Patrick, Nwokocha Okechukwu.2023-12-142023-12-142014-05-15A Thesis Submitted In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Science in Geology and Mining interpretative facies have been recorded in the study area, the Bida Formation which is the oldest stratigraphic unit in the Northern Bida Basin of North Central Nigeria. They are; the alluvial facies, occurring at the northern basal parts of the basin interpreted as debris flow deposits, fluvial facies of channel lag units associated with stream floods and laterally extensive beds capped by sandy, silty and muddy interbeds of flood plain facies organized into fining upwards cycle. Lithologic logging shows that breccias, conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones and mud/claystones are the dominant litho-units. Petrographic study on the Doko Member revealed quartz as the dominant framework grain ranging from 60 to 75.5% quartz, which depicts an arenites to greywacke, moderate to low feldspartic content below 25% depicts arkosic arenites while cement matrix were mainly of heamatitic origin. Results of Sieve analysis;, standard deviation and skewness (which range from 0.65 to 1.69 and- 0.02 to 0.96 with average values of 1.29 and 0.11) respectively suggest that the sandstones are predominantly texturally immature and, thus, imply fluvial origin. Average mean of grain size distribution 0.79 suggest predominance of coarse sands and this suggest that saltation is the most prevalent mode of transportation in the fluvial processes. Sedimentary structures including; massive cross bedding, ripple marks, burrows, grooves and borings reveals both moderately high and low energy regimes. Based on macro field evidence offossil records, reptilian bones like structure were found in some units of the Bida Sandstone. ( could suggests possible marginal marine upsurge to have occurred concurrently (inundation).enFACIES ANALYSIS OF THE DOKO MEMBER OF THE BIDA BASIN FORMATION, BIDA BASIN, NORTH CENTRAL NIGERIAThesis