Salisu, Muhammad Raj2023-12-122023-12-122008-03-01Homby, D.A. Bilingualism: Psychological, Social and Educational Implication (ed). New York: Academic Press, 1977. Sharp, D. Language in Bilingual Communities, London: Arnold, 1973. Ferguson and others. Language Problems of Developing Nations, New York: Wiley, 1968. is primarily concerned with the experiences of both the monolingual and the bilingual speakers in the phenomenon of code-switching. The incidence of code-switching is therefore examined critically amongst both the monolingual and the bilingual speakers in given contexts with an over view to ascertain their experiences shared or unshared. The paper also tries to establish the synergy between understanding the phenomenon of codes witching in usage and the communicative function of existing language or languages.enICODE- SWITCHING AS A SHARED LINGUISTIC PHENOMENON BETWEEN BILINGUAL AND MONOLINGUAL SPEAKERArticle