a variety of environments from which they lake on certain characteristic features. This makes them a very flexible means of natural language. The term adverb refers to a specific word class or lexical category and therefore contrasts with other word classes. Adverbial however, refers to a specific function within a sentence and therefore contrast with other syntactic functions such as subject, object, and predicate. Adverbials are traditionally conceived of as being those elements that serve to specify further the circumstances of the verbal or sentential referent. They are restricted to a set of semantically limited usages, prototypically specifying time, place, or manner. The study specifically contrasts adverbials in Igbo and English and highlights the patterns and usage of adverbials in Igbo and English languages. Introspective method, unstructured interview and some personal one on one chat with the native speakers of Igbo are the methods used. The analysis of the data is based on the various levels of adverbials such as; simple, compound, adverbial phrase, clause, forms and type are contrasted in the two languages. Sufficient examples are given on adverbials and contrasted in Igbo and English respectively. Adverbial paradigms in Igbo have shown that there are morphological processes. The main method of forming majority of derivational adverbs is by reduplication and negative marker of which new adverbs are created from adjectives. Forming open class adverbs from adjectives in Igbo is however unstable. It is also noticed in Igbo that some adverbs are formed without the addition of prefix or suffix unlike in English, yet, exhibit the minor and major method of adverbial formation. Suffixation, spittoon as well as embedding are used in Igbo for the formation of compound adverbials. Many simple adverbs in Igbo denote position and direction. Adverbial clauses in Igbo have various means of expressing locative, temporal and indeed all kinds of other circumstantial information. The clause can be regarded as having the function of adjunct in sentence; though in this case it is a matter of embedding one clause in another clause. The study however confirms that adverbs exist in Igbo language as in English but with structural differences. It shows that adverbs are not given adequate attention by Igbo linguists. This gives the impression that Igbo adverbs are not many. The analysis also proved that adverbs have not been adequately discussed because very few words function as adverbs. Other reasons include neglect on the part of Igbo language authors and inability of people to identify adverb. The structural pattern of Igbo adverbs could be ideophonic expression, prepositional phrases. The prepositional phrases and noun phrases are used to supplement the fewness of Igbo adverbs. This research is expected to fill the existing vacuum in the study of Igbo syntax, add to linguistic research findings and, therefore stimulates further research of similar or wider dimensions in related fields in order to facilitate better and more productive language learning.Item Open Access THE REALIST TRADITION IN NIGERIAN LITERATURE: AN ECO CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF MICHAEL PEEL’S A SWAMP FULL OF DOLLARS AND TANURE OJAIDE’S THE ACTIVIST(department of English, faculty of arts nasarawa state university keffi, 2016-03-13) Ojone, Ajibogwu RosemaryIn the light of recent global concerns over climate change, global warming, natural and manmade disasters etc, it has become necessary to establish the root causes of these problems. This research work pins the problem on environmental degradation. By adopting a maximalist approach to environmental issues as opposed to the minimalist, this research work has treated all issues as emanating from the degradation of the total environment. Isolating the Niger Delta experience, the recurring problems of corruption, insurgency and ethnic clashes in Nigeria have been identified and traced to the incursion of oil exploration and exportation following the discovery of oil in commercial quantity in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Using the ecocritical approach to literary studies, the research investigated the psychology of the victimised in the Niger Delta through the terror unleashed by the victimiser and the psychology of the predator in the attempt to rationalize latter’s actions. The research concluded that the tendency towards violence as a means to resolve crisis has emanated from the desire of man to exert control over natural resources. The examination used two categories that emanate from the socio-political problems in the Niger Delta: the faction of Peel, and the fiction of Ojaide. The essay has stressed the need to employ dialogue in resolving the key issues of resource control and derivation formula to resolve the crisis. In all, the research emphasized the integral place of the quality of life led by a people which can only be guaranteed by the resolution of the issues of corruption, inequality and extreme hierarchies institutionalized in Nigeria which mitigate against development.Item Open Access AN ASSESSMENT OF FACTORS AFFECTING LAND DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING DELIVERY IN ABUJA MUNICIPAL AREA COUNCIL, ABUJA, NIGERIA(Environmental Resource Management Department, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2016-10-04) Shawo, Anya IbrahimUrbanization is among the factors that affect land development and housing delivery. The massive influx of people into Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) brings about many problems, among which is housing problems, orchestrated by lack of provision by the government to enable the people expand the city plan. In Abuja and other cities, there are many approaches that are taken to address the problems of land and housing delivery, however, in spite of the application of such approaches to the housing situation in AMAC, housing delivery remains a huge problem, which informs the basis of this work, an assessment of the factors affecting land development and housing delivery in AMAC, Abuja, Nigeria. Views of estate surveyors and valuers, engineers, tenants, landlords, and others such as visitors and people that are found in the study area were sampled with questionnaires and interviews. Personal observation is used in recording vital findings not captured by questionnaire and interview methods. Related data are also generated from textbooks, journals, and internet materials. Using the foregoing, data were collected and analyzed and the outcomes suggest that lack of price control by the government, corruption amongst politicians and to civil servants, inadequate finance, high cost of building materials and inflation are among the factors that affect land development and housing delivery in AMAC. The government policy that Abuja is meant only for the elites leaves the jobless, petit entrepreneurs, carpenters, mechanics, amongst others, to move to slum settlements, where they can afford house rent. In this view, the work contends that lack of proper urban planning in AMAC is responsible for harmful effects of urbanization in the study area. Among other things, the work recommends that AMAC should be re-planned to cater for rapid population growth in the area.Item Open Access A STUDY OF COHESIVE DEVICES FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN ELECTED SPEECHES PRESENTED BY SENATORS IN THE NIGERIAN SENATE(Department of Arts, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2016-10-20) Onoja, Grace Ojonide.The research “A Study of Cohesive Devices as Tools for Effective Communication in Selected Speeches Presented by Senators of the Nigerian Senate” is a discourse analysis of selected proceedings of the Nigerian 7th Senate known as the HANSARD. The research using cohesive theory and relevance theory by Michael Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan and Deidre Wilson and Dan Sperber respectively analysed the proceedings with a view to examining how communicative relevance is achieved. A total of six speeches were purposively selected out of ten proceedings collected from the HANSARD. Data collected were subjected to a text based analysis as guided by the workings of discourse analysis. The researcher picked out cohesive items in all the selected data and thereafter classified them according to the two types of cohesive devices chosen for the study. The analysis revealed that most senators ensured appropriateness of the cohesive devices used in the context thereby enhancing communication. Study also revealed that the use of some cohesive devices by the Nigerian Senators may be seen as wrong usage by the natives of the English Language but are accepted in the Nigerian context as mother tongue influences direct translation from native tongues to English Language. It is thus important that communication does not break down because of gap in between intentions of the speaker/writer and the understanding derived by the hearer/reader from the actual representation.Item Open Access POLITICAL AGITATIONS AND THE ALTER-NATIVE POETIC TRADITION: AN EVALUATION OF SELECTED POEMS OF NIYI OSUNDARE AND TANURE OJAIDE(English Language Department, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2017-03-04) Adegoke, Jude ZealousModern African poetry has been a tool for political agitations. But before the emergence of the Alter-Native poets, the discipline was dominated by the African Euro-modernist writers such as Wole Soyinka, Christopher Okigbo and J.P. Clark, whose poetry was very difficult and perhaps impenetrable to their readers. They captured African political realities with western imagery, metaphors, and symbolism. Hence, their poetic style was completely obscure and esoteric, thereby restricting the reading and understanding of their poetry to a few educated elite. But the Alter- Natives rejected this approach in the presentation of resistance poetry, and as such chose to simplify their diction and style. This study is an exploration of the means by which the poets of the Alter- Native Tradition attempt to achieve an operational synergy between aesthetic redefinition of poetry and the communication of resistance objectives and revolutionary struggles to all politically disadvantaged populations of Africa. The poetry of Tanure Ojaide and Niyi Osundare has been examined here to prove that although poetry could be written in a simple language to engage in political agitations, it might not be by any means propagandist or bereft of sophistication.Item Open Access ABSURDIST IMPULSES INPOST-MODERN BLACK LITERATURE: A STUDY OF WALE OKEDIRAN’S DREAMS DIE AT TWILIGHT AND TONI MORRISON’S THE BLUEST EYE(Department of English Language, Nasarawa State University Keffi., 2017-04-09) Osonaike, Olubusayo