Daniel, Philip Moles2023-12-122023-12-122006-09-09Benneth.T. (1979) New Accents. Formalism and Marxism London:Methuen&Co. Ltd. Eagleton, T. (1976) Marxism and Literary Criticism. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. _____ (1991) Ideology; London: Verso. Miller, L. C200 \) Mastering Practical Criticism. London: Palgrave Publishers. WaThione'oN. f 19821 Devil on the Cross. London: Heinemann Publishers. _____ (19721 Homecoming. London: Heinemann Publishers.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/3223The paper examines Ngugi's Devil on the cross from the marxistPerspective. It looks at the opposing forces conflicting with each other *within the world of the text what Marxist school refers to as "dialectical materialism ". In other words, human history is viewed as a struggle between two forces, ideals or world views, which may be described as 'thesis' and 'anti-thesis' whose resolution brings about a "synthesis". The paper brings out elements of class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. It shows how whereas the class of the haves set up structures (repressive or ideological) to continually subject the have-nots to the base, the latter, is bent on destroying the existing order through revolutionary within the capitalist world of Devil on the cross. This is achieved means though the author's use of parables and symbolism.enA CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF NGUGFS DEVIL ON THE CROSS FROM THE MARXIST PREVIEWArticle