Odimegwu, Chinwe Lorretha2023-12-142023-12-142017-03-16A DISSERTATION SUBMITED TO THE SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY KEFFI, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCEShttps://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/5738The study area falls within the migmatite gneiss complex of Nigeria, which is characterized by migmatised gneiss, layered gneisses and granodiorites. The marble in the Kwakuti area was mapped. The colour of the marbles mapped range from black, to grey, to white. Petrographic studies was carried out on the three rock types. Geochemical analysis of the major elements was carried out on the samples in order to determine their elemental constituents and ascertain their most suitable industrial application. The marble’s CaO percentage weight of 38.58% shows that it is a calcitic marble. The major oxides composition shows average SiO2 percentage of 10.94%, Al2O3 is 3.69%, Fe2O3 is 0.53%, TiO2 is 0.06%, MnO is 0.061%, MgO is 7.47%, Na2O is 0.13%, and K2O is 37.73%. Trace elements geochemistry was carried through XRF analysis and shows that the marble is enriched in the elements Ba and Sr. Ba is in the range of 52.61-184.74 ppm and Sr is between 13.49-433.04ppm. Ba and Sr values are noted to be high. The enriched Sr also indicates that the marble has not undergone much weathering. The low value of Cr and Ni strongly support a felsic derived source for the marble. Cr is < 49.42 ppm with Ni value less than the level detectable. Based on its CaO value of 38.58%, the marble can be used in the manufacture of fertilizer, poultry feed and pharmaceutical products.enGEOLOGY AND GEOCHEMITRY OF THE KWAKUTI MARBLE DEPOSIT, PART OF SHEET 185, NORTH CENTRAL NIGERIA