SolaFor about 500 years, the Black race spanning from the home continent to the Americas and Caribbean has been grappling with the trauma and complexes arising from the historical events of slavery, colonialism and economic exploitation inflicted by the Europeans. Consequently, the post-colonial literatures of Africa, the Americas and the Caribbeans frequently capture incidences and characters that are absurd, whose evaluation is best realised through Psychoanalysis.This research intends to use Sigmund Freud‘s Psychoanalysis as a lens to interprete, and examine the actions of major characters in Toni Morrison‘s The Bluest Eye and Wale Okediran‘s Dreams Die at Twilight with a view to establishing that suppressed hurts and desires occasionally burst out and make human life absurd thereby exposing it to ridicule and rejection. This will be done through the archetypal depiction of Pecola, a nine year old black American girl in The Bluest Eye whose love and desires for a blue eye makes her to lose her mind. Also, Okediran‘s Dreams Die at Twilight projects that if emotions and desires are left unchecked, unrepressed it could make any human behave in a ridiculous way. Okediran‘s character in the text is depicted as one whose penchant for beautiful girls despite his physical disability and the rejection he faces makes him to lose his mind and starts sleeping with cadavers. The two books provide a critical examination of the concept of beauty and aesthetics among the blacks as well as deconstruct the veil of supremacy imposed on them by the West through years of denigration.Item Open Access A SEMANTIC STUDY OF SETTLEMENT NAMES IN IGBO LANGUAGE(BEING A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY KEFFI IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF MASTER OF ARTS (M.A) DEGREE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE., 2017-07-01) Okorie, Nnenna VictoriaThis research focuses on the semantic study of settlement names in Igbo language. The research basically examines the meaning of various settlement names and how they are derived. The methodology used in the research work involves field work, of which data was collected from the native speakers of Amasiri community in Afikpo North of Ebonyi state. Conceptual theory is adopted for the research. The data were carefully grouped, calssified and analyzed. Through the analysis, our findings show that settlement names have meaning, some have descriptive information identifying the bearers in terms of their deeds, physical strength and to their personalities. More so, people‟s professions, commercial activities and geographical features have immensely influenced the meaning of naming patterns of settlement names in Amasiri. This work recommends for proper documentation of the settlement names in Igbo land thereby preserving an essential cultural heritage for posterity purpose.Item Open Access THE SHIFTING PERSPECTIVES OF PATRIARCHY IN THE STILLBORN AND PERSONAL ANGLEo(English Language Department, Nasarawa State Universty, Keffi., 2017-10-01) Ogbudu, Tony A.This dissertation titled “The Shifting Perspectives of Patriarchy in The Stillborn and Personal Angle” focuses on the study of the Northern Nigerian female writer and her radical transformation over the years. The study is anchored on the writings of two Northern Nigerian female writers (Zaynab Alkali and Fatima Baram Alkali) whose biological relationship as mother and daughter illustrate both a generational shift as well as the aesthetic differences in their fiction. In carrying out this task, the researcher has embarked upon a juxtaposition of feminist agitations in Northern Nigerian prose fiction using Zaynab Alkali‟s The Stillborn and Fatima Baram Alkali‟s Personal Angle as a study. The study identifies whether they has been any radical transformation in the writings of Northern Nigerian female prose fiction over the years. Furthermore, the study focuses on a comparative study of the major literary trends of Northern Nigerian female fiction during the second and fourth literary generations of prose fiction respectively. The study gives a brief overview of the history of Northern Nigeria literature. It is aimed at exploring the extent to which Northern Nigerian female prose fiction writers have gone in changing the perception of Northern Nigerian society towards the issues raised by the female prose fiction writers and how far they have succeeded in this endeavour. It also interrogates whether the issues addressed by the older generation of female prose fiction writers are the same issues been addressed presently by the younger generation. It is also of interest to this researcher how filial relationship influences creative writing. The work is subdivided into five chapters. Chapter one contains the preliminary pages, chapter two is the literature review, chapter three dwells on the analysis of The Stillborn by Zaynab Alkali, chapter four dwells on the analysis if Personal Angle by Fatima Baram Alkali, chapter five contains the summary and conclusion. The scope of this study is limited to Northern Nigerian female prose fiction writers and how their writings have metamorphosed over the years.Item Open Access PIDGIN ENGLISH AND REVOLUTIONARY CONSCIOUSNESS IN NEW NIGERIAN POETRY: A STUDYOF EZENWA-OHAETO‟S I WAN BI PRESIDENT ANDIF TO SAY I BI SOJA(Department of English, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2017-10-11) ANZAKU, JOSEPH YAKUBUThe African poet is constantly in search of a new ways to express African experience as well as to communicate to a wider audience. It is this desire that has provokedthe contemporary African Poets to find in Pidgin English a new medium through which to inform the African masses on the myriad of national issues like social, cultural, economic and political among others. This dissertation: “Pidgin English and Revolutionary Consciousness in New Nigerian Poetry: A Study of Ezenwa-Ohaeto‟s I Wan Bi President and If To Say I Bi Soja, analyses the poetry of Ezenwa-Ohaeto written in Pidgin English. The work discovers that Ezenwa-Ohaeto uses the Nigerian Pidgin English to bridge orality and elicit some positive and revolutionary actions towards a purposes change in the African polity, because an orally informed poetry makes poetry genre popular and appreciated by the masses than conventionally written Western influenced poetry. The study also reveals that the poet is committed to the welfare of the masses hence the need to criticize the African corrupt leadersin a language they speak and understand to engineer collective revolutionary transformation.In achieving this, the study uses postcolonial and Marxist approaches to make case for the downtrodden. It analyses Ohaeto‟s two volumes of poetry to point out populist themes in the poetry as well as demonstrate how Pidgin English is receptive to the masses who are said to be the agents of change. Finally, the study concludes that, Ezenwa-Ohaeto identify his ultimate goal of motivating mass revolts through his rhetoric, accessibly of language and mob appealItem Open Access STUDY OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN IFEOMA CHINWUBA’S MERCHANT OF FLESH AND CHIKA UNIGWE’S ON BLACK SISTERS’ STREET(DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH FACULTY OF ARTS NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, 2018-03-01) Adeleye, Adebimpe LadeHuman trafficking, which can also be referred to as modern-day slavery, has become a menace to the world as several innocent people have become victims of it. Through the analysis of Merchants of Flesh by Ifeoma Chinwuba and Chika Unigwe‟s On Black Sisters’ Street, this dissertation explores the study of human trafficking through the authors‟ reflections on the challenges of human trafficking in Nigeria, and by extension, the world. The research illustrates how Chinwuba and Unigwe use fiction as a means to examine the challenges arising from human trafficking and its effects on the female victims and the Nigerian nation. The fictional works portray different aspects of the challenges of human trafficking and these are highly feminist problems. They portray how women become victims of the social problems plaguing both the victims and their society. The challenges in Nigeria range from political, social, and economic factors which can be considered as the major reasons for human trafficking. The study employed the Feminist theory which advocates for the emancipation of women. The woman though emancipated, yet at risk of human trafficking has informed the novels of Chinwuba and Unigwe. The novels depict how exploitation and violence have been employed as means of oppressing the victims, and also highlighting the challenges of the victims through the characters of Sisi, Faith, Chioma, Efe and Ama. It is against this backdrop that this dissertation delineates the challenges of human trafficking through the characters presented in both novels, and advocates for advocacy, enlightenment, economic inclusiveness, and education as solutions to the evil practice of female trafficking.Item Open Access ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION AND MILITANCY IN THE NIGER DELTA: AN ECOCRITICAL READING OF TANURE OJAIDE’S THE ACTIVIST AND HELON HABILA’S OIL ON WATER(department of English, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2018-03-11) GODSON, ZEPHANIAH JOHNThe Niger-Delta issue has been one of the major concerns of the contemporary Nigerian writers and critics for some times now. In most of their works, both poetry and fiction, they reflect the socio-political realities of present day society. They also depict the plundering of land by the leaders as well as the political and economic marginalization of the downtrodden. It is these realities in the Niger Delta that become the subject of Ojaide and Habila in their literary works. The degradation of the Niger Delta environment through pollution has constituted challenges and concern for the people of the oil rich region. The ecosystem has completely been violated and destroyed. The destruction of the flora and fauna without clean – ups or compensation paid to host communities have resulted in youth restiveness and the up surge of militancy in the region. The violation of the system by the multinationals and the insensitivity of the Federal Government of Nigeria to the plight of the Niger Delta people have also escalated the controversies.This paper therefore seeks to explore the issues of environmental degradation and its attendant consequences like the rise of militancy, Kidnapping, oil bunkering amongst others in the region using Tanure Ojaide‟s The Activst and Helon Habila‟s Oil on Water as the focal texts. The paper also seeks to proffer solutions to this age-long problem in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.