S.A.S, AruwaGarba, Salisu BalagoUwaleke, J. Uche2023-12-102023-12-102017-12-12Simpasa, A., Nandwa, B., & Nabassaga, T. (2014). Bank lending channel of monetary policy transmission in Zambia '.Evidence from Bank Level Data, Working Paper Series, African Development Bank, Tunis, Tunisia Stiglitz, S., & Weiss, L. (1981). Analysis of loan and disbursement in the commercial bank. 2nd edn, pp. 44-49, Macgraw Hill Publication limited, Uhomoibhi. Younus, H., & Akhta, P. (2009). Reserve requirement as a monetary policy instrument in Bangladesh. Journal ofBusiness and Technology’, 4(1), 755-768.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/606Monetary policy is one of the many aspects through which economic activities are dealt with. This involves among others the utilization of monetary instruments as cash reserve ratio and CBN Discount rate to regulate the value, supply as well as cost of money in nation's economy. This study examines the effects of monetary policy instruments on the lending behaviour of quoted DMBs in Nigeria. Ex-post facto and causal research designs cue used on data collected from the CBN Bulletin and annual reports of the sampled DMBs for the period spanning through 2007 to 2016. Panel regression model was used on the panel data collected and it was found that Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is negatively related to lending behaviour of banks with statistical significance. However, a significant positive effect of CBN Discount Rate (INTR) on lending behaviour was found. The study concludes that quoted DMBs liquidity position is reduced to be able extend more credits to customers with increase in CRR, but they are eager to lend more when INTR is increased. The study thus recommends that, CBN should reduce CRR, but increase Discount rate to ensure increase in the lending behaviour of quoted DMBs in Nigeria.enMonetary Policy, Cash Reserve Ratio, CBN Discount Rate, Loans and Advances, DMBs, Nigeria.EFFECTS OF MONETARY POLICY INSTRUMENTS ON LENDING BEHAVIOUR OF QUOTED DEPOSIT MONEY BANKS IN NIGERIAArticle