Ayuba, H. KAyuba, Iya Haruna2023-12-132023-12-132018-05-06Darwin Don M. Dacles, Dominga C. Valtoribio, Fe Yolanda G. Del Rosario, Claribel A. Matias, and Marlon U. Saludarez, (2016) "Cultivating Research Culture: An Analysis of Contributing Factors, the Institution's Research Initiatives, and Collaboration among the HETs Trifocal Functions." American Journal of Educational Research, vol. 4, no. 6 : 439-449. doi: 10.12691 /education-4-6-2. Hofstede, G. (1997). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the mind. New York: McGraw Hill. Websites consulted:https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/4410Managing higher education in Nigeria is not an easy task. From 1949 when the premier University (University of Ibadan) was established in Nigeria till date (2020), there are a total of 172 Federal, State and Private Universities. Each university has a unique and cherished culture. This culture is bom from the institution's history and is steeped in tradition. ... Over time a university matures, and so does its culture.enTOWARDS CULTIVATING UNIVERSITY CULTURE IN NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIESArticle