Yakubu, Abdulmojeed2023-12-112023-12-112011-07-20Yakubu, A. (2011), PATH ANALYSIS OF CONFORMATION TRAITS AND MILK YIELD OF BUNAJI COWS IN SMALLHOLDER’S HERDS IN NIGERIA.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/2725The aim of the present study was to determine the relationships between milk yield and conformation traits of Bunaji (White Fulani) cows using path analysis. The sampled populations were 267 cows in their 1st-3rd lactation order, extensively managed in northern Nigeria in the early to late dry season period. Milk yield positively and significantly correlated with heart girth (HG), fore right teat length (FRTL), fore left teat length (FLTL), rear right teat length (RRTL), rear left teat length (RLTL) and udder circumference (UC) (r = 0.538-0.766; P < 0.01). However, the phenotypic correlation between milk yield and udder height (UH) was negative (r = -0.420; P < 0.01). This trend was reversed when the direct and indirect effects of these morphological traits on milk yield were considered. The path analysis showed that udder circumference, udder height and heart girth had statistically significant direct effects on milk yield (path coefficients = 0.446 and -0.254; P < 0.01 for UC and UH and 0.100; P < 0.05 for HG, respectively). The effects of the other body parameters on milk yield were indirectly realised via udder circumference as revealed by t-statistic. The optimum linear multiple regression model included udder circumference, udder height and heart girth with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.665 and determination coefficient of error of 0.335. This model could be useful in predicting milk yield of Bunaji cows on-farm and for selection purposes.enmilk yield; biometric traits; white fulani cows; path analysisPATH ANALYSIS OF CONFORMATION TRAITS AND MILK YIELD OF BUNAJI COWS IN SMALLHOLDER’S HERDS IN NIGERIAArticle