Nasir, Jamila M.Iyadah, John VikoGodwin, Awah G.2023-12-142023-12-142021-01-01Iyadah, J.K. (2021) THE ADEQUACY OF THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF JOINT DEVELOPMENT AND BOUNDARY DELIMITATION BETWEEN OIL PRODUCING COASTAL STATES 1968 and 1992, international courts and tribunals basically took the result-oriented equity approach. In this paper, we outline the principal relevant circumstances for boundary delimitation in a joint development zone of hydrocarbon deposits between coastal states. The relevant circumstances are geographicalfactors, the configuration of coasts, propor-tionality, geological and geomorphological factors, presence of the third state, presence of islands baselines, economic factors, and conduct ofparties. This paper further highlights relevant cir­ cumstances that affect boundary delimitation of joint development of hydrocarbon deposits be­ tween two or more coastal states.enUN Law of the Sea; boundary delimitation; oil producing coastal states; joint devel-opment; maritime zones; economic zonesTHE ADEQUACY OF THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF JOINT DEVELOPMENT AND BOUNDARY DELIMITATION BETWEEN OIL PRODUCING COASTAL STATESArticle