Ahmed, Abdullahi IbrahimMohammed, Mahmuda2023-12-102023-12-102018-06-12Abdulsalam, L. (2006). Determination of students' academic performance using canonical correlation and factor analyses. A thesis submitted to the Postgraduate school, Ahmadu Ahmed, E. & Hamdan, A. (2015) The impact of corporate governance on firm performance: Evidence from Bahrain stock exchange. European Journal of Business and Innovation Research, 3(5), 25-48. Akpan, E. S & Riman, H. B (2012) Does corporate governance affect bank profitability? Evidence from Nigeria, American journal of contemporary research, vol 2: 17. A1 Matameh, F.G. (2009) Financial list analysis: An applied and theoretical introduction. Dar Duru, A.I., and R. J. Iyengar, (2001), “The Relevance of Firms’ Accounting and Market Performance for CEO Compensation,” Journal of Applied Business Research, 17 (4): 10-118https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/678This research examined the canonical relationship that exist between firm performance dimensions and board characteristics dimensions using Nigeria listed companies. The findings of this study clearly shows that there is no significant association between corporate performance and board characteristics dimensions but that there is the possibility that some bored attributes such as board gender diversity and board independence drives performance rather than performance driving changes in board characteristics in Nigerian listed companies. This study therefore provides empirical research evidence that support an insignificant relationship between firm performance dimensions and board characteristics dimension in Nigeria. This study also expanded empirical research on canonical correlation analysis application in Nigeria because a limited number of studies have been conducted in this area.enCorporate Governance, Return on Asset, Return on Equity, Tobin’s QBOARD CHARACTERISTICS AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: A CANONICAL CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF LISTED COMPANIES IN NIGERIAArticle