Adegoke., G. K.Aimufua, Gilbert Imuetinyan Osaze2023-12-142023-12-142011-09-26Adams, D. (2005). Applications Essay on the use of AI /-’t .html J.Computer Science and Its Applications 12(l):3-5. Dambro, M. R. (1988). Griffth’s 5 Minute Clinical Consult, William and Wilkins A Waverly Company Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp. 644-645. Malaria Foundation International (2003)., J. Computer Science and Its Applications 12(l):3-5 Owen C. and A. Clausen (2002). The history of Expert Systems Accessed on 26th August, 2012. Welcome, M. O. (2011). The Nigerian health care system: Need for integrating adequate medical intelligence and surveillance systems. J. Pharm Bioall Sci, 3:470-478 study is an attempt to develop a Medical Expert System for Management of Malaria (MESMMAL) which is capable of diagnosing and treating malaria exactly the way a human medical expert would do. It combines the expertise and experience of the human expert with the capabilities of a computer system to diagnose and treat malaria. The purpose of the study is to reduce the problems associated with conventional malaria treatment to the barest minimum. The researchers adopted the Structured System Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) and the Expert System Methodology to develop the system. Classical set model was employed to develop a reasoning mechanism for three clinical features of malaria, namely: symptoms, laboratory tests and medical histories while inference engine was used to derive a reasonable result. The process was implemented with MATLAB 7.6.0 (R2008a). Rudimentary nde-based systems were formulated using clinical features of malaria. Graphical User Interface (GUI) was constructed to present inputs and outputs. Conclusively, the System could be used by epidemiologists to make appropriate prescription for malaria patients and could also be used to reduce the problems associated with conventional malaria treatment to the barest minimum.enMedical Expert System, malaria, diagnoze, MATLAB, epidemiologistsMedical Expert System, malaria, diagnoze, MATLAB, epidemiologists.MEDICAL EXPERT SYSTEM FOR MANAGEMENT OF MALARIAArticle