Joel, NdifeAwogbenja, Makanju DehindeAma, U.I.2023-12-112023-12-112020-08-01References Akinyede, A.I. and Amoo, I.A. (2009). Chemical and functional properties of full fat and defatted Cassia fistula seed flours. Pak. J. Nutr., 8: 765 - 769. Almeida, D., Schneider, A., Yuri, F., Machado, B. and Gewehr, C. (2016). Egg shell treatment methods effect on commercial eggs quality. Ciencia Rural, 46(2): 336-341. AOAC(2006). Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International. 18th ed. Washington DC, USA. Barbosa, N.A. (2004). Effect of time and storage conditions on the internal quality of eggs hens. Brazilian Journal Poultry Science, supl.6:60-65. Dudusola, I.O. (2009). Effects of storage methods and length of storage in some quality parameters of Japanese quail eggs. Tropicultura, 29 (1): 45-48. El-Kholy, M., Hassan, G.M. and Dalia, M.A. (2014). Microbial quality of poultry farm table eggs in Beni- Suef city, Egypt. Assiut Vet. Med. Journal, 60: 42- 146 Fatai, M.I. and Oginni, S.O. (2015). Proximate composition and cholesterol content of egg obtained from various bird species. Journal of Harmonized Research in Medical and Health Science, 2(2): 18- 25. Gordon, M.W. (2002). Vitamin and Mineral in Contemporary Nutrition. 5thed., Mcgram Hill, New York. Pp. 239-281. eggs undergo significant quality deterioration during storage. Inexpensive, yet effective methods for their preservation are needed. The effect of oil pre-treatments on the quality of stored fresh shell-eggs was studied. These involved coating with cold vegetable oil (COTE), antibiotics in oil (AOTE), and hot oil treatment (HOTE), while untreated eggs served as control (UNTE). The stored eggs were analyzed for their physical, nutrient, functional, microbial and sensory properties. The results showed a significant (p< 0.05) reduction of egg weight in UNTE (59.13-50.63g), with increased airspace (1.10-3.80mm) compared to untreated eggs. Among the treated eggs, COTE had the highest reduction in haugh units (85.10-65.28) and UNTE had lowest moisture content (43.25%).The protein content of UNTE (21.43-16.31%), and pretreated eggs (22.04-19.10%) decreased at the end of storage. The decline in foam (101.10-9.33%) and emulsifying (45.00-24.52%) properties were more severe in the control (UNTE). Coliforms were detected in UNTE and COTE (< 101Cfu/ml)) at the end of egg storage. The overall sensory acceptability showed preference for COTE (5.75) and AOTE (5.25) egg samples. Treatment with cold vegetable oil gave the best protective effect in most parameters evaluatedenEgg qualities, emulsifying, haugh, oil, and sensory acceptabilityEFFECT OF OIL PRE-TREATMENTS ON THE STORAGE QUALITY OF CHICKEN FRESH SHELL-EGGSArticle