Jatau, B.S.Umenweke, M. O.2023-12-142023-12-141998-06-17Freeze, R.A., Cherry, J.A. Ground water. Prentice Hall Inc. Eagle wood Cliffs, New Jersey U.S.A. 12.p. 1979. Umunweke, M.O. Analysis, 'minimization and utilization of urban wastes in South Eastern Nigeria. Global J. Pure and Appl. Sci.30): 99-10S. 199T. Reyment. R.A. .Aspects of the Geology of Nigeria. The stratigraphy of the Cretaceous and cenozic deposits'^ Tbadan. University Press, Ibadan 4 pp.. 1995.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/5691The results of measurements of pH, temperature and major-ion concentration from thirty-four shallow wells in basement complex, Kaduna State, Nigeria < are presented and discussed. The result shows that the basement area of the state has c mean temperature range of 27° C to 30° C, the pH range is 7AS to 7.17 and shows mat the water do vary slightly in temperature and also slightly alkaline. The dominant cation, calcium (Ca2 ) concentration range from 4.8 mg L to 180mg L, the (Fe2) varies from 0.5mg L to 1.25mg L while the bicarbonate concentration range from 24mg L to 102mg L. High nitrate concentration (NO3) from 108mg L to 120mg L is also observed. From the data, water from fifteen shallow wells among the studied area are polluted, while water from twenty-four others are tolerable. The sources of pollutant may be from weathering of rocks, human and animal waste and industrial wastes from superphosphate, textiles and other small scale industries in the area. If. is necessary that water from the twelve shallow wells near the industrial estate is treated before use while the- industries should be made to adopt safe waste disposal methods.enHYDRO GEOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOME SHALLOW WELLS IN KADUNA STATE, NIGERIAArticle