Ayuba, Kwarmba2023-12-142023-12-142017-06-04BEING A PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENTOFMICROBIOLOGY, FACULTY OF NATURAL ANDAPPLIED SCIENCES IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MICROBIOLGY, NASARAWA STATEhttps://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/5971A total of 166 stool samples collected from internally displaced persons (IDPs) in kutara campmasakakaru L.G.A of Nasarawa State and were examined for intestinal parasitic infection, A total of 86(51.8%) were infected with eight different parasites (A lumbricoides, S. mansoni, H. nana,jS. stercoralis, Hookworm, E.vermicularis, E. histolytica, G. lamblia) with E, histolytica(18.7%) recording the highest prevalence. Those of age group 41 and above recorded highest prevalence while the least was recorded among the age group of 31- 40 years. In relation to occupational status, Traders had the highest prevalence (100%) while civil servants accounted for least prevalence (33.3%). Males had higher prevalence ( 54.5%) than females (49.4%). For mixed infections, triple infections (61.5%) occurred most frequently followed by double infections (30.8%). Those who do not wash their hands always after defecation had the highest prevalence of infection with (80%) while the least infection was recorded among those who wash their hands after defecation (38.7%). Chi -square test (p < 0.05) reveals that there is significance difference in relation to occupational status, age group, sex, sources of water, and toilets facilities among the people. Further research on prevalence of intestinal parasites need to be carried in other to eliminate the parasites in the study area.enPREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES AMONG INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS (IDPs) IN KUTARA CAMP, MASAKA KARU LGA, NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIAThesis