Ishaya, Daniel Leku2023-12-142023-12-142015-11-11The Encarta English Dictionary (2012) Thesaurus Translations, Encyclopedia. United National Development Porgramme (2006) UNDP) Framework and Strategies for Sustainable Development Electronic Vision. Retrieved October 3, 2008 Lttp, www undporg /Feed/ aboutushtm. Wringley, C. (1960): Speculations on the Economic Pre-history of Africa. In Maceewan (ed) Africa from the earliest time to 1800 London paper aim at peace as an instrument for development and national integration in Nasarawa State Peace is the absence of war, and by logical extension, war is the absence of peace. Peace and development are state of tranquility as a freedom from civil disturbance, a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom of people for social development. Social survey research design were used in the study paper as methodology> meanwhile, Conceptual framework of the paper anchored on the inter group relations, ethnic group relation ethnicity, national integration as a fundamental prerequisite for unity, peace and development as a result of cultural unity, religious unity, constitutional continuity, national festivals, national flags, national identify is supreme measure that promote peace and social integration. The paper tends to look at evolution of peace, general over view of inter group relations and integration in Nigeria society. Social order and social cohesion has been the major problems of inter-group and national integration in Nigeria society as a result of conflicts among and between citizens. The concept of development where analysis and discuss with the central focus on people and rapid sustainable rise in the output per head and attendant shift in technical advancement due to peace in the society. Peace and development is a process of movement form mechanical to organic society. Modernization theory were equal discuss. The paper concluded and recommended national and local and to that peace is the ultimate goal to achieve meaningful development. Therefore government should improve and Endeavor to organize submit and preach peace and harmony for national integration.enPeace development, unity, integration and relations.PEACE AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR INTERGROUP RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT FOR NATIONAL INTEGRATIONArticle