Salisu, Muhammad Raj2023-12-122023-12-122008-06-01Lehrer A. 1979. Semantic Fields and Lexical Structure. Philip Park Press, Britain, P. 204 Lyons J. 1977. Semantic. Cup, London, Pp. 147 Bach K. 1971. Linguistic Communication and Speech Act. Hatchinto Educational Ltd, New York, P.332 Palmer F.R. 1976, Semantic. Cup, London, Pp. 215 paper discusses the problem of determining the 'sentence-meaning' in semantic discourse using some approaches used for such, by examining their thematic frameworks to arrive at a conclusion. Language is considered as a symbolic value of a linguistic unit used either alone or with other linguistic units, i.e in context. Meaning is also considered as that which an expression conveys. It is within the framework of these definitions that this paper attempts at university the best approach considered adequate in the determination of and analysis of the concept of sentence meaning, various approaches are canvassed and discussed. It is the contention here that, of the various approaches presented and discussed, the "predicate calculus" has proved to be the most viable one in determining and understanding the concept of sentence meaning' in semantic discourse.ensemantic discourse, sentence-meaning, predicate calculus, LanguageAPPROACHES, GOALS AND THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE SENTENCIAL MEANING IN SEMANTIC DISCOURSEArticle