Abdullahi, Adamu SulaimanFadilu, BakareSulaiman, Zainab2023-12-122023-12-122022-03-03REFERENCES Abu Bakr, A. (2003). Minhajul-Muslim. Madinah: Maktabatul-‘Ulum wal-Hikam. Abu Dawud. Sun an Abi Daud. Vol. 2. Beirut-Lebanon: Darul-Kutubil-Tlmiyyah, ND. Adeyemo, O. and Bamidele, I. (2016). “The Menace of Domestic Violence: Improving the Lives of Women in Nigeria”. African Journal of Legal Studies. Vol. 9. Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Center. (2005). Sexuality and Marriage Institution in Nigeria: An Appraisal. Lagos: ARSC. Al-wani, Z. (2021). Domestic Violence: Islamic Perspective, https://www.karamah.org. Accessed on 6th August, 2021. Asere, S. N. M. (2019). “The Position of Islam on Domestic Violence against Women with Particular Reference to Southern Saudi Arabia”. A Thesis Submitted to the University of Birmingham for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. University Birmingham.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/3628Polygyny has been a long existing form of marriage among the nations of the world before it was popularised by Islam. Islam introduced it with limitation in the number of wives. This work aims at explaining Islamic views on polygynous system of marriage and domestic violence. It employs the qualitative research design, depending on secondary sources in gathering data. The study finds that Islamic polygynous system emanated from Allah’s injunction as enshrined in the Qur’an. It puts it that polygynous system in Islam is not resorted to without reasons; some situations necessarily make a man marry more wives. Also revealed in the study are the principles of justice that are expected from the part of husband towards his wives. The study further reveals the act of domestic violence and its forms which include physical, emotional, forced marriage and economic. It provides Islamic solutions to these problems as to ensure a peaceful society. The study recommends that Muslim men should consider polygynous system in Islam as a problem-solving and not as a fashion. It further recommends that every member of the Muslim family including husband and wife should avoid domestic violence through adhering to what Islam dictates. It concludes that polygyny is an acceptable institution in Islam with laid down principles about how husband and wives should treat each other fairly.enPolygyny; Domestic Violence; Islam; Perception.ISLAMIC, POLYGYNY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: A PERSPECTIVEArticle