Ashigabu, Justina T.Shafa A. YunusAbubakar, Musa Tafida2025-01-222025-01-222019-05-07Abubakar, M.T. Et al. (2019). Attitudes Towards Breastfeeding and Weaning Among Nursing Women study investigated the attitudes of women on feeding and weaning In Primary Health Care Keffi Local Government of Nasarawa State, The purpose is to find out how the women practice breastfeeding and weaning in order to r suggest solutions where they will have problems: The review of literature shows that working class women in other places also of aced problems like women "m Keffi.- A descriptive survey research was used where a questionnaire was structure to collect information in the opinions of 120 women in the three centres under study. Mean statistics was employed to analyse the data. It was discovered that the women are not breastfeeding exclusively for six months and most weaned their babies abruptly before two ears. Some of the problems faced are resentment by employers and colleagues; workload is much, lack of family and societal support to encourage nursing mothers are hindrance to exclusive breastfeeding. Based on the findings, recommendation is made that nursing mothers should be given breaks for two hours logo and breastfeed, maternity leave should be extended from three months to six months in order to allow more time to breastfeed their babies before weaning for the children’s good health.enBreastfeedingworking- . class women und self-eflicacy.ATTITUDES TOWARDS BREASTFEEDING AND WEANING AMONG NURSING WOMENArticle