Shuaibu, Umar Abdul.Shuaibu, Ahmed Ibrahim2023-12-142023-12-142019-04-04Shuaibu, U.A. & Shuaibu, A.I. (2019) THE RELEVANCE OF THE NON-ALIGNED MOVEMENT (NAM) IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA: A SYNTHESIS study titled “The Relevance of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in the Post-Cold War Era: A Synthesis ” is said have predicated on the rising question as regards to the relevance of the movement after the demise of the cold war in 1991. The central thrust of the paper impinged on the renewed priorities of the movement immediately when it became glaring that both the Washington and the Moscow were not in adversary with one another. The study used Dependency Theory to explain the problematique associated with penetrating tendency of the North against the South as espoused by the vulnerable status of the south particularly in the world of uni-polarism. Qualitative research method was used and data were collected through secondary sources while content analysis was employed as technique for data analysis. Following the above imperatives, interrogation was made and found out that since the non-aligned countries continue to suffer from the above problems and great power hegemony, the principles of the non-aligned movement still remains relevant. Thus a movement which represents the interest of 90% of humanity and which is the largest grouping after the U.N. cannot be easily wished away. It remains valid as an instrument of economic and social change. In view of the findings and conclusion, the study recommended among others that the movement should continue to explore ways of enhancing its role in a rapidly changing international environment to make it respond effectively and expeditiously to current challenges on the basis ofp ositions agreed by members.enNon-alignment; Non-aligned Movement; Post-Cold War Era; Developing Countries; South-south CooperationTHE RELEVANCE OF THE NON-ALIGNED MOVEMENT (NAM) IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA: A SYNTHESISArticle