Abimiku, JohnAhmed, Hajara HassanBawa, Basil2023-12-112023-12-112021-10-01https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/2331Female play essential and dynamic roles in economic life, they adapt easily to change and are very creative. As agents of development in all societies female play tremendous roles through creativity and innovations both in the formal and informal sector although, highly prevalent in the informal sector. The work adopted a survey method in assessing the Effect of the Role of Female entrepreneurship on Economic Development in Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa State. As the instrument of data collection, oral interview and research questionnaire were used. The analysis of the questionnaire was done based on percentages, allowing the greater or less than factor to influence the judgment gotten from the responses. After which it was discovered that female entrepreneur has contributes to Gross Domestic Product, has helped in job creation in the Local Government Area and equally alleviate poverty in the community through wealth creation and human capital development. Although, lack of good access to finance is the challenges hindering the role of female entrepreneurship on economy development in Karu LGA. Based on the followings, the study suggests that government should support female entrepreneurship in their business activities since they have the potentials to create employment opportunities, create wealth state and generally row the economy and the government should as a matter of great concern make adequate provision of funds for females who are going into business in order to make them tackled all the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs before taking the decision of going into business.enEntrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Economic, Economic Development, Female.EFFECT OF THE ROLE OF FEMALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN KARU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF NASARAWA STATEArticle