Egwa, Omaku Samuel2023-12-142023-12-142018-11-12A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY KEFFI, IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF MASTER DEGREE IN PHYSICS (ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION) limited availability of resources to meet day-to-day increase in power demand due to the limitations of conventional energy resources have become the concern of every nation. worst is the case of Nigeria was where the power supply depends solidly on hydro, leading to inefficient power generation and distribution In this research , a charge controller with Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) for photovoltaic system was implemented using a micro controller PIC 16F8768 and a prototype was constructed with an out of 24 volts for optimum energy transfer throughout a clear day .Proteus 8.0 software as in appendix A and was constructed with output of 24V and implemented for optimal energy transfer throughout a clear day. The average of each term (voltage, current and power) outputs we are taking and there efficiencies for both dry season and rain season. The MPPT is responsible for extracting the maximum possible output from the photovoltaic and feed into the load via the boost converter which step up the voltage to the required. The performance characteristics of the charge controller with MPPT and without MPPT of the different output voltages were measured. Both output voltage and current with the MPPT and without MPPT were compared in terms of time (dry season and raining season ) and total power were evaluated. By using Proteus 8.0 software, the charge controller with MPPT was also stimulated. Result shows that the efficiency of power without MPPT was 58.7% where as with MPPT was 60.33%. The charge controller with MPPT gives 5.632 W maximum power at 3:05 pm .The charge controller with MPPT has better performance even though this advantages is at the expenses of additional components that makes up the tracking unit of the charge controller system . Therefore it can be recommended were the availability of grid is very low. Another advantage of using charge.enCONSTRUCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A CHARGE CONTROLLER CIRCUIT WITH MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRA+CKER (MPPT) FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMThesis