Madaki, Ken Sushe2023-12-142023-12-142021-03-04A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF MASTER IN ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF THE SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES OF NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI has been a major challenge on how to develop soil fertility for Agricultural and to access changes which are practical and useful in agriculture. This study accesses the soil fertility in Kafanchan and environs using quantitative indicators and to compare with the standard. Six locations (farmland) were chosen from the study area these locations are Loc. A(Ungwan Fada), Loc. B (Bara), Loc. C (Kafanchan), Loc. D (Tagwa Afana), Loc. E (Fadan Kagoma), Loc. F (Paki) respectively.. In each of the farmland, samples were collected at 15cm deep using an auger, this is the recommended depth as it is the rooting zone were most crops occur. The quantity collected fi-om each farmland is at lkg so as to have enough samples for laboratory analysis. The sample collected were mixed individually and put into a separate bag and seal for laboratory analysis of measured properties. The value of indicators for each farmland was separately integrated into quantitative index using the soil management assessment framework and comparing the result with the soil quality standard as proposed by Chude VO, 2011 (Soil fertility management in Nigeria).enAN EVALUATION OF SOIL FERTILITY FOR AGRICULTURE IN KAFANCHAN AND ENVIRONS, JAMA’A LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, KADUNA STATEThesis