Usoroh, Chinwe Mary.2023-12-142023-12-142017-06-12BEING A PROJECT SUBMITTED TO SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FUFILMENT FOR THE AWARD OF POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MICROBIOLOGY Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) continues to be a major public health issue globally. Study on Incidence of HIV among clients accessing health care in National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) Idu, Abuja was carried out. A total of 402 blood samples were collected and HIV antibody was screened from the samples using standard rapid test kit method. Out of 402 samples collected, the incidence of HIV among the persons was 119 (29.6%). The order of incidence of HIV among persons relation to age were; >60yrs (42.9%), 31-40yrs (39.8%), 41-50yrs (33.9%), 51-60yrs (33.3%), 21-30yrs (24.0%), 11-20yrs (22.6%) and 1-10yrs (12.5%) respectively. The incidence of HIV in relation to gender was high in females (32.5%) than in males (26.9%). In relation to marital status, the incidence of HIV was high in married (34.4%) than the single (25.6%). The order of incidence of HIV among persons assessing healthcare facilities in relation to occupation were; farmers (37.5%), others (34.8%), business (32.8%), students (16.2%) and civil servants (12.5%) respectively. The incidence of HIV in the study group in relation to awareness was high among those without awareness of HIV (34.3%) than those with awareness of HIV (27.0%). The incidence of HIV among persons in the study group were statistically significant (p<0.05) for gender and occupation but statistically insignificant (p>0.05) for age, marital status and awareness respectively. The incidence of HIV was high. Further studies on strain variation of HIV among persons accessing the health care facility in NIPRD, Idu, Abuja and other part of the country should be carried out.enINCIDENCE OF HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENY VIRUS (HIV) IN PERSONS ACCESING HEALTH CARE FACILITY, IN NIPRD, IDU, FEDRAL CAPITAL TERRITORYThesis