Nweze, C.C.Solomon, M.Haruna, Sunday Gambo2023-12-142023-12-142018-12-081. Rossi R, Nuzzo A, Origliani G, Modena MG. Metabolic Syndrome Affects Cardiovascular Risk Profile and Response to Treatment in Hypertensive Postmenopausal Women. J. of Hypertension. 2008; 52:865-872. 2. Grundy SM. Metabolic Syndrome: A Multiple Cardiovascular Risk Factor. J of Clin. Endocrin. Meta. 2007; 92:399-404. 3. Nouri MHK, ANA Abad. Comparative Study of Tomato and Tomato Paste Supplementation on the Level of Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins Levels in Rats Fed With High Cholesterol. Iranian Red Cresc. Med. J. 2013; 15(4):287-291. 4. Grundy SM, MA Denke. Dietary influences on serum lipids and lipoproteins. J of Lipid Res. 1990; 31(7):1149-1172. 5. Marhoum TA, Abdrabo AA, Lutfi MF. Effects of age and gender on serum lipid profile in over 55 years-old apparently healthy Sudanese individuals. Asian J of Biomedic and Pharmaceut. Sci. 2013; 3(19):10-14. 6. Dalacorte RR, Reichert CL, Vieira J. Metabolic syndrome and physical activity in southern Brazilian community-dwelling elders: a population-based, crosssectional study. BMC Pub. Health. 2009; 9:25. 7. Sparling PB, Snow TK, Beavers BD. Serum cholesterol levels in college students: Opportunities for education and intervention. J of American Coll. Health Sci. 1999; 48(3):123-127. 8. Coelho VG, Caetano LF, Liberatore JĂșnior Rdel R, Cordeiro JA, Souza DR. Lipid profile and risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in medicine students. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia. 2005; 85(1):57-62. 9. Malloy MJ, Kane JP, Agents used in hyperlipidemia. Katzung BG (ed). Basic and clin. Pharmacy. 2004; 9:561-75.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/5401The bioactive compounds in encapsulated-nutraceuticals have contributed to reducing oxidative stress. The cost of these encapsulated extracts makes them unaffordable to the low income groups in developing countries such as Nigeria. Thus, the search for alternative affordable antioxidant functional foods is best alternative. This study investigated effect of two antioxidants on blood lipids and lipoproteins. The study was undertaken by healthy volunteers of 96 males and 54 females within the ages of 30-74 years old. Volunteers were randomly divided into three groups and blood samples collected at intervals of baseline and six months. Volunteers were randomized to either 1 capsule per day of antioxidant nutraceutical, antioxidant functional foods or placebo. Blood samples were analysed for Cholestrol, Tryglyceride, LDLc, HDLc, and Uric acid at baseline and twelve monrhs. All were significantly reduced (p<0.05), exception of HDLc that significantly increased (p<0.05). The study indicates that functional foods antioxidants improved the serum lipids and lipoproteins indices.enNutraceuticals, functional foods, antioxidants lipoproteins, age, genderSerum lipoproteins response to twelve months changes in antioxidants: Influence of nutraceuticals and functional foods intervention on age and genderArticle