Shuaibu, Umar Abdul.2023-12-142023-12-142021-03-06Shuaibu, U.A.( 2011) POVERTY, CONFLICT AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY: AN ANALYSIS OF LINKAGE phenomenon ofpoverty is, no doubt a reigningf orce preĀ occupying developing countries of Asia, Latin America and Africa. It is in view of the above imperatives that this study, through the use of poverty and violence conflict attempts an explanation of poverty, conflict and international security. It further understands that poverty and environmental scarcity as theoretical underpining are integral to the spark of conflict in most developing societies which, in turn, threatened international security. The study also examines the link between poverty, conflict and international security. And it finally, recommends that, since it is obvious that most poor societies are susceptible to the spark of conflict as a function of poverty, hence, international security will continue to be in jeopardy. There is every need to address the scourge of poverty at whatever level, which has the capacity of breeding conflicts and threatening international security. This could be achieved through developing strategies capable of ameliorating or outright alleviation of poverty.enPoverty, Conflict, International Security, Developing Countries, International OrganizationsPOVERTY, CONFLICT AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY: AN ANALYSIS OF LINKAGEArticle