Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman2023-12-122023-12-122019-03-03Abdullahi bn Fodiyo, Al-Fara’id al-Jalilah, (Ed) Abdul Ali Abdul-Hamid, Beirut: Dar al Fikr, 1981. Abdullahi bn Fodiyo, Lubab al-Mcidhal, (Ed&Trans) Y. Dalhat PhD, Sokoto: Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, 1990. Al-Attas, M.N, “The Concept of Education in Islam”,Keynote Address at the World Conference on Muslim Education” held in Makkatul Mukarramah 1977. “First in March Al-Baihaqi, A, Shu’abul Iman, ed Abdul ‘Aliyi Abdul Hamidu Hamidu, first ed. Riyad: Mciktabutur Rushd, 2003. Al-Suyuti, l Ad Duraru al Muntashiratu Fi al AHadith al Mushtahira, Cairo: NPP, nd. Al-Tirmidhi, M. I. Sunan Tirmidhi, Beirut: Dar Ihya’ at Turath al-Arabi, nd.# Balogun, S.A. History of Islam upto 1800, in O. Ikime, Groundwork of Nigerian History, Ibadan, Nigeria, Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria) Ltd. 1980. Berkey Jonathan, "Education". In Richard C. Martin (ed.). Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. MacMillan Reference USA, 2004.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/3503Two broad types of traditional Islamic schools exist in specifically Nasarawa State. Makarantun alio which refers to schools where the emphasis is teaching the Glorious Qur'an particularly to the young children; and Makarantun Ilimi or Makarantun Zaure which is for older students who have graduated from the Qur’anic schools and who want to further Islamic education. In this stage, they study under one or more Malams depending on their level, type and depth of specialization. The core subjects embedded in the curriculum of Makarantun ‘Ilimi comprise Glorious Qur’an exegesis (tafsir), traditions of Prophet Muhammad (Hadith), principles and rules of Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh and usul al-Fiqh), theology (lIlm al-tawhid), mysticism (tasawwuf), history (sirah), Arabic language and literature (al-luggha and al-adab), mathematics (al-hisab), medicine (tibb), and history (tarikh). This paper assesses the structure and impacts of Makarantun ‘Ilmi in Nasarawa State and examine the ethics of Makarantun ‘Ilmi system of education in Nasarawa State. The paper recommends strategies for improvement.enSTRUCTURE AND IMPACT OF MAKARANTUN ‘ILMI IN NASARAWA STATEArticle