MUHAMMAD, YUSUF ABUBAKAR2023-12-142023-12-142017-12-23Arulaalan, M., & Nithyanandan, L. (2014). Analysis of microstrip line fed triangular patch antenna for WLAN (2.4GHz). Proceeding of International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network and Computing, 42 (3), 66-69. Avinash, K., Dubeyi, S. S., Sandeep S., & Yadav R. L. (2013). Miniaturization of triangular patch antenna design using gap coupling. A National Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Antennas for Cognition Radios and Wireless Communications, 24 (6), 99-103. Ayoub, A.F. (2003). Analysis of rectangular microstrip antennas with air substrates. Electromagnetic Waves, 17(12), 1755-1766. Balanis, C.A. (1997). Antenna Theory Analysis and Design Handbook. Second Edition, United States of America, John Wiley & Sons inc. New York, 734-750. Balanis, C.A. (2005), Antenna Theory Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition, United States of America, John Wiley & Sons inc. New York, 816. Bisht, S., Saini, S., Prakash, V., & Nautiyal, B. (2014). Study the various feeding techniques of microstrip antenna using design and simulation using CST microwave studio. International Journal of Emergency Technology and Advanced Engineering, 4(9), 2250- 2459. Chang, E., Long, S.A., & Richards, W. F. (1986). An experimental investigation of electrically thick rectangular microstrip antennas. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation, 34(6), 56-60. Chang, K. (2000). RF and Microwave Wireless Systems. John Wiley and sons, inc, 68-70. this research work, a line fed Microstrip Triangular Patch Antenna (MTPA) was designed and implemented using four different substrates with a conducting radiating patch on the substrates and a ground plane on the bottom side of substrates. The calculated dimensions of the proposed antennas were optimized when simulating on CST 2014 software in order to improve the antenna bandwidth, reduce antenna size and maintain the resonant frequency at 2.45GHz. The performance characteristics of the different substrates were compared in terms of return loss, bandwidth, directivity, gain, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), vis-à-vis dimension and size. From comparison of simulated results, it was deduced that Rogers 6010 with a patch length of 35.0 mm showed the smallest effective length compared with other chosen substrates, hence it is the best in terms of size, but has the least directivity of 4.47dBi, gain of 3.52dB with a VSWR of 1.02 and bandwidth of 33MHz. Rogers RT showed the best directivity of 6.29dBi, gain of 5.55dB with a VSWR of 1.08 and bandwidth of 42MHz. However, these advantages are at the expense of enlarged patch length of 55.0 mm. It can therefore be concluded that the proposed line fed MTPA gave better performance with Rogers RT whose permittivity is 2.2. The MTPA resonated at 2.45GHz with small dimensions and sufficient bandwidth as compared to conventional patch antenna. This makes it suitable for use in S band (2400-2485MHz) for Bluetooth application.enDESIGN AND SIMULATION OF A LINE FED MICROSTRIP TRIANGULAR PATCH ANTENNA FOR BLUETOOTH APPLICATION AT 2.45GHzThesis