Allahnana, Kwanza MaikudiAdikwu, James MusaLabaran, Sarki IbrahimVintseh, Iliya Monday Usman2023-12-132023-12-132018-01-09Allahnana, Kwanza Maikudi; Adikwu, James Musa; Labaran Sarki Ibrahim & Vintseh, Iliya Monday Usman Department of Educational Foundations Measurement and Evaluation Unit Faculty of Education Nasarawa State University, Keffi-Nigeria in instrument is a change of device typically used to find out something about a person. Most of the times, when you finish a lesson or lessons in a week, your teacher gives you a test. This test is an instrument given to you by the teacher in order to obtain data on which you are judged. It is an educationally common type of device which an individual completes himself or herself, the intent is to determine changes or gains resulting from such instruments as inventory, questionnaire, opinionative, scale etc. To help distinguish between instrument and instrumentation, consider that the instrument is the device and instrumentation is the process of developing, testing, and using the device. Instruments fall into two broad categories, researchercompleted and subject-completed, distinguished by those instruments that researchers administer versus those that are completed by participants. Researchers chose which type of instrument, or instruments, to use based on the research questions. The study concludes that it is important to note the relevance of rapport in the handling of research instrument for data collection. Rapport is of critical importance especially with the interviewee to ensure the right frame of mind for the interview.enInstrumentation, validity, reliability and education research.INNOVATION IN INSTRUMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCHArticle